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10 years in prison for file-sharers

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Open Rights Group exists to preserve and promote your rights in the digital age. We are funded by over 3,000 people like you.


Written evidence to House of Commons Public Bill Committee on the Digital Economy Bill

Who are we? 1. Open Rights Group (ORG) is the United Kingdom’s only campaigning organisation dedicated…


ORG London: Digital Dystopias: Orwell's 1984 and the Internet Age

Come to the first of our series of talks given by members of the ORG community. We'll be kicking off with a session on surveillance and totalitarianism in literature, and how the nightmarish world of George Orwell's '1984' can still be seen as relevant for the digital age. The talk will be lead by Dr. Simon Willmetts, lecturer in American Studies at the University of Hull. There will time for a Q&A; afterwards before we de-camp to the pub. Please come along and bring any interested friends.


ORG Manchester: Festival of Social Science: digital activism

Join us on Friday 11 November for a great opportunity to discover how new technologies are changing our communities. With talks from local campaign groups, technologists and academics, this event will give you the chance to engage with pertinent issues: How is technology changing the ways we live and work? Which new innovations are soon to transform our communities? In what ways can new technology empower our communities?


ORG Aberdeen: Cryptonoise: learn how you can protect your rights in the digital world

Join us at 57North Hacklab at 6:00pm on Thursday 27 October to bring together like minded people, discuss digital freedoms and explore the use of cryptographic tools. Bring a smartphone or laptop and browse the web anonymously, learn about these technologies and chat about the reasons we need them.
