Tag Archives: Syriza

Greek Govt proposal (9 July GMT) to EC/ECB/IMF compared to pre-election Syriza manifesto

We publish the latest and possibly the final proposal to the EC, ECB and IMF by the Greek Government for debt reduction and compare it with the (pre-election) Debt Negotiation and Social Reconstruction Plan by Syriza. (Here is the proposal … Continue reading

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When Greece forgave Germany’s national debt (despite the atrocities)

  Last century Germany was responsible for two world wars of terror, the extermination of six million Jews, the occupation of much of Europe and the deaths of several millions Russians. Germany also occupied Greece and was responsible for the … Continue reading

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2015: the year when the austerity-shackled dispossessed of Europe rise up

Last Friday several thousand demonstrators stood as one in Syntagma Square, Athens, to tell the eurocrats of Berlin, London and elsewhere that they can get stuffed. Their quiet, dignified protest was reminiscent of the silent marches of the Chiapas-based Zapatistas, … Continue reading

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Greece: banks threaten financial ‘coup’ unless Euro junta demands are met – call their bluff?

In Greece, behind the much-deserved euphoria, a financial meltdown is being threatened unless the new government agrees to terms relating to the payment of the national debt as dictated by the German-led European banking junta. Over the last two days … Continue reading

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Syriza’s debt negotiation and social reconstruction strategy revealed – but will they deliver?

The election of a new government in Greece is seen by the media as signalling a cataclysmic change in the European political order. But the word on the streets from the indignados and the neighbourhood assemblies and the soup kitchens … Continue reading

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