Tag Archives: Spain

Cables via #Wikileaks show how US/Spain conspired to prevent arrest of Bush Administration for war crimes

The US strategy from the beginning of the second Iraq War has been to deflect criticism and prosecution by blaming others. The war began with a lie: that Saddam Hussein had WMD (the true reason for invasion was, of course, … Continue reading

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Bulldoze a people’s assembly centre? Mistake: they didn’t bargain on the resistance

Spanish radicals don’t take kindly to their local assembly centres being attacked by police on the orders of Government. But when the authorities tried to destroy such a centre in Barcelona that had been squatted for 17 years they did … Continue reading

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The peoples assemblies movement: part 1 – Spain

Peoples assemblies have been a dominant feature of anti-capitalism in Spain and Greece (see Part 2, coming soon) for years. In both countries this movement has paved the way for the success of Podemos and Syriza, respectively (though some may … Continue reading

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Russell Brand and social anarchism: “creating our own system”

Despite being seen as a ‘celebrity’ and contrary to the cynical comments of pundits, Russell Brand – recently voted 4th in a survey on the ‘most influential thinkers in the world’ – has proved he is no mere ideologue in … Continue reading

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