Tag Archives: Snoopers Charter

UK tribunal rules hacking is legal (compromising security; enabling fraud)

In a remarkable, though unsurprising ruling the Investigatory Powers Tribunal has stated that it is perfectly legal for Britain’s spy agency, GCHQ, to hack into anyone’s computer and to continue with their practice of bulk surveillance of not just sections … Continue reading

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Corbyn upgraded to ‘national security risk’: first step of ‘A Very British Coup’?

Yesterday Jeremy Corbyn MP, a serial protester and radical campaigner, was elected in a landslide poll as leader of Britain’s Labour Party. On the same day Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, responded by declaring him a national security risk. At first … Continue reading

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Cameron’s “We will fight them on the beaches” moment [Warning: this article does not have a happy ending]

What most stood out in the aftermath of the dreadful terrorist attack that saw up to 38 dead on Tunisia’s beaches was the bravery of those tourists who tried to protect their loved ones or other tourists and the same … Continue reading

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ISIS jihadists dance in streets at news of Tory snooping and extremism measures

ISIS jihadists must be dancing in the proverbial streets on hearing the news that the Tory Government in the UK will be proceeding to introduce new and expanded legislation to censor news (via an extremism act) and ensure Britain becomes … Continue reading

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UK Snoopers Charter via backdoor may be imminent

Moves are underway early next week to introduce measures that would effectively transform existing legislation into the shelved ‘Snoopers Charter’ (or draft Communications Data bill). If this happens, there would no doubt be partying not only in Cheltenham (home of … Continue reading

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UK ‘Nasty Party’ sets loose the hounds, baying for blood

The politicians in this run-up to election year are getting desperate, with the fear factor – of immigrants, of terrorists and of the poor by the rich – taking centre-stage. And so we see an expansion of existing snooping powers, … Continue reading

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