Tag Archives: PREVENT

When the UK’s ‘anti-extremism’ policy is to lie, with the help of secretive corporations

A government campaign to counter extremism seems to have been engaging in secretive and deceitful activities. And in the process, it has got involved with some very unsavoury figures.   A 2011 report by PR firm Bell Pottinger and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (or Chatham … Continue reading

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Tory think-tank proposes post-Brexit I.D. system and two-tier citizenship

A leading figure from Policy Exchange, an influential UK think-tank with extensive links to the Conservative right and US neoconservatives, has published a report that proposes, post-Brexit, that Britain adopts an ID system. The same report also argues for a … Continue reading

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“Give me a child until age seven and I’ll…” ensure all rebellious notions are eradicated

  The UK Joint Committee on Human Rights has issued a damning indictment on the Tory Government’s flagship Counter-Extremism Bill, arguing that the provisions in the bill are entirely unnecessary and even dangerous. If the bill was enacted by Parliament, … Continue reading

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Corbyn upgraded to ‘national security risk’: first step of ‘A Very British Coup’?

Yesterday Jeremy Corbyn MP, a serial protester and radical campaigner, was elected in a landslide poll as leader of Britain’s Labour Party. On the same day Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, responded by declaring him a national security risk. At first … Continue reading

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Police doc reports on ‘Prevent’ programme aimed at nursery school teachers

Police in London include activists from the city’s Occupy protests with al-Qaida and the IRA in a presentation given to prepare nursery and primary school staff for potential terrorist attacks on the UK. The presentation was obtained by the Guardian … Continue reading

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Why the UK Government’s anti-jihadist ‘PREVENT’ programme is doomed to fail

This week Undercover Research published an important exposé on how the Government’s ‘PREVENT’ programme, aimed largely, but not exclusively, at the Muslim community, is actually Special Branch rebranded. This expose is timely, given that there is an ongoing debate about … Continue reading

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