Tag Archives: MI5

‘Dossier’ confirms RUC & MI5 were warned of Omagh bombing

Two documents – in the form of an undisclosed ‘dossier’ and testimony marked ‘Restricted’ – confirm what many have long known or suspected: that the security services were informed well in advance of the bombing that took place at Omagh … Continue reading

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The spycops experiment: from blacklisting agents to social pariahs – and next?

Recently it was revealed how the late Tory prime minister Edward Heath had not only been aware of but encouraged the broadcasting of a TV documentary critical of the Shrewsbury pickets. These were men who merely wanted better working conditions, … Continue reading

Posted in Corporate, Economy, Intelligence, no category | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 14 Comments

MI5, spycops, the media baron and the ‘counter-subversion’ think-tank

In a recent article by journalist Nafeez Ahmed on right-wing and far-right entryism into the counter-terrorism think-tank sub-culture, one reference immediately stood out. This reference was to the Institute for the Study of Conflict, a think tank that was very … Continue reading

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Libyan dissident’s litigation against UK highlights Govt opportunism re dictatorships

UK and US adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq undoubtedly contributed to the war in Syria, to the rise of ISIS and to many of the subsequent tragic events, including the dreadful attacks in Paris yesterday (claimed by ISIS). Another of … Continue reading

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Westminster/Kincora child sex abuse: docs, cover-up, videos – the works!

Below is a compilation, in reverse chronological order, of the main research articles UndercoverInfo has published over the last nine months covering the child sex abuse scandals in the UK. These were mostly about the VIP/Westminster scandals, the Kincora (N … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Intelligence | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Rupert Murdoch flips | Sunday Times article on Snowden rife with errors

Today, Times Newspapers Ltd (TNL), the company that owns the Sunday Times, issued a copyright infringement notice to the legal owners of First Look/The Intercept, the online news magazine. The ostensible reason for this is that TNL believe that The … Continue reading

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GCHQ mass surveillance threatened in ECHR legal case

GCHQ, via a court action against the UK Government, will soon be in the dock at the European Court of Human Rights, thanks to a number of pro-privacy organisations (see Statement by Privacy International below). The context of this latest … Continue reading

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