Tag Archives: Kobane

Rojava: the real frontline against ISIS; inside the Kurdish revolution

Since their successful defense of Kobanê against the Islamic State a year ago, the Kurdish resistance movement – specifically the YPG (men’s milita) and YPJ (women’s militia) – has captured international media attention. Meanwhile, their experiment in forming a stateless … Continue reading

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Turkey offensive against ISIS acts as cover for nationwide raids on Kurds

Over the last 24 hours Turkey, using its bombing raids on ISIS strongholds in Syria as cover, has launched a massive operation against Kurds within Turkey. An estimated 251 arrests were made as a result of 280 raids by 5000 … Continue reading

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Interview with anti-ISIS warrior (Kurdistan)

The following is an interview with an environmentalist, vegetarian anarchist (see picture above) from Turkey and who is a member of Sosyal Isyan (Social Insurrection) and fighting as part of Birleşik Özgürlük Güçleri (United Freedom Forces) alongside the Kurdish YPG … Continue reading

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ISIS massacres 120 in Kobane: Turkey assisted ISIS to cross border

YPG Press Office report… Today, in Kobane, at least 50 people were killed by D’aesh (ISIS) terrorists, who attacked with three suicide car bombs – one from the Turkish border at Kobane’s Mursitpinar border gate. Kobane hospital is currently unable … Continue reading

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Ever wondered what happened to the (women) liberators of Kobani?

Since the liberation of the city of Kobani from ISIS, Western media have largely ignored who it was who actually drove ISIS out; nor have they reported on the rebuilding of the city since its near total destruction. Perhaps this … Continue reading

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