Tag Archives: Jeremy Corbyn

Is this man the REAL reason why Angela Eagle is standing for Labour leader?

  Anyone who has seen the interviews Angela Eagle gave on announcing her leadership challenge to Jeremy Corbyn will know at once that hers is not a serious bid for the Labour top position. Her performances were embarrassing and cringe-worthy. … Continue reading

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How the ‘grooming’ of Jeremy Corbyn by an ex-spycop helped expose the entire scandal

While the revived ‘Snooper’s Charter’ (Investigatory Powers Bill) will likely see the legitimation of mass surveillance by the UK’s intelligence and security services, the resumption of the Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing acts as a timely reminder of the underlying … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, no category, Surveillance | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

General who fears Corbyn as PM is subject of criticism in Chilcot Inquiry

Today, on Remembrance Sunday, and only an hour before the Cenotaph ceremony in Whitehall, the BBC’s Andrew Marr, in an interview with the UK’s chief of defence staff, put a well-rehearsed question to General Sir Nicholas Houghton about what he … Continue reading

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General inciting mutiny against Corbyn liable to prosecution

Two days ago the Sunday Times published a call by a British Army officer – a ‘serving General’ – for mutiny by the British army should Jeremy Corbyn become prime minister. This was extraordinary for two reasons. The first is … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Intelligence, no category, Resistance | Tagged | 2 Comments

Corbyn upgraded to ‘national security risk’: first step of ‘A Very British Coup’?

Yesterday Jeremy Corbyn MP, a serial protester and radical campaigner, was elected in a landslide poll as leader of Britain’s Labour Party. On the same day Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, responded by declaring him a national security risk. At first … Continue reading

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