Tag Archives: Hungary

Mass protesters to converge on gates of Fortress Europe in aid of trapped refugees

Protesters are planning to cross the Adriatic Sea from Ancona (Italy) to Greece and on to Idomeni, at the Greek-FYROM Macedonian border – their aim is to open the border and provide solidarity to the refugees gathered there – refugees … Continue reading

Posted in no category, Refugees, Resistance | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

From the Aegean to the English Channel – the refugees who are Europe’s shame

This weekend hundreds of  thousands of people demonstrated in cities across Europe to demand #SafePassage for the hundreds of thousands of refugees from war zones still trying to cross Europe to safety. But in the last few days middle Europe … Continue reading

Posted in no category, Refugees | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Hungary adopts Auschwitz solution: (refugee) children to be separated from parents

Hungary has announced that it intends to split up refugee families who are found to have ‘illegally’ crossed its borders. This coincides with a declaration of a state of emergency for two of its southern counties. Under the new arrangements … Continue reading

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Hungary tear-gasses refugee children. A new ‘KinderTransport’* is needed – now!

Today, the Hungarian police crossed a line. They tear-gassed and fired water-cannon at refugee children. Children who have left war zones. Children who have fled barrel bombs and chemical weapons. Children who left their homes in cities that no longer … Continue reading

Posted in Refugees | Tagged | 4 Comments

Hungary blocking refugees heading north; drugs used in refugee gulags to sedate inmates

Today the Austrian Government announced that it intends to close its border to refugees trying to cross from Hungary; Germany, too, has indicated it will seek to welcome fewer refugees. Consequently Hungary is expected to similarly strengthen its border with … Continue reading

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