Tag Archives: Greece

What have war-ravaged Arab children, Calais jungle kids & abused Aboriginal youths in common?

The boy’s face says it all. Bewilderment, resignation – immune to the horror of what is happening. He has seen war as commonplace for years. His family – mother, father, siblings – are still to be rescued. He casually wipes … Continue reading

Posted in no category, Refugees, War | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Greece: more and more anarchist refugee collectives displace state-run detention centres

While the world’s media is suitably distracted by the Olympic Games in Brazil, the war in Syria and beyond continues to see thousands of people – men, women and children – killed each week and many more atempting the perilous … Continue reading

Posted in no category, Refugees, Resistance | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Turkey ruled unsafe by court – so could Nauru: refugees await intervention from Oz lawyers

Yesterday, in a landmark ruling, an appeals authority in Lesvos (Greece) disallowed the return of a Syrian refugee to Turkey on the grounds that Turkey is an unsafe country and that Ankara cannot guarantee it will abide by the principle … Continue reading

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BREAKING: Turkey-EU refugee deal could collapse after Greek court ruling

Today in Greece an independent authority examining appeals claims ruled that Turkey was not a safe country to which refugees can be returned. The authority also ruled that a Syrian refugee, who had appealed against an earlier decision that he … Continue reading

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Turkey releases ‘false flag’ ISIS militants, threatens EU with refugees (a third time)

In another fit of rage, the ever-impulsive and autocratic President Erdogan of Turkey has issued a third threat to the EU – see here for threat one and here for threat two – regarding the deal on refugees, stating it … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Intelligence, no category, Refugees | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Police & fascist attacks on anarchist refugee centres (Greece) form pattern of collusion

A pattern is developing: refugee centres in Greece organised by anarchists are being raided by police and/or set on fire by fascists – probably Golden Dawn. The latest attack has been on Cafe Soli, on the island of Chios. The … Continue reading

Posted in Refugees, Resistance | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Sanitised version of detention camp to greet pope: here is what is really happening there

Look closely at the above photo, taken earlier today, and you will see detained refugees struggling to make themselves heard to whoever will listen. Pope Francis is expected to visit the camp to speak with some of the 3000 refugees … Continue reading

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