Tag Archives: Diego Garcia

Libyan dissident’s litigation against UK highlights Govt opportunism re dictatorships

UK and US adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq undoubtedly contributed to the war in Syria, to the rise of ISIS and to many of the subsequent tragic events, including the dreadful attacks in Paris yesterday (claimed by ISIS). Another of … Continue reading

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‘Enemy within’ GCHQ monitoring declared unlawful; and their sister organisations?

Today, in a landmark decision, a tribunal declared that the mass snooping of citizens by GCHQ in conjunction with the NSA was unlawful. Previously we revealed how former heads of GCHQ had gone on to work for a specialist communications … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Intelligence, no category, Surveillance, War | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Extraordinary rendition: UK Government denial strategy in tatters

In Britain HMG (Her Majesty’s Government) had hoped the matter of its involvement in extraordinary rendition, either direct or in collusion with the USA, would simply disappear off the radar. But despite the redaction of this involvement in the recent … Continue reading

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Diego Garcia: evidence UK informed of rendition flights and colluded in interrogation facility

 Over the last few days we have seen a steadfast refusal by politicians of all parties in Britain to admit there is evidence that the UK Government colluded with the USA on rendition flights to and from Diego Garcia, a … Continue reading

Posted in Government, Intelligence, no category, War | Tagged , , | 8 Comments