Tag Archives: Charlie Hebdo

As Charlie Hebdo tells world leaders to get lost we publish their secretly recorded conversations on the march

Today it is revealed that the front cover of the next issue of Charlie Hebdo features a cartoon of Mohammed looking sad and saying Je Suis Charlie. This is in line with its usual editorial policy and, in effect, makes … Continue reading

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Charlie Hebdo march: world leaders who persecute journalists line up like crims

Yesterday world leaders united in their mockery of Charlie Hebdo: their attendance at the march in Paris was an insult to the memory of those staff at the magazine who were murdered. Not only do these world leaders represent the … Continue reading

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Charlie Hebdo: GCHQ, hypocrisy, radicalism, anarchism and heroism…

Charlie Hebdo is a product of French culture and a radical liberalism that stems directly from the 1830 French revolution and later the quasi-anarchist situationst movement of 1968. In France – where philosophers such as Diderot, Proudhon, Sarte, Vaniegem and … Continue reading

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Je Suis Charlie: ALL religions equal ignorance

Beneath the worldwide outrage of the massacre of staff at Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical magazine, is an unspoken truth rarely spoken in the bourgeois circles of mass media and the centrist establishment: that all religions are by their very … Continue reading

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