Category Archives: no category

An army of snoopers is being trained, but it is not run by GCHQ

  An army of spies is being trained across the British Isles. They are not ‘fifth columnists’ but the man in the pub, the woman on the bus, and even your fellow worker. A series of training modules, examined by The … Continue reading

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There’s a spycop inside your computer – and it’s not a game!

  Twenty-first century policing will see the cop disappear from the streets, only to reappear in your computer and smartphone. For the populace as a whole (and the police) this new reality presents new challenges. Britain’s police are now offered … Continue reading

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The companies that know your every move, and the journalist jailed for exposing them [VIDEO]

  To offer cyber protection, we need to understand cyber intrusion (i.e. hacking). And US journalist Barrett Brown was researching the companies that practise both. Until, that is, he was sent to jail. On 6 March 2012, Brown’s home was raided … Continue reading

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The International Criminal Court is investigating US war crimes. But there’s a huge catch

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is investigating the US for alleged crimes committed during the post-9/11 occupation of Afghanistan. Specifically, the investigation is examining claims of torture and ill treatment. But there’s one big catch. It may not be able to examine … Continue reading

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Cox’s killer: his deed was of terror; his cause, not just fascism but the nationalism of the far right

Thomas Mair has been found guilty of the murder of Jo Cox MP. Cox was a lifelong campaigner for human rights and spearheaded many humanitarian causes. Mair has been sentenced to life imprisonment. Mair’s neo-Nazi links not only span decades, but also … Continue reading

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Australia’s offshore refugee programme begins to unravel, with global implications

Was it a ‘crisis of conscience’ that prompted the Australian government to set up a deal with the US to relocate possibly hundreds of refugees from its offshore gulag? Or was it further evidence of abuse of refugees, new legal … Continue reading

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Turkey’s Erdogan stages his own coup – against ALL opposition

Arrests of opposition MPs are currently underway in Turkey. This is an escalation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s 15-month-long coup against his political opponents. And while there has been widespread condemnation of these arrests, this alone will not bring Turkish … Continue reading

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