Category Archives: Media

This Kurdish journalist fled persecution in Iran, only to be jailed by Australia for being a refugee

A Kurdish journalist and poet fled Iran to seek asylum in Australia. But Australian authorities incarcerated him on the remote Manus Island (Papua New Guinea). He has since made a film of what it’s like there. And its international premiere … Continue reading

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This deleted story by the Mail Online on the refugee crisis is most revealing

On 19 July 2017, The Canary wrote about how leaders of the far-right ‘Identitarian’ movement in Europe have chartered a ship to disrupt the activities of other ships in the Mediterranean that help to rescue refugees and migrants. The article also … Continue reading

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New investigation undermines the legitimacy of the entire Tory election strategy

A new investigation is looking into, one of the two pro-Brexit campaigns in the 2016 EU referendum. The outcome of this and another investigation into, as well as a separate investigation into Vote Leave, could prove damaging to … Continue reading

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Turkey’s latest moves hint at the next tragic stage of the Middle East war [OPINION]

Turkey’s volatile president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has issued statements attacking the Obama administration and its role in the Middle East. And his allies in Turkey have followed suit. Such outbursts may well signal the end of NATO’s role in the … Continue reading

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Mid-East war goes Orwellian: ISIS fighters (Kurds and their US allies) are now ‘terrorists’

It may have been just lazy journalism, but a BBC Radio 4 news update stated how Turkey was now determined to beat both Daesh (Isis/Isil) and YPG “terrorists”. No qualification or caveat was added to that statement, in spite of the fact … Continue reading

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EU condemns Turkey’s latest crackdown on press (but 3 billion euros & visa-free deal remains)

It was not a matter of if but when the authoritarian government in power in Turkey would clampdown on Zaman (and it’s English-language version, Today’s Zaman) – Turkey’s largest circulation newspaper and which also happens to be a staunch critic … Continue reading

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