Category Archives: Government

Holidaying Brits attacked for speaking English – not really, but this is what it’s like for ‘migrants’ in UK

In Britain a 40 year old Polish man, Arkadiusz Jóźwik, lost his life after allegedly been beaten to death by five youths merely because he was speaking a language other than English. Notwithstanding rank hypocrisy of the tabloid press – … Continue reading

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‘Nauru Files’: Universal Jurisdiction threat to Australian government and Spanish multinational

The release and publication by Guardian Australia journalists of the ‘Nauru Files’ show that Wilson Security, the company that manages security at the refugee gulags on Nauru and Manus Island, has been responsible for downgrading those files – i.e. a … Continue reading

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Claim that US commander masterminded Turkey failed coup leads to torching of NATO base vicinity

The situation in Turkey is now at the hysterical stage. Last night an area close to a US-NATO base in Turkey was set alight. No one has claimed responsibility. However, it is likely the fire was begun as a direct … Continue reading

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Demands that Erdogan prove jailed Kurdish PKK leader Ocalan (Turkey’s ‘Mandela’) alive and well

Concerns over the fate of Turkey’s highest profile political prisoner, Abdullah Ocalan, the head of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK), have been expressed by one of Turkey’s main opposition parties, the HDP. Many regard Ocalan as Turkey’s ‘Nelson Mandela’. He … Continue reading

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Turkey: HDP party calls for ‘democratic front’; people to defend themselves

The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) today released a statement on the failed coup in Turkey. HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş blamed Erdogan for creating the conditions for the military coup. He called for an alliance of all parties and organisations that … Continue reading

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Erdogan’s Islamist coup to see 100 journalists blacklisted

    According to a pro-government source in Turkey, scores of journalists are to be removed from their posts – effectively, blacklisted – as part of Turkish president Erdogan’s own coup, following the failed military coup. This is all part … Continue reading

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Erdogan to escalate purge as ‘deep state’ anti-Kurd negotiations with Assad revealed

Leading up to the failed coup attempt in Turkey, military officers who were jailed as part of the Ergenekon trials, but later released, have been negotiating with the Assad regime on a Turkish-Syrian deal that would see the end of … Continue reading

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