Author Archives: Undercover1

When the UK’s ‘anti-extremism’ policy is to lie, with the help of secretive corporations

A government campaign to counter extremism seems to have been engaging in secretive and deceitful activities. And in the process, it has got involved with some very unsavoury figures.   A 2011 report by PR firm Bell Pottinger and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (or Chatham … Continue reading

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War crimes? No way – we’re British! Theresa May will do anything to avoid this court

  Theresa May’s government announced on 4 October that Britain will opt out of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to avoid annoying and time-consuming claims against the military. This means there’ll be no more massive legal costs to defend British troops accused … Continue reading

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The link between UK activist, cyber ‘warheads’ & US Secret Service – Part Two

  British computer scientist and activist Lauri Love is a victim of prosecutional overreach by the USA. This process consists of multiple charges being thrown at a defendant to force them to agree to a plea bargain in the hope of avoiding a … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, no category, Resistance, Surveillance | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

99 years jail threatened for “prankery”: Lauri Love (and the Aaron Swartz story) – Part One

  If Washington DC has its way a British citizen with Asperger’s Syndrome will be extradited to the US for a ‘prank’. This could see him face 99 years in prison. Lauri Love is a computer scientist who advises on computer security. He is … Continue reading

Posted in Intelligence, Surveillance | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Turkey’s president has a morbid fear of these women – here’s why…

The current Turkish regime has been regularly accused of sponsoring Daesh (Isis/Isil) and other jihadi groups in Syria. One of the main reasons for this behaviour has been Turkey’s opposition to a feminist social revolution taking place on the Syrian-Turkish border – … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, no category, Resistance, War | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Australia’s refugee policy under siege: PM ignored at UN, re-submission to ICC, lawyers seek global help

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull cut a lonely figure as he outlined his immigration policy at the UN on 20 September. Increasingly under pressure for his government’s transport of refugees from the open seas to detention centres on Manus Island … Continue reading

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BREAKING: Aussie lawyers take direct action to resolve impasse on Nauru & Manus refugees

In August 2015, The Canary published an article – Without immediate action, Australia’s ongoing crisis will just get worse (and a longer version was published here). The article argued that when a Government reaches an impasse of its own making … Continue reading

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