11 October 2016
Yemeni war intensifies following Saudi bombing of funeral
By Peter Symonds, 11 October 2016
In all likelihood, the US knew of, and possibly even planned, last weekend’s air strikes by Saudi planes on Sanaa that killed over 140 people.
Thousands protest Saudi bombing that killed and wounded over 700 in Yemen
“Existential crisis” dominates IMF meeting on world economy
By Nick Beams, 11 October 2016
The IMF meeting was dominated by the spectre of secular stagnation, global disintegration and the rising hostility of masses of people to the present economic and political order.
Unifor thwarts strike by Canadian Fiat-Chrysler autoworkers
By Roger Jordan, 11 October 2016
Unifor announced just before midnight Monday it had reached a rotten concessions agreement with Fiat-Chrysler modelled on the contract that it recently rammed through at GM.
Chicago Teachers Union announces concessions agreement to avert strike
By Kristina Betinis, 11 October 2016
The agreement was announced before midnight in order to prevent a strike and risk a rebellion by teachers against the Democratic Party ahead of the presidential elections.
Striking Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra musicians and supporters speak out
By Evan Winters, 11 October 2016
On strike for over a week, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra musicians and staff are fighting to preserve a world-class arts institution.
Merkel promotes the return of German militarism to Africa
By Johannes Stern, 11 October 2016
The official propaganda cannot disguise the fact the German ruling class is pursing its economic and geostrategic interests in Africa, which is rich in raw materials.
UK Labour’s right wing mounts pro-EU, anti-immigrant offensive against Corbyn
By Robert Stevens, 11 October 2016
Central to the attack of Labour’s right wing on Corbyn is that he is not pandering to the noxious anti-immigrant sentiment fuelled during the Brexit referendum campaign by both sides.
More on the British Labour Party coup »
New data on poverty in the UK reveals mass pauperisation
By Barry Mason, 10 October 2016
The lowering of living standards for the vast majority of the population will continue as the Tories, following the 1997-2010 Labour government, protect the super rich.
Colombian president receives Nobel Peace Prize for rejected accord with the FARC
By Andrea Lobo, 11 October 2016
The selection of Santos only underscores the dubious character of this distinction, which has been bestowed on the likes of Obama, Henry Kissinger and Menachem Begin.
New Zealand doctors vote for nationwide strike
By John Braddock and Jeremy Lin, 11 October 2016
The doctors are joining a groundswell of opposition by health sector workers internationally to the assault on working conditions and the destruction of public health.
New attacks on Oregon public pension plan
By Hector Cordon, 11 October 2016
Democratic and Republican state politicians, along with the media, have launched yet another campaign in their efforts to destroy public employees’ pensions.
New in Spanish
El FMI suena la alarma sobre el nivel record de deuda mundial
Por Nick Beams, 11 octubre 2016
Las crecientes deudas e inestabilidades agravan los conflictos económicos y geopolíticos mundiales.
New in French
La Russie prévient que les frappes des États-Unis en Syrie peuvent mener à la guerre
Par Alex Lantier, 11 octobre 2016
Une attaque américaine sur les cibles du gouvernement syrien, discutée activement à la Maison-Blanche, pourrait déclencher la guerre entre les principales puissances du monde dotées d’armes nucléaires.
Le scandale Trump : les élections américaines touchent les bas fonds
Par Patrick Martin, 11 octobre 2016
L’état général dégradé de la politique américaine a atteint un niveau encore plus bas ce week-end suite à la diffusion de la vidéo montrant le candidat républicain Donald Trump se vantant de sa capacité à utiliser sa position de richesse et de célébrité pour agresser les femmes.
La France veut son propre « pivot vers l’Asie » avec la poussée américaine vers la guerre contre la Chine
Par Kumaran Ira, 11 octobre 2016
L’impérialisme français définit une stratégie militaire agressive dans la région Asie-Pacifique en même temps que Washington intensifie sa poussée de guerre contre la Chine.
New in German
Vier Wochen vor den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen
Von Patrick Martin, 10. Oktober 2016
Was der nächste US-Präsident für die Welt bedeutet, ist bereits heute klar: Die Verschärfung der weltweiten Krise, noch brutalere Angriffe auf Arbeitsplätze und Sozialleistungen, sowie die Eskalation der Kriege im Nahen Osten und auch gegen Russland und China.
US–russische Spannungen in Syrien:
Kerry wirft Russland „Kriegsverbrechen” vor
Von Bill Van Auken, 10. Oktober 2016
Weil den so genannten „Rebellen“ in Aleppo eine Niederlage droht, fordert der US-Außenminister eine Untersuchung gegen Russland wegen „Kriegsverbrechen“.
Polen: PiS-Regierung tritt Rückzug bei Anti-Abtreibungs-Gesetz an
Von Clara Weiss, 10. Oktober 2016
Angesichts enormer Opposition in der Bevölkerung gegen ein geplantes Abtreibungsverbot, sah sich die Regierungspartei Partei Recht und Gerechtigkeit (PiS) in Polen gezwungen, den Gesetzesentwurf zurückzuziehen.
Other Languages
- Der Skandal um Trump und das Gossenniveau der US-Wahlen (11.10.2016)
- Russland warnt vor Kriegsgefahr durch US-Angriffe auf Syrien (11.10.2016)
- Angela Merkel und die Rückkehr des deutschen Militarismus nach Afrika (11.10.2016)
- Jagd auf Chemnitzer Terrorverdächtigen mündet in gigantische Polizeistaatsübung (11.10.2016)
- Angst vor „hartem Brexit“ lässt das britische Pfund abstürzen (11.10.2016)
- Edelstahlhersteller Outokumpu: IG Metall setzt Konzernumbau durch (11.10.2016)
- Vier Wochen vor den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen (10.10.2016)
- US–russische Spannungen in Syrien:
Kerry wirft Russland „Kriegsverbrechen” vor (10.10.2016) - Polen: PiS-Regierung tritt Rückzug bei Anti-Abtreibungs-Gesetz an (10.10.2016)
- Fünfzehn Jahre Krieg in Afghanistan (08.10.2016)
- Français
- Le scandale Trump : les élections américaines touchent les bas fonds (11.10.2016)
- La Russie prévient que les frappes des États-Unis en Syrie peuvent mener à la guerre (11.10.2016)
- La France veut son propre « pivot vers l’Asie » avec la poussée américaine vers la guerre contre la Chine (11.10.2016)
- Un mois avant l’élection présidentielle aux États-Unis – ce qui nous attend (10.10.2016)
- Kerry lance des accusations de « crimes de guerre », Washington fait monter les tensions avec la Russie (10.10.2016)
- La crainte du « Brexit dur » cause la dégringolade de la livre britannique (10.10.2016)
- Quinze ans de guerre en Afghanistan (08.10.2016)
- Alors que les tensions géopolitiques et économiques montent
Le FMI met en garde contre une dette mondiale record (08.10.2016) - Clinton réclame un service national (08.10.2016)
- Battant le tambour de la guerre contre la Russie (07.10.2016)
- Español
- El FMI suena la alarma sobre el nivel record de deuda mundial (11.10.2016)
- Los impuestos de Trump: Corrupción y desigualdad capitalistas (08.10.2016)
- El debate Clinton Trump: Un espectáculo degradante (06.10.2016)
- El New York Times llama a Rusia un “Estado fuera de la ley” (05.10.2016)
- Muere Edward Albee, dramaturgo estadounidense: La forma de su oposición al status quo (03.10.2016)
- Resoluciones del Congreso del PSI (EE.UU.) 2016
Por la unidad obrera en Estados Unidos y América Latina (29.09.2016) - Candidato presidencial del PSI Jerry White inicia su campaña de otoño con encuentro en Chicago (24.09.2016)
- ¡Miss Sharon Jones!, documental de Barbara Kopple (16.09.2016)
- Decenas de millones de trabadores en huelga contra las políticas económicas de derecha del gobierno de la India (14.09.2016)
- Miles de docentes protestan en Costa Rica mientras los sindicatos suprimen la lucha (14.09.2016)
- Русский
- Значительная аудитория интервью Дэвида Норта, автора книги Четверть века войны: Стремление США к глобальному доминированию, 1990-2016 (30.09.2016)
- 75 лет назад: Сталин взывает к американской и британской помощи (30.09.2016)
- Дебаты Клинтон и Трампа: Отвратительный спектакль (28.09.2016)
- Кремлевская партия выигрывает парламентские выборы на фоне низкой явки избирателей (27.09.2016)
- 75 лет назад: Нацистские войска полностью захватывают Киев (24.09.2016)
- 100 лет назад: Немецкие социал-демократы проводят последний объединенный съезд (24.09.2016)
- Умер президент Узбекистана Ислам Каримов (21.09.2016)
- Парламентские выборы в России проходят в условиях углубления экономического и геополитического кризиса (17.09.2016)
- В память о ветеране троцкизма Билле Брусте спустя двадцать пять лет после его смерти (17.09.2016)
- Пятнадцать лет после терактов в США (13.09.2016)
- Português
- Socialismo e a luta contra a guerra
Construir um Movimento Internacional da Classe Trabalhadora e da Juventude Contra o Imperialismo! (25.04.2016) - A pressão pelo impeachment e os perigos com que se defronta a classe trabalhadora brasileira (25.04.2016)
- Os cinco anos da Revolução Egípcia (12.02.2016)
- Governo brasileiro reprime protestos em São Paulo contra o aumento do transporte (30.01.2016)
- Estudantes brasileiros ocupam escolas de São Paulo contra plano de reorganização (22.12.2015)
- As lições políticas da traição do Syriza na Grécia
Declaração do Comitê Internacional da Quarta Internacional (08.12.2015) - Vinte e cinco anos desde a queda do Muro de Berlim: uma avaliação (10.10.2015)
- O caminho para os trabalhadores automotivos dos EUA (03.10.2015)
- Um mundo convulsionado por crises (23.09.2015)
- Desastres da “Fortaleza Europa”: refugiados morrem na terra e no mar (23.09.2015)
- Socialismo e a luta contra a guerra
- 中文
- >>
Billionaires back Black Lives Matter
11 October 2016
The $100 million allocated by the Ford Foundation is an acknowledgment by a powerful section of the ruling class that the aims of the Black Lives Matter movement are aligned with its interests.
November 5 Antiwar Conference
Socialism vs. Capitalism and War
The SEP and IYSSE schedule November 5 antiwar conference in Detroit
Register today at socialismvswar.com
SEP 2016 US Election Campaign
SEP vice presidential candidate Niemuth discusses war, 2016 elections, with students in Detroit
By a reporting team, 11 October 2016
Niemuth’s campaign at Wayne State University in Detroit coincided with a visit that afternoon by Hillary Clinton, who is desperately seeking to rally support from students.
The class issues exposed by Hurricane Matthew
By Niles Niemuth—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US vice president, 8 October 2016
Socialism and the 2016 elections
Socialist Equality Party campaign launches fall election meetings
Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party
The Trump scandal and the US gutter election
By Patrick Martin, 10 October 2016
Secret Clinton speeches and emails reveal systematic corruption
Russia warns US strikes against Syria may lead to war
By Alex Lantier, 10 October 2016
German government urges tougher action against Russia and Syria
Kerry charges “war crimes” as US escalates tensions with Russia
Socialist Equality Party
Meeting in India discusses war and the fight for socialism
By our correspondent, 10 October 2016
Greetings to Chennai meeting from SEP (Sri Lanka) general secretary
By Wije Dias, 10 October 2016
Workers Struggles
Workers Struggles: The Americas
11 October 2016
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature
Harvard dining hall workers continue strike
By Mike Ingram, 10 October 2016
Oppose imperialist war against China and Russia
Join and Build the IYSSE at University of Melbourne!
By IYSSE (Australia), 10 October 2016
The IYSSE will hold its Inaugural General Meeting at University of Melbourne on October 13 at 1pm.
Book Review
Trotsky in New York, 1917: A Radical on the Eve of Revolution, by Kenneth D. Ackerman
By Linda Tenenbaum, 8 October 2016
Trotsky in New York, 1917 focuses on a remarkable period in the life of one of the greatest political figures in modern history.
Nobel Prize in physics awarded for discoveries about condensed states of matter
By Bryan Dyne, 8 October 2016
Arts Review
Werner Herzog’s Lo and Behold: Reveries of The Connected World
Exploring the origins and impact of the Internet
By Kevin Reed, 8 October 2016
Toronto International Film Festival 2016—Part 5
Lady Macbeth, John Coltrane, Mali Blues and more: What makes a film festival interesting?
By Joanne Laurier, 7 October 2016
- Sami Blood from Sweden, Werewolf from Canada, Park from Greece: Society’s cruelty to its youngest members
- Loving, The Birth of a Nation: Distinct approaches to historical events
- The Chosen, on Trotsky, and other political subjects
- How well does filmmaking reflect present-day life?
- Ma’ Rosa from the Philippines: Small-time drug dealers set upon by the police
Online Interview with David North
Large audience for interview with David North, author of A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony, 1990-2016
By our reporter, 29 September 2016
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