It's wedding bells for pair who met as children, filming iconic Qantas ad at Uluru

Paul Van Der Toorren proposed to his girlfriend of seven years, Elysia Simons, at Uluru, the place they first met as ...
Paul Van Der Toorren proposed to his girlfriend of seven years, Elysia Simons, at Uluru, the place they first met as children. Photo: Instagram/@shotfromtheheart

Anyone who saw the Qantas ad featuring a choir of 100 Aussie children singing 'I still call Australia home,' could never easily forget it. It's one of those iconic adverts that imprinted itself on the collective imagination of the country. The ad is also responsible for a real-life romance that's about to become a marriage, with an emotional proposal involving two cast members occurring at Uluru; the place they first met as children.

Elysia Simons was just 9 when she met Paul Van Der Toorren; both were members of the respective Australian Girls Choir and National Boys Choir in 1999 when they were invited to take part in the filming of the Qantas ad. Elysia - now a wedding and family photographer - posted their story on Instagram. It all began when they were placed next to each other during filming.

"Paul stood to my right and in between takes we would chat and joke around. One of the things I remember most is Paul being this shy, smiley kid that looked away as he giggled at my (probably not funny) jokes."

With the friendly connection made before the existence of the social media networks we use today, further contact was difficult, she says.

"We saw each other a few times after at choir events but being nine-year-olds in an age where there was no Instagram, Facebook or mobile phones, it didn't even cross our minds to exchange details."

In high school, they made contact once more through mutual friends on MySpace and their close connection endured through the end of school and into uni, where romance blossomed.

"Not too long after, our friendship turned into mutual crushes and I soon realised that what we had was better than the best kind of love."

They have now been together for seven years and recently became engaged in the most adorable way. Paul concocted a plan to get Elysia back to Uluru for his big proposal, but she wasn't allowed to suspect anything was up. He contacted Qantas and Channel 9 and together, they flew the pair back under the guise of making a documentary about the Field of Light art installation by Bruce Monroe. 

Elysia was contacted by Qantas so that she would think she was the one making the trip happen. With her best friend working with the company in marketing, Elysia thought she was the one responsible. She was told the one hurdle would be encouraging Paul to take part, but Elysia was confident Paul would love the idea.

"Qantas flew us in business class to central Australia where we were filmed arriving and exploring around one of the most incredible places on earth. We stopped at sunset at the most breathtaking spot near Uluru and as we were being interviewed Paul confessed that we were not actually there to view the field of light at all."

With cameras still rolling, the proposal took place with Uluru as the backdrop. The answer of course, was an enthusiastic 'Yes!'


Ell - Monday the 9th of May was the best day of my entire life. The story begins 16 years ago as little choir kids. We were in Uluru filming for the Iconic 1999 Qantas ad where along with 100 other children we were placed right in front of the rock to sing "I still call Australia home". Paul stood to my right and in between takes we would chat and joke around. One of the things I remember most is Paul being this shy, smily kid that looked away as he giggled at my (probably not funny) jokes. We saw each other a few times after at choir events but being 9 year olds in an age where there was no Instagram, Facebook or mobile phones, it didn't even cross our minds to exchange details. Fast forward to High school we reconnected again through mutual friends (thank you MySpace top 8) and Paul was back in my life. After having many connections through school and uni, we were constantly drawn back to each other. Not too long after, our friendship turned into mutual crushes and I soon realized that what we had was better than the best kind of love. We had often daydreamed of going back to Uluru to reminisce about our first day together. Only four weeks ago I got a phone call from Qantas saying that they had heard our story and wanted us to travel to Uluru to view their event called the Field of light as part of a new documentary for channel 9. WHAT?! This was the most random, exciting, crazy call but naturally we jumped at the amazing opportunity. Qantas flew us in business class to central Australia where we were filmed arriving and exploring around one of the most incredible places on earth. We stopped at sunset at the most breathtaking spot near Uluru and as we were being interviewed Paul confessed that we were not actually there to view the field of light at all. We were there because he needed a way to get me back to the special place we had met 16 years ago. He had enlisted the help of Qantas and channel 9 to bring me back without knowing what was really going on at all! Whilst the cameras were rolling he got down on one knee and fought back (badly fought back) tears to ask me to MARRY HIM AND I SAID "OF COURSE!!!"

A photo posted by Photographers - Ell & Karen (@shotfromtheheart) on

Speaking to Put A Ring On It, she says she began planning the minute they got back from the trip. 

"I'm in the wedding industry so I knew exactly what I wanted. We are getting married in January in the Yarra Valley at a beautiful venue called The Riverstone Estate. We can't wait!"
