Prevention rather then cure rated highly in healthcare but funding sparse

AMA vice-president Tony Barton says the entire population has a role to play in prevention; NSW Health Minister Jillian ...
AMA vice-president Tony Barton says the entire population has a role to play in prevention; NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner is on the right. Dean Sewell
by Mark Eggleton

When Research Australia conducted its annual Health and Medical Research public opinion poll this year, more than 75 per cent of Australians ranked preventative health as one of the nation's key health priorities.

Unfortunately, while Australians might rank preventative health highly, it would seem our policymakers do not. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Australia's health 2016 report released last month, funding for prevention initiatives has decreased to 1.4 per cent of the health budget from almost double that number in 2008.

Back in 2008, the then Labor federal government made all the right noises about the nation's preventative health strategy with grand promises of making Australia the world's healthiest nation by 2020 but (as is often the case) the rhetoric has not matched the action.

At the recent Future of Healthcare round table co-hosted by The Australian Financial Review and Philips, NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner acknowledged there was under-investment in preventative health but said her government was trying to build it up.

Her great issue with preventative health is "how do you then measure the impact of what you are doing in the preventive health space to warrant further investment in it, particularly when you are making a presentation to the treasury departments of the world.

"It's a really tough one."

Chairman of the Western Sydney Local Health District Professor Stephen Leeder said the minister had been doing a good job in the space but agreed the problem lay with Treasury departments as governments tend not to play the long game.

"I've dealt with a multiplicity of less developed and developing nations where heart disease is a big problem but we don't go to the minister for health (for funding) … we go straight to Treasury and say: 'you've got a real problem there, because you're losing people, a third of your deaths are occurring in the productive age, that's going to affect your bottom line. So you need to do something about heart disease prevention'."

As Philips Australia and New Zealand managing director Kevin Barrow says, "the challenge is overcoming the long return on investment cycles".

For Australian Medical Association vice-president Dr Tony Bartone we have to change the focus of the discussion because prevention "doesn't have a return on investment that can be measured within the life cycle of a parliament or even in a decade.

"You need to basically be very clear that it's about changing outcomes in a generation perhaps – changing the outcomes for your children or your grandchildren. But it's not something that solely exists within the province of the consulting room, it is, you know, the whole community, the whole government, the whole population has a role to play when it comes to advancing that cause for prevention.

"And until that becomes the focus on which the health budget and health outcomes are all built upon we're still going to be chasing minimal amounts of improvement in the nation's health outcomes.

"Basically, we've got to explore every possible way of [better] marketing prevention," Leeder concluded.