@HardballChris 님이 차단되었습니다.

정말로 이 트윗을 보실 건가요? 트윗 보기는 @HardballChris 님의 차단을 해제하지 않습니다.

  1. Trump campaign manager: "I'm with the campaign until the bitter end -- unless..." .: "Unless what?"

    Trump campaign manager: "I'm with the campaign until the bitter end...
    More on the debate at http://nbcnews.com/debate
  2. I wonder what Trump thinks of her stamina now?

  3. This is a hot debate. Hottest I've seen going back to Kennedy and Nixon.

  4. No handshake!

  5. If attacks tonight it will be the ballgame.

  6. The basket of deplorables is aimed at shoring up the Trump supporters on the right. It is no surprise he supported Ted Cruz.

  7. Pence is going hard-right on law and order, defending police across the board. He knows the Trump constituency.

  8. Kaine just scored on social security and Pence pushed to privatize it. This really works with voters.

  9. I predict will attack tonight on trustworthiness. Attacking HRC supports a future in the Rep. party.

  10. . noticed my love of movie quotes.Let's face it-movie characters are more quotable than today's pols

  11. . on the state of the 2016 presidential race as September draws to a close.

    Election Diary: Sept. 30, 2016
    Watch more on MSNBC.com
  12. Friday night Hardball: Debate week! It was supposed to last 1.5 hours, but it's lasted 5 days. How did Trump end up debating Ms. Machado?

  13. Donald Trump's appeal was just perfectly summed up by Chris Matthews

  14. . should change tune on debate: take loss, shake it off, move on & get it right in 2nd debate. Obama did that 4 years ago.

  15. Gary Johnson had an "Aleppo moment" after asks who his favorite foreign leader is

    Gary Johnson says he is having "Aleppo moment" over foreign leader...
    Watch more on MSNBC.com
  16. We're meeting the Libertarians in the "Live Free or Die State" tonight on at 7PM.

  17. While waiting, students chat w/ host Chris Matthews, whose broadcasting live from campus tonight at 7pm on

  18. Be in the audience tonight for ! Chris Matthews is live tonight at w/ Gov. Gary Johnson & Gov. William Weld. 5:30pm doors

  19. . students - bring your questions for and to Huddleston Hall tonight. will be LIVE at 7!

  20. The Libertarian option:will millennials choose wide personal freedom over standard politics? is LIVE tonight from @ 7

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