Latest News for: earth-based


NASA to deflect asteroid in test of 'planetary defense'

China Daily 05 Nov 2021
WASHINGTON - In the 1998 Hollywood blockbuster "Armageddon," Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck race to save the Earth from being pulverized by an asteroid ... Johnson said that while neither asteroid poses a threat to Earth they are ideal candidates for the test because of the ability to observe them with ground-based telescopes.

Microbes may have lived underground for just a billion years

The Jerusalem Post 05 Nov 2021
Deep-earth rocks host microbial lineages, which are critical for understanding the origin and evolution of life on Earth ... Peter Reiners of the University of Arizona co-authored the study, which was based on an estimated chronological timeline on the habitability of some of Earth’s oldest rocks through time.

The big reveals in Eternals’ two post-credits scenes

Vox 05 Nov 2021
Speaking of, where were Earth’s Mightiest Heroes? Surely they knew about the cataclysmic event at the center of this film? ... Irate with the Eternals who defied him, he takes the three Earth-based Eternals prisoner, vowing that they will face his judgment or some kind of cosmic wrath.

Sarasota city commissioners concerned about proposed location of art sculpture

Sarasota Herald-Tribune 05 Nov 2021
An artist has designed a globe-like sculpture that will celebrate Sarasota's path to inclusivity ... The artwork, which will look like a miniature Earth, will show the faces of children representing various racial and ethnic groups. Tucson-based artist Simon Donovan designed the piece, which has not yet been built ... Other ... Commission's concerns ... .

NASA to deflect asteroid in test of 'planetary defence'The DART spacecraft is scheduled to be ...

Deccan Herald 04 Nov 2021
In the 1998 Hollywood blockbuster "Armageddon," Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck race to save the Earth from being pulverized by an asteroid ... Johnson said that while neither asteroid poses a threat to Earth they are ideal candidates for the test because of the ability to observe them with ground-based telescopes.

Nasa to deflect asteroid in test of 'planetary defence'

Straits Times 04 Nov 2021
WASHINGTON (AFP) - In the 1998 Hollywood blockbuster "Armageddon," Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck race to save the Earth from being pulverised by an asteroid ... Dr Johnson said that while neither asteroid poses a threat to Earth they are ideal candidates for the test because of the ability to observe them with ground-based telescopes.

'Diwali storm' lights up high latitude regionsSince the wee hours of Thursday, auroras have been ...

Deccan Herald 04 Nov 2021
IISER researchers forecast the arrival of the solar storm in the Earth’s atmosphere at around 2 am on November 4 with a speed of 768 km per second ... Since solar storms have earlier been named based on the day they have originated or impacted Earth, the Indian team suggested naming this one the “Diwali Storm”.

How does China’s hypersonic glide vehicle work?

Astronomy 04 Nov 2021
When launched, they can climb to altitudes up to 1,200 miles (2,000 kilometers) — much higher than satellites or space stations in low Earth orbit ... Over the duration of flight time, the Earth‘s rotation would have carried the base roughly 1,100 miles (1,800 kilometers) eastward.

NASA, Intuitive Machines Announce Landing Site Location for Lunar Drill

Technology Org 04 Nov 2021
The area receives sufficient sunlight to power a lander for roughly a 10-day mission, while also providing a clear line of sight to Earth for constant communications ... The rover will communicate to a base station located on Nova-C, and the lander will communicate data back to Earth.

NASA announces landing site for ice-mining experiment in 2022

Suryaa 04 Nov 2021
The area receives sufficient sunlight to power a lander for roughly a 10-day mission, while also providing a clear line of sight to Earth for constant communications ... The rover will communicate to a base station located on Nova-C, and the lander will communicate data back to Earth.

Letter: Not enough carbon dioxide in atmosphere

Capital Press 04 Nov 2021
The two largest polluters, the leaders of China and Russian, are not attending ... Also, control over the lives of all inhabitants on Earth with unscientific carbon dioxide restrictions. It is not based on real science ... If the atmosphere of Earth is represented by a 100,000-seat football stadium,�carbon dioxide� at 410 ppm would only occupy 41 seats ... ....

COP26: Can a singing, dancing rebellion save the world?

Alternet 04 Nov 2021
The more we load up the atmosphere with GHGs, the longer their effect will last and the hotter the Earth will keep growing ... military, the largest institutional emitter of GHGs on Earth, was exempted from any constraints whatsoever under the Paris Agreement ... Friends of the Earth (FOE) has published a new report titled Nature-Based Solutions.

Aviation's present-day contribution to human-induced global warming is 4% and will increase over the next ...

Phys Dot Org 04 Nov 2021
The researchers behind the study, based at the University of Oxford, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the NERC National Centre for Earth Observation, developed a simple technique for quantifying the temperature contribution of historical aviation emissions, including both CO2 and non-CO2 impacts.

COP 26: Can a Singing, Dancing Rebellion Save the World?

GlobalResearch 04 Nov 2021
The more we load up the atmosphere with GHGs, the longer their effect will last and the hotter the Earth will keep growing ... military, the largest institutional emitter of GHGs on Earth, was exempted from any constraints whatsoever under the Paris Agreement ... Friends of the Earth (FOE) has published a new report titled Nature-Based Solutions.

Magnetic Chamber can Simulate Microgravity (or Mars Gravity) Here on Earth

Universe Today 04 Nov 2021
So far, the biggest hindrance to developing those processes has been the expense of launching equipment to the low gravity environments of the ISS or other space-based research stations. Testing on the ground would be preferable both for ease of use and much lower cost, but the Earth’s gravity usually puts a stop to that.

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