- published: 19 Jun 2011
- views: 136677
Boys & Girls Club may refer to:
The Billionaire Boys Club (BBC) was an investment-and-social club organized by Joseph Henry Gamsky, also known as "Joe Hunt", in southern California in 1983. It was originally simply named "BBC"; the initials of a business named the Bombay Bicycle Club, a restaurant Gamsky had frequented in his earlier years while growing up in Chicago.
The organization was run as a Ponzi scheme, and money contributed by investors was spent on supporting lavish lifestyles for young members of the club. When funds ran short in 1984, Hunt and other club members turned to murder, and at least two people were killed as Hunt tried to raise more money.
The club enticed the sons of wealthy families from the Harvard School for Boys (now Harvard-Westlake School) in the Los Angeles area with get-rich-quick schemes. Because of the reputation of the organization being composed of young, inexperienced boys from moneyed families, jocose slang got around that "BBC" stood for "Billionaire Boys' Club". During his high school years, Gamsky and his brother were high-profile members of the Harvard School debate team. However, Gamsky was thrown out of the USC Summer Debate Institute in 1975 after admitting he fabricated evidence. In 2008 Joe Hunt published a book, "Blue Dharma", which received acclaim from Kirkus Discoveries - "A winning and complex fantasy tale." The story was recounted in the 1987 movie Billionaire Boys Club. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal agreed to hear his appeal on July 1st 2014.
Club may refer to:
A boy is a young male human, usually a child or adolescent. When he becomes an adult, he is described as a man. The most apparent difference between a typical boy and a typical girl is the genitalia. However, some intersex children with ambiguous genitals, and genetically female transgender children, may also be classified or self-identify as a boy.
The term boy is primarily used to indicate biological sex distinctions, cultural gender role distinctions or both. The latter most commonly applies to adult men, either considered in some way immature or inferior, in a position associated with aspects of boyhood, or even without such boyish connotation as age-indiscriminate synonym. The term can be joined with a variety of other words to form these gender-related labels as compound words.
The word "boy" comes from Middle English boi, boye ("boy, servant"), related to other Germanic words for boy, namely East Frisian boi ("boy, young man") and West Frisian boai ("boy"). Although the exact etymology is obscure, the English and Frisian forms probably derive from an earlier Anglo-Frisian *bō-ja ("little brother"), a diminutive of the Germanic root *bō- ("brother, male relation"), from Proto-Indo-European *bhā-, *bhāt- ("father, brother"). The root is also found in Flemish boe ("brother"), Norwegian dialectal boa ("brother"), and, through a reduplicated variant *bō-bō-, in Old Norse bófi, Dutch boef "(criminal) knave, rogue", German Bube ("knave, rogue, boy"). Furthermore, the word may be related to Bōia, an Anglo-Saxon personal name.
A boy is a human male child or young man.
Boy(s) or The Boy(s) may also refer to:
The Boys Club est de retour dans ce 3ème épisode ! Mymy et Fab reçoivent Raphaël Descraques, qui parle longuement de masculinité, de vulnérabilité et même de danse. /// DÉROULE POUR PLUS D'INFOS ! /// Toutes les infos dans l'article : http://www.madmoizelle.com/podcasts/the-boys-club-ep-3-raphael-descraques Ce dont on a parlé dans The Boys Club épisode 3: • The Mask You Live In, le docu sur la masculinité http://www.madmoizelle.com/sois-un-homme-mask-live-in-223637 • La conférence TED A call to men (Un appel aux hommes) https://www.ted.com/talks/tony_porter_a_call_to_men?language=fr • Le site de porno Make love, not porn https://www.makelovenotporn.com/ • Le documentaire Hot Girls Wanted sur l’industrie du porno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhOijYmyuhA • La série animée Big Mouth, réc...
The Boys Club est le tout nouveau podcast de madmoiZelle au sujet de la masculinité ! Pour ce premier épisode, Mymy et Fab reçoivent Arthur pour causer vulnérabilité, éducation et branlette entre potes. /// DÉROULE POUR PLUS D'INFOS ! /// Plus d'infos dans l'article : http://www.madmoizelle.com/podcasts/the-boys-club-episode-1-arthur *** BIENVENUE SUR LA CHAÎNE MADMOIZELLE ! *** Tous les jours à 18h, retrouve une vidéo par jour, produite par le talentueux squad de rédactrices du site madmoiZelle.com et des guests de qualité. TOUTES LES INFOS : https://youtu.be/IE8Hju9-CZc *** TU VEUX PASSER DEVANT NOTRE CAM ? *** Tu veux participer aux Sister Sister, Slip Style ou aux Street Tattoos ? Envoie un mail à filmemoi@madmoizelle.com avec tes motivations ! *** POUR NOUS SOUTENIR FINANCIÈRE...
1988 one hit wonder from from their self titled album featuring Joe Pasquale and Eugene Wolfgramm (under the alias Gene Hunt) formerly of The Jets. Courtesy of MCA Records
Pour l'épisode 2 de The Boys Club, le podcast sur la masculinité, Mymy et Fab ont eu le plaisir de recevoir Lâm ! Il nous parle de #MeToo, d'hommes en talons, de canons de virilité et... de doigts dans le cul. /// DÉROULE POUR PLUS D'INFOS ! /// Abonne-toi au podcast The Boys Club : http://bit.ly/the-boys-club Retrouve l'article de Mymy sur madmoiZelle : http://www.madmoizelle.com/podcasts/the-boys-club-lam Écoute l'épisode 1 avec Arthur : http://www.madmoizelle.com/podcasts/the-boys-club-episode-1-arthur *** BIENVENUE SUR LA CHAÎNE MADMOIZELLE ! *** Tous les jours à 18h, retrouve une vidéo par jour, produite par le talentueux squad de rédactrices du site madmoiZelle.com et des guests de qualité. TOUTES LES INFOS : https://youtu.be/IE8Hju9-CZc *** TU VEUX PASSER DEVANT NOTRE CAM ? ***...
Haz click aquí para ver el video nuevo: https://goo.gl/7vBSxR Suscribete al nuevo canal: https://goo.gl/gvtpm0 Music video by Arcangel performing Gucci Boys Club. Pina Records
免費訂閱我們 ▶https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYEcRcwNhGS3fAYVrOneFew?sub_confirmation=1 嘉賓: 江美儀 江美儀細說當紅藝人中降頭,電視城鬧鬼及兒時旅行團的車禍事件。 *更多免費劇集、綜藝節目、新聞同娛樂資訊等,盡在 TVB Anywhere流動應用程式!* *Download TVB Anywhere APP for FREE to watch more stunning contents!* ⬇️ 立即下載! Download Now !⬇️ Play Store: http://bit.ly/new_tvbanywhere App Store: http://bit.ly/ios_new_tvbanywhere (本服務暫不適用於中國大陸、馬來西亞、新西蘭、新加坡、台灣、美國和越南) (Service is currently not available in China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, USA and Vietnam)
The debut album from Lonsdale Boys Club out now on iTunes http://bit.ly/LBCalbum. For an exclusive signed copy go to Play http://bit.ly/LBCplaySigned. Album also available from Amazon http://bit.ly/LBCAmaz & HMV http://bit.ly/LBChmv. https://www.facebook.com/#!/lonsdaleboysclub http://twitter.com/lonsdaleboys/ http://www.lonsdaleboysclub.com/ http://www.vevo.com/artist/lonsdale-boys-club Directed by Evan Dennis Music video by Lonsdale Boys Club performing Light Me Up. (C) 2012 Rocky Bay LLP under exclusive licence to Future Records Ltd under exclusive licence to Universal Island Records, a division of Universal Music Operations Ltd
Cartoonist Matt Furie’s deadpan comics showcase slacker roommates Andy, Brett, Landwolf, and Pepe in a series of comical vignettes combining laconic psychedelia, childlike enchantment, drug-fueled hedonism, and impish mischief. The perpetually insouciant glaze of his characters belie the sharp verbal and visual wit of Furie, who delivers a stoner classic for the Tumblr generation. In fact, Furie’s wildly popular teenage weirdoes became an overnight internet sensation when Pepe the Frog was widely adopted by users of 4chan and remixed ad infinitum from there (including uses by pop stars like Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry), giving Boy’s Club built-in recognition with many. A spiritual cousin to Simon Hanselmann’s Megahex and Joán Cornella’s Mox Nox, Boy’s Club’s sense of humor will especially r...
White Boys Club Dynamo Kyiv запрошує на відкриті тренування. В здоровому тілі - здоровий Дух! Стань сильним! Тренуйся з найкращими! Досягай висот як в спорті, так і в житті!
不少香港人因忙於工作無暇跟異性約會,遂貪一時方便藉網上社交平台結識朋友,並發展網上情緣,卻要慎防種種陷阱! 嘉賓麥玲玲提到騙徒會摸清目標的嗜好及習慣,投其所好;還多次證明自己有財力,爭取目標信任。她又細說某已婚男會計師「偷食」後,被女子軟硬兼施,多次以不同緊急理由借錢;事主借出巨款始知受騙,最終如何了事? 雖然網上多愛情騙子,但也有開花結果的例子。玲玲師傅引述女子遇網上情騙,卻意外覓得良緣的奇情故事。 今集播出日期:2017/12/12 (星期二) 及 2017/12/13 (星期三) 防災意識你要知 上:香港人甚少遇上大型天災,相對缺乏防災意識。災難防護應變教研中心代表吳惠玲指出,機構成立旨在加強前線醫護人員對緊急醫療的知識,並提升大眾的防災意識,從而減低災害。 隨着全球氣候變化,災害風險越來越高,颱風、強降雨怎樣對香港造成潛在危機?本港的火災警報系統以響鐘為主,聽障人士因此受到莫大的生命威脅。為了保障這個高危群體,機構有何重點項目計劃?惠玲還提到大澳居民正面對高度的水災風險,預防工作不容拖延! 下:睽違樂壇四年,姜麗文(Lesley)再次推出新作,以歌詞道出患上情緒病的經歷。身為唱作人的她早前還為韓國著名男子組合2pm創作主打歌,在K-Pop界打響名堂,緣何促成跨地域的合作?Lesley受情緒病困擾長達四年,並曾希望將病情保持低調,這次卻勇於在鏡頭前剖白,有何原因?患病期間,Lesley更難忘父親秦沛的窩心舉動!她亦以「過來人」的身分,分享對抗抑鬱的方法,以及身邊人可怎樣為患者送上適切關心。 2 集 提播 晚上 12:00 J2台。
"Sad Boys Club" é o primeiro single do álbum "Utopia". "Utopia" já está disponível nas principais plataformas de streaming. Escute agora: Spotify: http://bit.ly/UtopiaSpotify Deezer: http://bit.ly/UtopiaDeezer iTunes: http://bit.ly/UtopiaItunes Google Play: http://bit.ly/UtopiaPlay Napster: http://bit.ly/UtopiaNapster TIDAL: http://bit.ly/UtopiaTidal http://www.instagram.com/thalles http://www.facebook.com/thallescabral http://www.twitter.com/thalles_cabral Dirigido por / Directed by: Thalles Roteiro / Screenplay: Thalles Assistente de Direção / Assistant Director: Thaís Lago Direção de Fotografia / DP: Carmen Campos e Diego Rodrigues Câmera / Camera Operator: Marco Lomiler 1º Assistente de Câmera / 1st Camera Assistant e Logger: Vanessa Alves 2º Assistente de Câmera / 2nd Camera Ass...
免費訂閱我們 ▶https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYEcRcwNhGS3fAYVrOneFew?sub_confirmation=1 *更多免費劇集、綜藝節目、新聞同娛樂資訊等,盡在 TVB Anywhere流動應用程式!* *Download TVB Anywhere APP for FREE to watch more stunning contents!* ⬇️ 立即下載! Download Now !⬇️ Play Store: http://bit.ly/new_tvbanywhere App Store: http://bit.ly/ios_new_tvbanywhere (本服務暫不適用於中國大陸、馬來西亞、新加坡、台灣、美國和越南) (Service is currently not available in China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, USA and Vietnam)
YEEZY ZEBRA TALK ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXEwYWF-7Iw THUMBS UP IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE VLOGS!:D VLOG 001 - LONDON. STORE LOCATIONS: BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB - 36 Marshall St, Carnaby, London W1F 7EY PLUGLINE - THE CAPS AT THE END. https://projectplug.com SUPREME - 2-3 Peter St, Soho, London W1F 0AA ** HIT ME UP ** - TWITTER: - https://twitter.com/HafizurrRahman - INSTAGRAM: - https://www.instagram.com/mr.rahh/ MUSIC BY – Aso – Sun Will Shine J Cole - Neighbours DISCLAIMER - I do not any of the copyright to the audio track in this video. Thanks For Watching!!!!!!!
Based on a true story: Billionaire Boys Club is a two-part TV movie that first aired on NBC in 1987. It told the story of the Billionaire Boys Club, and its founder, Joe Hunt, who was convicted in 1987 of murdering con-man Ron Levin. The film was written by Gy Waldron and directed by Marvin J. Chomsky. The miniseries was rebroadcast on NBC in 1989. The Billionaire Boys Club (BBC) was an investment-and-social club organized by Joseph Henry Gamsky, also known as "Joe Hunt", in southern California in 1983. It was originally simply named "BBC"; the initials of a business named the Bombay Bicycle Club, a restaurant Gamsky had frequented in his earlier years while growing up in Chicago. The club enticed the sons of wealthy families from the Harvard School for Boys (now Harvard-Westlake Schoo...
Thanks for watching. Subscribe for more. There are a lot of kicks dropping on Black Friday, but one of the cooler items to restock is from Private Label. Their new collaboration with Billionaire Boys Club on their custom sneaker luggage is returning for one day only. Check the shoe bag unboxing. Link to checkout the collab. https://privatelabelnyc.com/collections/billionaire-boys-club-x-private-label ►SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/kustoo?sub_confirmation=1 SNAPCHAT ► @Kustoo TWITTER ► http://bit.ly/11Nw0oo INSTA ► http://bit.ly/19jV3FT MY SHOES: Nike: http://fave.co/1TmdDEA Jordan: http://fave.co/1rZcSt0 Jimmy Jazz: http://fave.co/1q2Y7mP NIKEiD: http://fave.co/1rZdkYb Jacques @Kustoo Slade is a guy that loves sneakers and creates Youtube videos about them as well as other...
Lolcow (n) - A person or group of people laughed at for actions that they take, despite not trying to be funny. They may try to take themselves seriously, but they are often "milked" for laughs with or without their knowledge. What do you do with a Stanley Cup winner that has a stable core and has a strong chance at being a cup contender? Why, make a ton of extremely questionable personnel decisions and deflect criticism of management with spineless firings and acquisitions of players who consistently fail to meet expectations. Welcome to the clown show that is the Boston Bruins. This is a team I've been scouting for a bit, but recent events have had this team emerge as one of the true lolcows of hockey.
Bindass boys club
The Boys Club est de retour dans ce 3ème épisode ! Mymy et Fab reçoivent Raphaël Descraques, qui parle longuement de masculinité, de vulnérabilité et même de danse. /// DÉROULE POUR PLUS D'INFOS ! /// Toutes les infos dans l'article : http://www.madmoizelle.com/podcasts/the-boys-club-ep-3-raphael-descraques Ce dont on a parlé dans The Boys Club épisode 3: • The Mask You Live In, le docu sur la masculinité http://www.madmoizelle.com/sois-un-homme-mask-live-in-223637 • La conférence TED A call to men (Un appel aux hommes) https://www.ted.com/talks/tony_porter_a_call_to_men?language=fr • Le site de porno Make love, not porn https://www.makelovenotporn.com/ • Le documentaire Hot Girls Wanted sur l’industrie du porno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhOijYmyuhA • La série animée Big Mouth, réc...
The Boys Club est le tout nouveau podcast de madmoiZelle au sujet de la masculinité ! Pour ce premier épisode, Mymy et Fab reçoivent Arthur pour causer vulnérabilité, éducation et branlette entre potes. /// DÉROULE POUR PLUS D'INFOS ! /// Plus d'infos dans l'article : http://www.madmoizelle.com/podcasts/the-boys-club-episode-1-arthur *** BIENVENUE SUR LA CHAÎNE MADMOIZELLE ! *** Tous les jours à 18h, retrouve une vidéo par jour, produite par le talentueux squad de rédactrices du site madmoiZelle.com et des guests de qualité. TOUTES LES INFOS : https://youtu.be/IE8Hju9-CZc *** TU VEUX PASSER DEVANT NOTRE CAM ? *** Tu veux participer aux Sister Sister, Slip Style ou aux Street Tattoos ? Envoie un mail à filmemoi@madmoizelle.com avec tes motivations ! *** POUR NOUS SOUTENIR FINANCIÈRE...
Pour l'épisode 2 de The Boys Club, le podcast sur la masculinité, Mymy et Fab ont eu le plaisir de recevoir Lâm ! Il nous parle de #MeToo, d'hommes en talons, de canons de virilité et... de doigts dans le cul. /// DÉROULE POUR PLUS D'INFOS ! /// Abonne-toi au podcast The Boys Club : http://bit.ly/the-boys-club Retrouve l'article de Mymy sur madmoiZelle : http://www.madmoizelle.com/podcasts/the-boys-club-lam Écoute l'épisode 1 avec Arthur : http://www.madmoizelle.com/podcasts/the-boys-club-episode-1-arthur *** BIENVENUE SUR LA CHAÎNE MADMOIZELLE ! *** Tous les jours à 18h, retrouve une vidéo par jour, produite par le talentueux squad de rédactrices du site madmoiZelle.com et des guests de qualité. TOUTES LES INFOS : https://youtu.be/IE8Hju9-CZc *** TU VEUX PASSER DEVANT NOTRE CAM ? ***...
@stevezaragoza https://www.youtube.com/user/stevezaragoza/ TORTY CLOUD: https://youtu.be/U7k1QAOPiZw 2017 Gray Boy Hats: http://bit.ly/BoysOnly Subscribe, boys: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs3snA6GNU9HjV8ejeC0ISA iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boysonlyclub/id1212164931?mt=2 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-497265736
免費訂閱我們 ▶https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYEcRcwNhGS3fAYVrOneFew?sub_confirmation=1 嘉賓: 江美儀 江美儀細說當紅藝人中降頭,電視城鬧鬼及兒時旅行團的車禍事件。 *更多免費劇集、綜藝節目、新聞同娛樂資訊等,盡在 TVB Anywhere流動應用程式!* *Download TVB Anywhere APP for FREE to watch more stunning contents!* ⬇️ 立即下載! Download Now !⬇️ Play Store: http://bit.ly/new_tvbanywhere App Store: http://bit.ly/ios_new_tvbanywhere (本服務暫不適用於中國大陸、馬來西亞、新西蘭、新加坡、台灣、美國和越南) (Service is currently not available in China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, USA and Vietnam)
Based on a true story: Billionaire Boys Club is a two-part TV movie that first aired on NBC in 1987. It told the story of the Billionaire Boys Club, and its founder, Joe Hunt, who was convicted in 1987 of murdering con-man Ron Levin. The film was written by Gy Waldron and directed by Marvin J. Chomsky. The miniseries was rebroadcast on NBC in 1989. The Billionaire Boys Club (BBC) was an investment-and-social club organized by Joseph Henry Gamsky, also known as "Joe Hunt", in southern California in 1983. It was originally simply named "BBC"; the initials of a business named the Bombay Bicycle Club, a restaurant Gamsky had frequented in his earlier years while growing up in Chicago. The club enticed the sons of wealthy families from the Harvard School for Boys (now Harvard-Westlake Schoo...
Welcome to 2018. Boys Only Club Zip Hoodies: http://bit.ly/2BEolDu Boys Only Club Hats: http://bit.ly/BoysOnly Subscribe, boys: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs3snA6GNU9HjV8ejeC0ISA iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boysonlyclub/id1212164931?mt=2 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-497265736 - Steve makes bad promises and he's to blame for the lack of episodes - But Reina should've known better. - Everything that happened with Logan Paul from Reina's perspective - Shane Dawson conspiracy stuff - More about Japan stuff, like how Reina lives near the suicide forest - Who deserves second chances? Steve's poorly constructed morality questions - YouTube is messed up - Steve got called the n word. - Stupid professors that care about attendance - Steve was dry and flaky du...
More Sam: https://audioboom.com/channel/only-stupid-answers More hats: G R A B A H A T : http://bit.ly/BoysOnly Subscribe, boys: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs3snA6GNU9HjV8ejeC0ISA iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boysonlyclub/id1212164931?mt=2 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-497265736
免費訂閱我們 ▶https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYEcRcwNhGS3fAYVrOneFew?sub_confirmation=1 *更多免費劇集、綜藝節目、新聞同娛樂資訊等,盡在 TVB Anywhere流動應用程式!* *Download TVB Anywhere APP for FREE to watch more stunning contents!* ⬇️ 立即下載! Download Now !⬇️ Play Store: http://bit.ly/new_tvbanywhere App Store: http://bit.ly/ios_new_tvbanywhere (本服務暫不適用於中國大陸、馬來西亞、新加坡、台灣、美國和越南) (Service is currently not available in China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, USA and Vietnam)
免費訂閱我們 ▶https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYEcRcwNhGS3fAYVrOneFew?sub_confirmation=1 嘉賓: 路芙 主持: 林盛斌、范振鋒 *更多免費劇集、綜藝節目、新聞同娛樂資訊等,盡在 TVB Anywhere流動應用程式!* *Download TVB Anywhere APP for FREE to watch more stunning contents!* ⬇️ 立即下載! Download Now !⬇️ Play Store: http://bit.ly/new_tvbanywhere App Store: http://bit.ly/ios_new_tvbanywhere (本服務暫不適用於中國大陸、馬來西亞、新加坡、台灣、美國和越南) (Service is currently not available in China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, USA and Vietnam)
免費訂閱我們 ▶https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYEcRcwNhGS3fAYVrOneFew?sub_confirmation=1 *更多免費劇集、綜藝節目、新聞同娛樂資訊等,盡在 TVB Anywhere流動應用程式!* *Download TVB Anywhere APP for FREE to watch more stunning contents!* ⬇️ 立即下載! Download Now !⬇️ Play Store: http://bit.ly/new_tvbanywhere App Store: http://bit.ly/ios_new_tvbanywhere (本服務暫不適用於中國大陸、馬來西亞、新加坡、台灣、美國和越南) (Service is currently not available in China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, USA and Vietnam)
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免費訂閱我們 ▶https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYEcRcwNhGS3fAYVrOneFew?sub_confirmation=1 嘉賓: 樊奕敏 主持: 陳國峰、范振鋒 *更多免費劇集、綜藝節目、新聞同娛樂資訊等,盡在 TVB Anywhere流動應用程式!* *Download TVB Anywhere APP for FREE to watch more stunning contents!* ⬇️ 立即下載! Download Now !⬇️ Play Store: http://bit.ly/new_tvbanywhere App Store: http://bit.ly/ios_new_tvbanywhere (本服務暫不適用於中國大陸、馬來西亞、新加坡、台灣、美國和越南) (Service is currently not available in China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, USA and Vietnam)
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Hi Suzie, this is Sheila
What U gonna do 2night?
Stay home and watch The Honeymooners?
Ah girl, later 4 U
I'm gonna go 2 the Boy's Club
Let me tell U bout this club I know
They got all the men, all the dough
They really can't dance and they ain't 2 bright
But the girls don't mind if the money's right
Some are cute and some are not
But that don't matter cuz the music's hot
Can't help dancin' when U feel the beat
U can't help watchin' cuz U feel the heat
A girl with 4 legs, that's the best
U better look twice, there's someone under her dress
Boy's Club
Meet me later at the Boy's Club
Boy's Club
Meet me later at the Boy's Club
Yeah, U're kinda cute
But it's about the perfume
Confusion in your bathroom
Oh yeah, he just asked me 4 a match
And I said - "Yeah, U're face and my shoes"
He said, "U just ruined my night"
And I said - "Yeah, just think
U could be at home watchin' The Honeymooners
Wanna dance?"
Light skinned boys think they're so bad
They drink Evian, listen 2 jazz
At home they like symphonies
But when they're at the club, it's Sheila E. (Sheila E.)
(Please) {x2}
Can't help dancin' when U feel the beat (CHORUS)
Can't help watchin' cuz U feel the heat
A girl with 4 legs, that's the best
U better look twice, there's someone under her dress
Boy's Club
Light skinned boys think they're so bad
They drink Evian, listen 2 jazz
At home they like symphonies
When they're at the club, they like me
Boy's Club
Meet me later at the Boy's Club
Boy's Club
Can't help dancin' when U feel the beat
U can't help watchin' when U feel the heat
A girl with 4 legs, that's the best
U better look twice, there's someone under my dress
(Hey) Hey, get outta here