- published: 05 Feb 2014
- views: 168550
Earl Blumenauer (born August 16, 1948) is the U.S. Representative for Oregon's 3rd congressional district, serving since 1996. He is a member of the Democratic Party. The district includes most of Portland east of the Willamette River. He previously spent over 20 years as a public official in Portland, including serving on the Portland City Council from 1987 to 1996.
Blumenauer was born in Portland on August 16, 1948. In 1966, he graduated from Centennial High School on the eastside of Portland and then enrolled at Lewis & Clark College in the southwest part of the city. He majored in political science and received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lewis & Clark in 1970. Blumenauer completed his education in 1976 when he earned a Juris Doctor degree from the school's Northwestern School of Law (now Lewis & Clark Law School). Starting before law school in 1970 and continuing until 1977, he worked as an assistant to the president of Portland State University.
Michael Botticelli may refer to:
US Rep. To Deputy Director of Drug Policy: You're 'Part of the Problem'
Blumenauer on marijuana deaths, "zero!"
Congressman Destroys War on Marijuana in Four Minutes
Earl Blumenauer
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) Responds to Netanyahu's Speech
Cannabis, Politics, and Reform: Earl Blumenauer of Oregon
Earl Blumenauer Live Stream
Earl Blumenauer About Moving Forward Marijuana Reform
Transforming transportation with autonomous vehicles: Keynote remarks by Rep. Earl Blumenauer
Rep. Cohen & Blumenauer Question Drug Czar Michael Botticelli (2014)
Rep. Earl Blumenauer grows frustrated with witnesses' "inability to answer" direct questions about the real health risks of pot.
"Spoiler alert - it's zero!" said Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) on the number of deaths from marijuana overdose.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) details how marijuana prohibition has been a "spectacular failure" and previews reform legislation he will soon introduce. Check out http://MarijuanaMajority.com to see more politicians who know it's time for change.
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives interviews Michael Botticelli, the deputy director of the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy
Support the Deal with Iran President Brack Obama is under intense pressure from some members of Senate and House of Representatives to abandon the nuclear deal with Iran. The deal with Iran is in the national interest of the United States and other western countries as it will bring peace and stability in the Middle East by ensuring that Iran does not build a nuclear weapon and bring that country in to the community of nations. Please take action by writing to your elected representatives in the US Senate and Congress to strengthen the hands of President Obama and his negotiating team so they can finalize this deal. http://advocacy.shiapac.org/o/51187//p/dia/action3/common/public/index.sjs?action_KEY=13230
State marijuana policy has been revolutionized in recent years. 25 states currently have some form of legal marijuana, and many more are evaluating legalization. Still, all forms of marijuana remain illegal under federal law. Congressman Earl Blumenauer has led the movement to legalize marijuana in Oregon since 1973. He’s been a crucial proponent of legislation which decriminalized marijuana in the Beaver State, the first state in the United States to do so. Blumenauer, born in 1948 in Portland, Oregon, attended Lewis and Clark College in the City of Roses. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1996, where he successfully campaigned to legalize, regulate, and tax marijuana in Oregon in 2014. The Congressman currently plans to travel to every state with a cannabis init...
Earl Blumenauer is the U.S. Representative for Oregon's 3rd congressional district, serving since 1996. His speech was captured at the International Drug Policy Reform Conference in Washington DC in November 2015. http://www.reformconference.org/ http://www.drugreporter.net http://www.facebook.com/drugreporter Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/H0cR/
On December 5, the new Brookings Center on Regulation and Markets hosted an event releasing new research on the congestion reducing benefits of autonomous vehicles and the consumer surplus stemming from the sharing economy. https://www.brookings.edu/events/transforming-transportation-with-autonomous-vehicles-and-the-sharing-economy/ (transcript available). Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=BrookingsInstitution Follow Brookings on social media! Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/Brookings Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BrookingsInst Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/brookingsinst LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/com/company/the-brookings-institution
Originally published on Feb 4, 2014 ABC News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBi2mrWuNuyYy4gbM6fU18Q Representative Steve Cohen and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) asked Michael Botticelli, the drug czar's chief deputy, to identify the number of marijuana overdoses reported in the previous five years. "To my knowledge, I don't know if there have been instances of specific overdose-related deaths," states Michael P. Botticelli, Deputy Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control on the US's drug control policies. "You should be listening to the scientist!" says Representative Steve Cohen. "People don't smoke marijuana and beat up on their wives and girlfriends!"
ارل بلومنور، عضو دموکرات کانگرس امریکا، با دوتن از همکارانش در سطح کانگرس امریکا برای تمدید لایحه ویزه خاص مهاجرت برای افغانها یا اس آی وی نقش مهمی را بازی میکند. ارل بلومنور همراه با جین شهین و آدم کینزینگر، اعضا کانگرس امریکا، درماه می سال جاری پیشنهاد لایحه تمدید ویزه اس ای وی برای افغانها را به رهبری کانگرس امریکا تسلیم نمودند که تاکنون تصویب نشده است. درهمین حال ویزه اس ای وی اکنون تمام میشود، ارل بلومنور درمورد پیشنهاد جدید برای اضافه کردن این ویزه با تلویزیون آشنا صحبت نمود. بخش این مصاحبه را که همکارم ژیلا ناصری انجام داده است درین بخش آماده است، مصاحبه کامل آنرا در صفحه یوتیوب بخش دری تلویزیون اشنا تماشا کنید. به این مصاحبه توجه کنید
Rep. Earl Blumenauer grows frustrated with witnesses' "inability to answer" direct questions about the real health risks of pot.
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives interviews Michael Botticelli, the deputy director of the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy
"An Oregon Democrat literally threw up his hands in frustration Tuesday after failing to get a direct answer to his question about marijuana's dangers from the deputy director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) asked Michael Botticelli, the drug czar's chief deputy, to identify the number of marijuana overdoses reported in the previous five years. "To my knowledge, I don't know if there have been instances of specific overdose-related deaths," Botticelli said...".* Ben Mankiewicz (co-host of What The Flick?! and TYT Sports) and comedian Jimmy Dore break it down on The Young Turks. *Read more here from Travis Gettys / The Raw Story: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/02/05/oregon-dem-destroys-top-drug-official-who-cant-say-if-weeds-less-addi...
Mount Madonna School students interview Congressmen Joe Kennedy, Earl Blumenauer, and Dan Donovan as part of their Washington DC Interview tour, in the Values in World Thought program. Here is a short sample of the interviews. The school takes juniors and seniors every other year to DC to meet and talk to both political and NGO leaders. See the blog at http://dc.mountmadonnaschool.org Filmed and edited by Devin Kumar. http://www.devinkumar.com Produced by Mount Madonna School.
From our sixth hour of Marijuana Election Night 2014 coverage, Rep. Earl Blumenauer joins us for an interview.
Ed Shultz interviews Rep. Earl Blumenauer and Keith Olbermann talks to Gov. Howard Dean about the liars that have created the "Death Panel" myth in the Health Care debate and the lunatic fringe that lives on fear and eats it all up.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) details how marijuana prohibition has been a "spectacular failure" and previews reform legislation he will soon introduce. Check out http://MarijuanaMajority.com to see more politicians who know it's time for change.
Earl Blumenauer stated in this NPR radio interview that he thinks traffic congestion is exciting.With your help Delia Lopez can arrest power from career politician Earl Blumenauer so that she can truly represent the interests of her Oregon constituents in the House of Representatives in Washington D.C. Please help Delia and the other brave Congressional candidates from around our country take back the United States from the self centered career politicians who seek to enrich themselves at the expense of our children.