The Project's Waleed Aly makes sense of complex issues

The most powerful people in Australia

Months ago, Waleed Aly began pondering the sad fact that not much of substance goes viral.

Slapstick? Sure. Controversy? Certainly. Outrage? Most definitely.

But the things that really fire up the internet are “very rarely rich concepts”, he says. “Virtues very rarely go viral.”

The kernel of an idea formed: what if you could send forgiveness viral? For a while he worried he’d never find a hook with which to embed such a high ideal into the minds of the almost 1 million, mostly 20- to 40-year-olds who tune in each night to The Project, the Network Ten show he co-hosts.

"The problem I think we're facing is that the more outrageous and outraged you are, the more you are rewarded," Waleed ...
"The problem I think we're facing is that the more outrageous and outraged you are, the more you are rewarded," Waleed Aly says. Penny Stephens

Then along came Sonia Kruger. The breakfast television host blew up the internet one Monday in July after espousing her view that immigration of Muslims should be stopped so that she could “feel safe”. Progressives were outraged, deriding her use of a privileged position to demonise an entire section of society. Conservatives were equally outraged, arguing that the political correctness police were coming to arrest poor Sonia. The whole thing quickly descended down the gurgler of what passes for discourse.

But by 6.30pm the following night, Aly had a new take on the issue – one that would go on to be viewed by 11 million Facebook users and be shared about 190,000 times. Instead of piling onto Kruger, calling her racist and picking apart her argument, he suggested people take a moment to consider her fears and those of others, and come back with “radical generosity in the face of their hostility, even when it hurts”.

The next day, with the online response to Aly’s notion at 4 million and counting, a panel of business and political leaders seated around the Fairfax Media boardroom table voted the 38-year-old Aly the country’s most culturally powerful person.

“It is political commentary as entertainment, but it’s reaching young people in a way that a lot of other things and people don’t,” says Ben Oquist, executive director of The Australia Institute and a former Greens chief of staff. “In the context of the debate about racism, Islam and Muslims, he’s a hugely powerful voice at the moment.”

Katrina Sedgwick, the former ABC TV executive who now runs the Australian Centre for the Moving Image in Melbourne, agrees. “He’s a highly intelligent, very entertaining commentator who has an incredibly powerful platform speaking to the 20- to 40-year-old demographic, who are really difficult to get to,” she says. “It’s mostly quite light entertainment and then every now and then he absolutely nails it with a two- or three-minute diatribe that’s very, very effective and powerful.” 

Like Charlie Pickering, whom he replaced at the start of 2015 as a regular host on The Project, Aly started his working life as a lawyer. When he left the field in 2007 he already had a name for himself as head of public affairs at the Islamic Council of Victoria, plus a Walkley commendation for commentary under his belt. Over the years the father of two has held various public-facing roles, working not only as a television panellist but as a columnist for Fairfax Media, an ABC radio presenter, a politics lecturer at Monash University and a part-time comedian. In May this year he won the Gold Logie, TV’s most popular personality award.

Aly resonates strongly with his audience due to a combination of style – calm, sensible, accessible – and substance, dealing as he does with complex, often vexed issues. His three most popular pieces of commentary in the past year are instructive in this regard. “ISIL is Weak” quelled fear in the wake of the Paris attacks by building an argument out of the terrorist group’s own propaganda. “Send Forgiveness Viral” was a Muslim man’s response to Kruger’s fears, pitched in a way that would stem the flood of abuse she was copping. And “Milked Dry” tapped into the plight of dairy farmers and called on shoppers to reject cheap private label milk and cheese.

“He is not afraid to stand up and say publicly what we’re all thinking,” observes Nicola Wakefield Evans, a director at Bupa, Toll Holdings, Macquarie Group and Lendlease. “He’s not afraid to call out bad behaviour, nor wrong behaviour. On the positive side, he’s a passionate advocate for a whole lot of causes as well.”

Power of reason v outrage

The fear of terrorism, questions about multiculturalism, the rise of online abuse, suspicion about big corporations stamping on the little guy, worries about future prosperity. These are some of the issues contributing to the destabilisation of the country’s two-party political system, which culminated in a July federal election that delivered a tenuous lower house majority and a chaotic upper house speckled with fringe interests.

Technology is another thread running through this year’s cultural power list. Australia’s tech-savvy Prime Minister might argue that there’s never been a more exciting time to be Australian but for many it’s technology, combined with globalisation, that’s turning the world topsy-turvy, threatening jobs and, in some cases, whole industries. We like the convenience of Uber, net-a-porter and Amazon, and enjoy streaming movies on Netflix, as long as it’s not disrupting our own lives and livelihoods.

Add in the plight of women seeking equal pay or fleeing violence – sometimes both – and the mess that is the marriage equality debate, and you have a snow globe of cultural issues. Shake it and you have Australia. They’re not exclusively Australian issues, mind, with a combination of the above credited for the rise of Donald Trump in the US and the shock decision by British voters to leave the European Union.

Those who made the AFR Magazine’s cultural power list this year tend to be people with a voice on one or more of these issues – some positive, some negative.

Rosie Batty remains etched in the public consciousness two-and-a-half years after the murder of her son Luke by his father. Although she handed the Australian of the Year mantle on in January, to many she is still the face of the domestic violence scourge – and the person credited with a growing public appetite for doing something about it. Malcolm Turnbull announced a $100 million package to tackle the problem in September 2015, one of his first announcements after becoming Prime Minister. “She is still incredibly popular and influential with the public,” says Tony Mitchelmore, qualitative researcher and managing director of Visibility Consulting. “They listen to her and respect her.”

While business and political leaders ponder issues of family violence, the gender pay gap and board diversity, many families in middle Australia simply want to know what to say to their teenage girls and boys about sexting and Snapchat. The internet has thrown new light on gender relations, and what it’s exposed is not always pretty. “We can’t ignore that so much of the trolling online is misogynistic,” says Katrina Sedgwick.

Women are stepping forward to deal with this and other issues in their own particular styles. Where Batty used her own awful story to push for action, retaining a stoic air throughout, feminist commentators such as Clementine Ford have fought back by combining articulate opinion with rage. Bestselling novelist Liane Moriarty, meanwhile, has used fiction tinged with humour to tell stories of love and family that contain dark undercurrents ranging from domestic violence to fertility problems and divorce.

That gender issues are shaping Australian culture to a greater extent than they have in the past is illustrated by their emergence in the most unlikely of places … like at the footy. The 2016 Power panel almost cut Australian Football League chief executive Gillon McLachlan from this year’s list altogether for his inability to stand up for women against his mates. He failed to immediately sanction chief gaffe-maker Eddie McGuire mid-year when the Collingwood president joked about drowning journalist Caroline Wilson. The panel ultimately concluded, however, that the AFL was too much of a cultural force to be left off the list, arguing that initiatives such as its new women’s league and its round honouring Indigenous Australians underline its ability to influence behaviour among its broad fan base.

It’s political commentary as entertainment, but it’s reaching young people in a way that a lot of other things and people don’t. – Ben Oquist He is not afraid to stand up and say publicly what we’re all thinking. He’s not afraid to call out bad behaviour. – Nicola Wakefield Evans
Photo: Simon Schleuter
Waleed Aly
The Project co-host, commentator, academic 2015 ranking: None
Because: Staring down the barrel of the camera into almost 1 million lounge rooms nightly, The Project host preaches sensible analysis. Aly’s seat at the Prime Minister’s table during Ramadan shows his voice is taken seriously by the elite, while his shiny Gold Logie proves that many in middle Australia have been listening intently for some time. His most popular video, in which he calls terrorist group Islamic State weak, has been viewed 30 million times since it was aired in November 2015. “Milked Dry”, a sermon from May calling on shoppers to eschew cheap private label milk and cheese, has been viewed 4 million times. Anecdotes of empty shelves flooded in after the broadcast and in August Dairy Australia reported the share of branded milk sold in supermarkets had soared from about 35 per cent to 51.9 per cent, the highest level since 2010. What the panel says: He’s a highly intelligent, very entertaining commentator ... It’s mostly quite light entertainment and then every now and then he absolutely nails it with a two- or three-minute diatribe that’s very, very effective and powerful. – Katrina Sedgwick
Each year The Australian Financial Review Magazine assembles a panel of high achievers from across a diverse range of sectors to help it assess who has won, lost and retained power in Australia in the past 12 months. Meet this year’s panel.
Dominique Fisher Managing director of CareerLounge; non-executive director of Australia Post.
Gary Gray Executive at Mineral Resources Ltd; former Labor resources and energy minister; former national secretary of the Australian Labor Party.
Sandra Harding Vice-chancellor and president of James Cook University.
Greg Combet Company director in funds management and banking; former Labor industry and climate change minister; former ACTU secretary.
Ben Oquist Executive director of The Australia Institute; former Greens chief of staff.
Tony Mitchelmore Managing director of Visibility Consulting; qualitative researcher and campaign strategist.
Katrina Sedgwick Chief executive officer of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image; former head of arts at ABC TV.
Ian Macfarlane Chairman of the Innovative Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre; former Coalition industry minister.
Nicola Wakefield Evans Non-executive director of Lendlease, Toll Holdings, Macquarie Group and Bupa Australia and New Zealand.
Amanda Vanstone Fairfax columnist and Radio National presenter; former Coalition immigration minister; former ambassador to Italy.
Michael Stutchbury Editor-in-chief of The Australian Financial Review.
Penny Wong, Warren Entsch and the same-sex marriage debate
South Australian Labor Senator and Federal Liberal MP respectively, both advocates for same-sex marriage. 2015 ranking: 5 (same-sex marriage)
What the panel says: Political leadership is really important to make this a unifying experience and not something that we’ll regret. – Greg Combet The fact that Penny Wong and Warren Entsch are both advocating for same-sex marriage is a very strong statement. It’s an idea whose time I hope has come. – Amanda Vanstone
Because: Most Australians – 70 per cent in some polls – want their gay and lesbian friends and family to be able to marry, so in many ways the topic has already shaped culture. An issue during the July federal election, it’s expected to continue as a talking point for politicians and punters alike in the coming year. A rejection of the government’s planned plebiscite is unlikely to stall debate on an issue many see as a fundamental matter of equality at law. The challenge for the political class will be to lead the discussion in a way that discourages bigotry and minimises harm.   Steely, determined Wong – the country’s first lesbian member of Parliament – embodies the case for change, living it quietly and purposefully day in, day out, speaking out on occasion but not being defined by it. Entsch – a 66-year-old conservative whose seat covers Cairns to Cape York – is the unlikely but passionate long-term advocate from the other side of the political fence.   As the debate rolls on, new MPs who happen to be gay, such as the Coalition’s Trent Zimmerman, Tim Wilson and Trevor Evans, together with Labor’s Julian Hill, are also expected to have their say.
Photo: Nic Walker
Adam Goodes, Michael O’Loughlin; Johnathan Thurston
Retired Sydney Swans AFL footballers; North Queensland Cowboys rugby league captain 2015 ranking: 15 (Goodes)
What the panel says: Goodes, O’Loughlin and Thurston are three Indigenous sportsmen leading the way by really stepping up on Indigenous issues. They’re using their positions to raise awareness. – Nicola Wakefield Evans Thurston’s footy prowess is without peer but he is so very much more than that. – Sandra Harding
Because: Former Sydney Swans captain Goodes proved this past year that a dignified silence can be as powerful as shouting from the rooftops. Plagued by incessant booing, the former Australian of the Year sat out a round of footy then knocked back the offer of a farewell lap of honour at the 2015 grand final. Goodes’ power as a role model was recognised last October when David Jones signed him up as a brand ambassador. It’s further reinforced through the success of the GO Foundation he founded with former Sydney Swans playing mate O’Loughlin, which offers scholarships to academically gifted Indigenous students. Across codes, Thurston is another welcome idol for kids and dads alike. After slotting a field goal in extra time to win the 2015 rugby league grand final, Thurston used his speech to start a campaign for a new stadium in Townsville, where he’s known as the “king of the north”. Experts rubbished the business case for the stadium but both sides of politics nevertheless promised $100 million.
Photo: James Brickwood
Anti-misogyny warriors
Writers, social media users 2015 ranking: None
Because: Whether it’s barbs about their looks, threats of sexual violence or photo hacks, a lot of online harassment is directed at women. According to digital security firm Norton, 76 per cent of Australian women under 30 have experienced some abuse or harassment online. But they’re not staying silent about it any more. Clementine Ford, Jane Caro, Tara Moss, Catherine Deveny, Mia Freedman and Wendy Harmer are just some of the high-profile women using social media to call out sexism, misogyny and anything else they don’t like. When an issue is trending, retweets, reposts and likes can quickly build into a powerful wave that emboldens lesser known women to speak out, too – and shuts up some of the antagonists. What the panel says: There’s this world outside of mass media where women are asserting their rights very strongly and fighting back. – Greg Combet
Clementine Ford
Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar
Mike Cannon-Brookes
What the panel says: Atlassian is a highly sought-after place to work because these guys have rewritten the employment manual. – Dominique Fisher They have started talking more politically, which increases their cultural power. – Ben Oquist
Atlassian founders and co-chief executives 2015 ranking: None
Because: The December 2015 float of their $8.4 billion software powerhouse helped cement the Atlassian co-founders as the country’s poster boys for innovation, entrepreneurialism and wearing a hoodie to work. They have tentatively begun contributing to discussions around policy and the question of Australia’s place in the intensively competitive, globalised world of technology. Their generosity – through charity, advice and angel investing – has not gone unnoticed, either. They are backers of Blackbird Ventures, one of the most active venture capital funds taking early bets on start-ups. Their Atlassian Foundation is a great supporter of Asian and African education charity Room to Read, while their staff get time to volunteer on the company’s dime. Cannon-Brookes in particular has found his voice on a range of issues, whether it’s warning investors off what he sees as dodgy companies or pushing for more tax-friendly treatment of employee share options, an important retention tool in the tech sector.
Because: With her party taking four seats in the upper house, the One Nation Senator has legislative grist. Nationally, One Nation Senate candidates reaped just shy of half a million votes in the July election, or 4.3 per cent of voters. Queenslanders boosted the average, with 9 per cent voting for Hanson’s party. With a minority government, that gives the party quite some power. But it’s the permission Hanson gives broader Australia to spread fear and hatred that has the greatest potential to shape the cultural conversation. Among other things, Hanson has called for a Royal Commission into Islam, surveillance cameras in mosques and zero net immigration. Call this a negative cultural force. What the panel says: She is going to embolden people to say things they haven’t said for 15 years. She is going to change the culture of what’s acceptable. – Ian Macfarlane This is a renewed explosion. She’s a survivor. She’s been to jail, come back and is speaking in a way that’s connecting with a lot of people. – Ben Oquist
Pauline Hanson
One Nation leader 2015 ranking: None
Online, TV and movie content providers 2015 ranking: None
Because: US streaming giant Netflix is the spark that starts many a dinner party conversation about the latest binge-watch TV series. Streaming services offer not only the best from the golden age of US TV drama, but the opportunity to watch them when we want to, not when a bunch of TV executives reckon we should. One in seven Aussies watch no commercial television on a weekday and those who still switch on are ever older.
Streaming services
What the panel says: It’s changing how we tell stories because now people are able to choose what they want to watch, when they want to watch it. – Katrina Sedgwick It’s going to lead to a big local content crisis. People are going to be feeling they’re missing out on Australian stories. – Ben Oquist
George Brandis and Mitch Fifield
George Brandis
Former and current federal arts minister 2015 ranking: 6 (Brandis)
Because: When without warning Brandis early last year stripped $104.7 million out of the federal government’s main arts bureaucracy, the Australia Council, and put it into a separate fund to be administered by his department, he incurred the wrath of many inside and outside the arts. Malcolm Turnbull replaced Brandis with Fifield, who returned some but not all of the money to the Council and has been attempting to mend bridges ever since. What the panel says: The damage to the arts community has been profound. It has just been devastating. – Katrina Sedgwick A lot of that money is still discretionary for the arts minister. – Greg Combet
Because: He’s best known for the museum he opened in Hobart in 2011; the one that made art galleries around the country rethink how and what they display, the one that turbo-charged tourism to the island state. But the two arts festivals that Walsh founded as adjuncts to his Museum of Old and New Art, Mona Foma (now called Mofo) in summer and Dark Mofo in winter, are also changing the cultural landscape, leading music and festival organisers elsewhere in the country to reassess how they do things. And not before time; the festival model needed a kick up the proverbial. In announcing a further $10.5 million in state government support to Dark Mofo recently, Tourism Tasmania CEO John Fitzgerald noted that 70,000 people a year attend the winter event and that from April to September last year, 480,000 people visited the state, up 9 per cent on the previous year. Walsh’s future plans include building a hotel on the site and introducing gambling to help offset his substantial operational costs. With an Australia Day honour and a Chevalier des Artes et des Lettres from the French government bestowed on his head this year, it’s only a matter of time before someone crowns him Australia’s King of Culture.
David Walsh
Gambler, museum owner2015 ranking: None
What the panel says: David Walsh is running two of the most exciting and anticipated arts festivals in the country, which are completely new models. It’s going to force a lot of those established events to question what they do. – Katrina Sedgwick He is helping to remake the Tasmanian economy. – Ben Oquist
She is still incredibly popular and influential with the public. They listen to her and respect her. – Tony Mitchelmore She’s responsible for moving domestic violence into the mainstream and connecting the issue economically. – Nicola Wakefield Evans
Advocate against family violence; Australian of the Year 2015 2015 ranking: 2
Because: Her influence has endured beyond her period as Australian of the Year. While coming to terms with the tragic murder of her 11-year-old son Luke by his father, Batty has led politicians, companies and the public to agree that more must be done to address domestic violence. She’s considered one of the driving forces behind a $100 million federal government package to better tackle domestic violence, including a trial of GPS trackers for perpetrators. What the panel says: Rosie Batty is still a very important advocate. She’s got a very dignified, almost understated style that gets through to many people. – Greg Combet
Rosie Batty
Because: His speech cataloguing Australia’s appalling record on Indigenous relations barely made a ripple beyond its initial live audience in late 2015. But when it was shared online before Australia Day, it exploded. Grant has gone on to make other speeches that resonated widely, and released a book that put him on the literary festival circuit. In a rare moment of bipartisanship, he was appointed to replace Patrick Dodson on the Referendum Council, which advises the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader on steps towards recognising first Australians in the constitution. Through all this, many have asked when, not if, Grant will enter politics. He says never. What the panel says: There are far too few voices in the Indigenous area and he’s a very welcome fresh face. – Amanda Vanstone His storytelling is gentle and emotional, but so incredibly powerful. It’s made a whole lot of people who had stopped listening become engaged again. – Dominique Fisher
Photo: Louis Douvis
Stan Grant
Journalist 2015 ranking: None
Chief executive, Netball Australia 2015 ranking: None
Because: The CEO of Netball Australia has had a big year. Following the creation of a new eight-team national competition, Palmer inked a historic broadcast deal. From 2017 netball will be broadcast live on Saturday nights on the Nine Network and streamed via Telstra. Unlike its previous deal with Ten, where the sport had to pay for its own production via corporate sponsorships, the broadcasters will cover costs. Palmer promised that players will be in line for higher salaries thanks to an advertising revenue sharing deal between the sport and the broadcaster. On top of all that, and despite Labor accusations of marginal seat pork barrelling, she managed to persuade the Coalition ahead of the July election to commit tens of millions of dollars towards new community courts around the country.  What the panel says: She has been hugely influential. Kate represents a sport that touches almost every household, most particularly young girls and young women. – Dominique Fisher
Kate Palmer
Photo: Simon Schluter
Gillon McLachlan and the AFL
What the panel says: The AFL has a very powerful voice, which it is starting to use in meaningful ways, introducing a women’s league, Indigenous and community programs. – Nicola Wakefield Evans Seeing a male leader admit that he hadn’t fully understood the McGuire/Wilson saga at the time it happened was a very refreshing change. – Amanda Vanstone
Chief executive, AFL 2015 ranking: None
Because: While he copped criticism for not moving quickly enough to censure Eddie McGuire’s comments about drowning female journalist Caroline Wilson, McLachlan runs a league that’s launched initiatives to promote diversity and mental health and has started a women’s league. Although more people tuned in to watch the 2015 rugby league grand final than the AFL one, Aussie Rules still attracts the biggest crowds of any of the footy codes, is the wealthiest sporting code in the country and the fourth-best- attended sporting competition in the world. That’s not to say its players or fans are always the best behaved, as the booing of Adam Goodes and the throwing of a banana at Adelaide’s Eddie Betts showed. Like others on these lists, the AFL has the power to shape culture, for better and worse.
Because: This past year has been the one in which Uber has become mainstream, thanks in no small part to businesses getting more comfortable with their staff using the service. Sydney Airport reported a decline in parking revenue per passenger this year which it said was due in part to travellers taking ride-sharing services. The rise of Uber highlights the havoc that improved customer service can wreak on old, protected industries. Drivers who invested hundreds of thousands of dollars buying taxi number plates are now crying poor to state governments. Together with apps such as Airtasker and Deliveroo, Uber shows how a little creative thinking can put whole industries on notice. What the panel says: Uber has fundamentally changed not only customer behaviour but also consumer business models. – Dominique Fisher I think Uber is a bit old. I’d go for battery technology or electric cars. – Ben Oquist
Uber and the disrupters
Ride-sharing company 2015 ranking: None
Author 2015 ranking: None
Liane Moriarty
Because: The Sydney-based novelist is not a household name, which makes the fact she’s sold more than 6 million books all the more remarkable. She was the top-selling Australian fiction author last year – a year in which she did not release a book – and in 2014 she became the first Australian author to have a novel debut at number one on The New York Times bestseller list. Actresses Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon have made that novel, Big Little Lies, into an eight-episode series to air on HBO next year. Moriarty’s novels deal with tough issues like domestic violence, which – combined with her gentle brand of humour – help her speak to a broad range of women. What the panel says: She talks about everyday life and marries it to a theme that we’re all grappling with – same-sex marriage, multiple-parented children, domestic violence. And she’s a beautiful writer. – Nicola Wakefield Evans Any Australian artist that’s sold 6 million books obviously has very wide appeal. – Greg Combet Her success is a classic example to young girls. If you want to be an author, guess what, you can be – and be more successful than any of the blokes. Good on you. – Amanda Vanstone
Because: Staring down the barrel of the camera into almost 1 million lounge rooms nightly, The Project host preaches sensible analysis. Aly’s seat at the Prime Minister’s table during Ramadan shows his voice is taken seriously by the elite, while his shiny Gold Logie proves that many in middle Australia have been listening intently for some time. His most popular video, in which he calls terrorist group Islamic State weak, has been viewed 30 million times since it was aired in November 2015. “Milked Dry”, a sermon from May calling on shoppers to eschew cheap private label milk and cheese, has been viewed 4 million times. Anecdotes of empty shelves flooded in after the broadcast and in August Dairy Australia reported the share of branded milk sold in supermarkets had soared from about 35 per cent to 51.9 per cent, the highest level since 2010. What the panel says: He’s a highly intelligent, very entertaining commentator ... It’s mostly quite light entertainment and then every now and then he absolutely nails it with a two- or three-minute diatribe that’s very, very effective and powerful. – Katrina Sedgwick It’s political commentary as entertainment, but it’s reaching young people in a way that a lot of other things and people don’t. – Ben Oquist He is not afraid to stand up and say publicly what we’re all thinking. He’s not afraid to call out bad behaviour. – Nicola Wakefield Evans
Meet the 2016 Power Panel
Because: Most Australians – 70 per cent in some polls – want their gay and lesbian friends and family to be able to marry, so in many ways the topic has already shaped culture. An issue during the July federal election, it’s expected to continue as a talking point for politicians and punters alike in the coming year. A rejection of the government’s planned plebiscite is unlikely to stall debate on an issue many see as a fundamental matter of equality at law. The challenge for the political class will be to lead the discussion in a way that discourages bigotry and minimises harm.   Steely, determined Wong – the country’s first lesbian member of Parliament – embodies the case for change, living it quietly and purposefully day in, day out, speaking out on occasion but not being defined by it. Entsch – a 66-year-old conservative whose seat covers Cairns to Cape York – is the unlikely but passionate long-term advocate from the other side of the political fence.   As the debate rolls on, new MPs who happen to be gay, such as the Coalition’s Trent Zimmerman, Tim Wilson and Trevor Evans, together with Labor’s Julian Hill, are also expected to have their say. What the panel says: Political leadership is really important to make this a unifying experience and not something that we’ll regret. – Greg Combet The fact that Penny Wong and Warren Entsch are both advocating for same-sex marriage is a very strong statement. It’s an idea whose time I hope has come. – Amanda Vanstone
Because: Former Sydney Swans captain Goodes proved this past year that a dignified silence can be as powerful as shouting from the rooftops. Plagued by incessant booing, the former Australian of the Year sat out a round of footy then knocked back the offer of a farewell lap of honour at the 2015 grand final. Goodes’ power as a role model was recognised last October when David Jones signed him up as a brand ambassador. It’s further reinforced through the success of the GO Foundation he founded with former Sydney Swans playing mate O’Loughlin, which offers scholarships to academically gifted Indigenous students. Across codes, Thurston is another welcome idol for kids and dads alike. After slotting a field goal in extra time to win the 2015 rugby league grand final, Thurston used his speech to start a campaign for a new stadium in Townsville, where he’s known as the “king of the north”. Experts rubbished the business case for the stadium but both sides of politics nevertheless promised $100 million. What the panel says: Goodes, O’Loughlin and Thurston are three Indigenous sportsmen leading the way by really stepping up on Indigenous issues. They’re using their positions to raise awareness. – Nicola Wakefield Evans Thurston’s footy prowess is without peer but he is so very much more than that. – Sandra Harding
Because: The December 2015 float of their $8.4 billion software powerhouse helped cement the Atlassian co-founders as the country’s poster boys for innovation, entrepreneurialism and wearing a hoodie to work. They have tentatively begun contributing to discussions around policy and the question of Australia’s place in the intensively competitive, globalised world of technology. Their generosity – through charity, advice and angel investing – has not gone unnoticed, either. They are backers of Blackbird Ventures, one of the most active venture capital funds taking early bets on start-ups. Their Atlassian Foundation is a great supporter of Asian and African education charity Room to Read, while their staff get time to volunteer on the company’s dime. Cannon-Brookes in particular has found his voice on a range of issues, whether it’s warning investors off what he sees as dodgy companies or pushing for more tax-friendly treatment of employee share options, an important retention tool in the tech sector. What the panel says: Atlassian is a highly sought-after place to work because these guys have rewritten the employment manual. – Dominique Fisher They have started talking more politically, which increases their cultural power. – Ben Oquist
Because: With her party taking four seats in the upper house, the One Nation Senator has legislative grist. Nationally, One Nation Senate candidates reaped just shy of half a million votes in the July election, or 4.3 per cent of voters. Queenslanders boosted the average, with 9 per cent voting for Hanson’s party. With a minority government, that gives the party quite some power. But it’s the permission Hanson gives broader Australia to spread fear and hatred that has the greatest potential to shape the cultural conversation. Among other things, Hanson has called for a Royal Commission into Islam, surveillance cameras in mosques and zero net immigration. Call this a negative cultural force. What the panel says: She is going to embolden people to say things they haven’t said for 15 years. She is going to change the culture of what’s acceptable. – Ian Macfarlane This is a renewed explosion. She’s a survivor. She’s been to jail, come back and is speaking in a way that’s connecting with a lot of people. – Ben Oquist
Nick Xenophon
Because: US streaming giant Netflix is the spark that starts many a dinner party conversation about the latest binge-watch TV series. Streaming services offer not only the best from the golden age of US TV drama, but the opportunity to watch them when we want to, not when a bunch of TV executives reckon we should. One in seven Aussies watch no commercial television on a weekday and those who still switch on are ever older. What the panel says: It’s changing how we tell stories because now people are able to choose what they want to watch, when they want to watch it. – Katrina Sedgwick It’s going to lead to a big local content crisis. People are going to be feeling they’re missing out on Australian stories. – Ben Oquist
Because: When without warning Brandis early last year stripped $104.7 million out of the federal government’s main arts bureaucracy, the Australia Council, and put it into a separate fund to be administered by his department, he incurred the wrath of many inside and outside the arts. Malcolm Turnbull replaced Brandis with Fifield, who returned some but not all of the money to the Council and has been attempting to mend bridges ever since. What the panel says: The damage to the arts community has been profound. It has just been devastating. – Katrina Sedgwick A lot of that money is still discretionary for the arts minister. – Greg Combet
Gambler, museum owner 2015 ranking: None
Because: He’s best known for the museum he opened in Hobart in 2011; the one that made art galleries around the country rethink how and what they display, the one that turbo-charged tourism to the island state. But the two arts festivals that Walsh founded as adjuncts to his Museum of Old and New Art, Mona Foma (now called Mofo) in summer and Dark Mofo in winter, are also changing the cultural landscape, leading music and festival organisers elsewhere in the country to reassess how they do things. And not before time; the festival model needed a kick up the proverbial. In announcing a further $10.5 million in state government support to Dark Mofo recently, Tourism Tasmania CEO John Fitzgerald noted that 70,000 people a year attend the winter event and that from April to September last year, 480,000 people visited the state, up 9 per cent on the previous year. Walsh’s future plans include building a hotel on the site and introducing gambling to help offset his substantial operational costs. With an Australia Day honour and a Chevalier des Artes et des Lettres from the French government bestowed on his head this year, it’s only a matter of time before someone crowns him Australia’s King of Culture. What the panel says: David Walsh is running two of the most exciting and anticipated arts festivals in the country, which are completely new models. It’s going to force a lot of those established events to question what they do. – Katrina Sedgwick He is helping to remake the Tasmanian economy. – Ben Oquist
Because: Her influence has endured beyond her period as Australian of the Year. While coming to terms with the tragic murder of her 11-year-old son Luke by his father, Batty has led politicians, companies and the public to agree that more must be done to address domestic violence. She’s considered one of the driving forces behind a $100 million federal government package to better tackle domestic violence, including a trial of GPS trackers for perpetrators. What the panel says: Rosie Batty is still a very important advocate. She’s got a very dignified, almost understated style that gets through to many people. – Greg Combet She is still incredibly popular and influential with the public. They listen to her and respect her. – Tony Mitchelmore She’s responsible for moving domestic violence into the mainstream and connecting the issue economically. – Nicola Wakefield Evans
Because: His speech cataloguing Australia’s appalling record on Indigenous relations barely made a ripple beyond its initial live audience in late 2015. But when it was shared online before Australia Day, it exploded. Grant has gone on to make other speeches that resonated widely, and released a book that put him on the literary festival circuit. In a rare moment of bipartisanship, he was appointed to replace Patrick Dodson on the Referendum Council, which advises the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader on steps towards recognising first Australians in the constitution. Through all this, many have asked when, not if, Grant will enter politics. He says never. What the panel says: There are far too few voices in the Indigenous area and he’s a very welcome fresh face. – Amanda Vanstone His storytelling is gentle and emotional, but so incredibly powerful. It’s made a whole lot of people who had stopped listening become engaged again. – Dominique Fisher
Because: The CEO of Netball Australia has had a big year. Following the creation of a new eight-team national competition, Palmer inked a historic broadcast deal. From 2017 netball will be broadcast live on Saturday nights on the Nine Network and streamed via Telstra. Unlike its previous deal with Ten, where the sport had to pay for its own production via corporate sponsorships, the broadcasters will cover costs. Palmer promised that players will be in line for higher salaries thanks to an advertising revenue sharing deal between the sport and the broadcaster. On top of all that, and despite Labor accusations of marginal seat pork barrelling, she managed to persuade the Coalition ahead of the July election to commit tens of millions of dollars towards new community courts around the country.  What the panel says: She has been hugely influential. Kate represents a sport that touches almost every household, most particularly young girls and young women. – Dominique Fisher
Because: While he copped criticism for not moving quickly enough to censure Eddie McGuire’s comments about drowning female journalist Caroline Wilson, McLachlan runs a league that’s launched initiatives to promote diversity and mental health and has started a women’s league. Although more people tuned in to watch the 2015 rugby league grand final than the AFL one, Aussie Rules still attracts the biggest crowds of any of the footy codes, is the wealthiest sporting code in the country and the fourth-best-attended sporting competition in the world. That’s not to say its players or fans are always the best behaved, as the booing of Adam Goodes and the throwing of a banana at Adelaide’s Eddie Betts showed. Like others on these lists, the AFL has the power to shape culture, for better and worse. What the panel says: The AFL has a very powerful voice, which it is starting to use in meaningful ways, introducing a women’s league, Indigenous and community programs. – Nicola Wakefield Evans Seeing a male leader admit that he hadn’t fully understood the McGuire/Wilson saga at the time it happened was a very refreshing change. – Amanda Vanstone
9. Gary Gray Executive at Mineral Resources Ltd; Former Labor resources and energy minister; former national secretary of the Australian Labor Party. 10. Greg Combet Company director in funds management and banking; former Labor industry and climate change minister; former ACTU secretary. 11. Tony Mitchelmore Managing director of Visibility Consulting; qualitative researcher and campaign strategist.
1. Michael Stutchbury Editor-in-chief of The Australian Financial Review. 2. Sandra Harding Vice-chancellor and president of James Cook University. 3. Dominique Fisher Managing director of CareerLounge; non-executive director of Australia Post. 4. Ben Oquist Executive director of The Australia Institute; former Greens chief of staff .
5. Katrina Sedgwick Chief executive officer of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image; former head of arts at ABC TV.
6. Ian Macfarlane Chairman of the Innovative Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre; former Coalition industry minister. 7. Nicola Wakefield Evans Non-executive director of Lendlease, Toll Holdings, Macquarie Group and Bupa Australia and New Zealand. 8. Amanda Vanstone Fairfax columnist and Radio National presenter; former Coalition immigration minister; former ambassador to Italy.
The 2016 Power Panel
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

Speaking of role models, three sports stars, Adam Goodes and Michael O’Loughlin from the AFL and Johnathan Thurston from rugby league, together with the head of Netball Australia, Kate Palmer, make this year’s cultural list for their ability to reach way beyond the inner-city elite and influence behaviour and attitudes from the grassroots up.

“He’s the best player in rugby league without any shadow of a doubt ... and he’s a leader in the Indigenous community,” says former Labor minister Greg Combet of Thurston, captain of the North Queensland Cowboys.

Sandra Harding, vice-chancellor of the Townsville-based James Cook University and a Cowboys board member, tells a story of her university bestowing an honorary doctorate on Thurston, “not for his sporting prowess but for his community engagement”. She points out that his advocacy helped get Townsville its promised new sporting stadium, that his commitment to the well-being of Indigenous people, especially children, is palpable, and that his financial investment in embattled airline Skytrans helped ensure continued flights into Cape York Peninsula.

“He’d never been to a graduation ceremony before and he was so nervous and he told me so,” Harding says. “I felt like saying to him, ‘Paul Gallen runs at you and you’re fine but you’re nervous in this context?’ He’s the most humble, wonderful human being and a family man to boot, very proud of his daughters. When the Cowboys won last year’s NRL grand final the first thing he and co-captain Matt Scott did from the podium was thank their families. There needs to be more like them, more of that sort of role modelling.”

The power of Pauline Hanson

At the other end of the role model spectrum is One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson, whose political comeback in the July federal election saw her voted onto this year’s Overt power list. There was plenty of consternation among the Power panel about whether she also holds cultural power but former Coalition MP Ian Macfarlane made a strong argument that she does.

Harking back to the time of the 1998 Queensland state election, when Macfarlane as federal member for Groom was helping the Coalition in Toowoomba, he recalls talking to a couple who ran a tobacconist there. “Every time Pauline comes on television my husband sits up straight and listens,” the wife told him. One Nation secured 22.7 per cent of the vote in that election. “Hanson has that effect on people,” Macfarlane says. “She is going to embolden people to say things they haven’t said for 15 years. She is going to change the culture of what’s acceptable.”

This is a trend that worries Aly, whose “Send Forgiveness Viral” speech was meant to “challenge the ethic we bring to our civil discourse”. He expands on his concern when talking to the AFR Magazine: “The problem I think we’re facing is that the more outrageous and outraged you are, the more you are rewarded. We’re in danger of entering a phase where the highest contribution you can make is to complain very well. I think we have to have other modes than that.”

Something for the powerful to think about.

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The AFR Magazine Power issue, out Friday September 30 inside The Australian Financial Review.