- published: 09 Sep 2014
- views: 447
Corina is female given name of Greek origin (Κόριννα), which was derived from κόρη (kore) "maiden". Variants include Korinna, Corinna, Kora, Corri, Corinne, and Coreen. Notable people with the name include:
Alexandru Bogdan-Pitești (Romanian pronunciation: [alekˈsandru boɡˈdan piˈteʃtʲ]; born Alexandru Bogdan, also known as Ion Doican, Ion Duican and Al. Dodan; June 13, 1870 – May 12, 1922) was a Romanian Symbolist poet, essayist, and art and literary critic, who was also known as a journalist and left-wing political agitator. A wealthy landowner, he invested his fortune in patronage and art collecting, becoming one of the main local promoters of modern art, and a sponsor of the Romanian Symbolist movement. Together with other Post-Impressionist and Symbolist cultural figures, Bogdan-Pitești established Societatea Ileana, which was one of the first Romanian associations dedicated to promoting the avant-garde and independent art. He was also noted for his friendship with the writers Joris-Karl Huysmans, Alexandru Macedonski, Tudor Arghezi and Mateiu Caragiale, as well as for sponsoring, among others, the painters Ștefan Luchian, Constantin Artachino and Nicolae Vermont. In addition to his literary and political activities, Alexandru Bogdan-Pitești was himself a painter and graphic artist.
Andreea Mateiu şi Corina Moise ("Prestăm servicii artistice"), despre marele atu al festivalului de a aduna mulţi oameni într-un sigur loc, în scurt timp.
Cumpără cartea: http://www.humanitas.ro/jeanette-winterson
Ideo Ideis IX - Festivalul de Teatru Tânăr de la Alexandria Sfaturi pentru spectatori - episodul 1 Copyright: Asociatia T.E.T.A Producator: Gabi Suciu Scenaristi: Sorin Tanase, Mircea Postelnicu, Corina Moise, Alexandru Bogdan, Vladimir Purdel Regizor: Sorin Tanase Asistent regie: Ana-Maria Comanescu Director de imagine: Adrian Bulboca Sunet: Marius Obretin Montaj: Roxana Maraloiu-Tanase, Sorin Tanase Au interpretat: Corina Moise, Alexandru Bogdan, Vladimir Purdel, Mircea Postelnicu Cu sprijinul: UNATC, Atelierul de Film Multumiri: Adrian Titieni, Sorin Botoseneanu, Dan Bobe, Andreea Tanase, Oliviu Tudose August, 2014
regia Catrinel Dănăiață director de imagine Pătru Păunescu distribuție Bogdan Dumitrache, Maria Dinulescu, Corina Moise, Andrei Mateiu, Dorian Boguță, Teodor Corban producător Gabriel Antal co-producator Ada Solomon
Chris Simion si Teatrul L.S.Bulandra prezinta MECANICA INIMII dupa Mathias Malzieu cu: Marius Manole - Jack Marian Ralea - Ceasornicarul Maia Morgenstern - Matilde Alex Bogdan / Serban Pavlu / Cosmin Dominte - Joe Corina Moise / Dana Rogoz - domnisoara Acacia Scenografia: Adina Mastalier Video : Imelda Manu Light design : Alexandru Darie Dramatizarea si regia: CHRIS SIMION Film made by Total Image [www.totalimage.ro]
Ideo Ideis IX - Festivalul de Teatru Tânăr de la Alexandria Sfaturi pentru spectatori - episodul 6 Copyright: Asociatia T.E.T.A Producator: Gabi Suciu Scenaristi: Sorin Tanase, Mircea Postelnicu, Corina Moise, Alexandru Bogdan, Vladimir Purdel Regizor: Sorin Tanase Asistent regie: Ana-Maria Comanescu Director de imagine: Adrian Bulboca Sunet: Marius Obretin Montaj: Roxana Maraloiu-Tanase, Sorin Tanase Au interpretat: Corina Moise, Alexandru Bogdan, Vladimir Purdel, Mircea Postelnicu Cu sprijinul: UNATC, Atelierul de Film Multumiri: Adrian Titieni, Sorin Botoseneanu, Dan Bobe, Andreea Tanase, Oliviu Tudose August, 2014
Biserica Penticostala Albini 28 decembrie 2013
0:55 How Vollers was established in 1899 3:50 How Vollers stayed relevant during slumps in corset industry 6:45 How Vollers corsets have changed over the last century 8:15 The recent corset revival, Waist Training trends, and Vollers’ prediction for the future 11:00 A bit about Vollers employees 13:15 How long it takes to make a Vollers corset 15:20 Corina's favourite and least favourite aspects of corset making 16:25 Vollers mission and core clientele 19:20 Closing words from Corina and Ian Follow Vollers corsets here: https://www.youtube.com/user/CorsetsVollers/videos http://www.vollers-corsets.com/ https://www.facebook.com/vollerscorsets https://twitter.com/vollers_corsets https://instagram.com/vollers_the_corset_company/ https://uk.pinterest.com/vollerscorsets/ I upload 1-2 videos a...
De vereniging is opgericht door Ria Spaan op 1 juni 2011 en vanaf 1 januari 2012 actief. Infinity is een nog jonge, geheel zelfstandige en groeiende twirlvereniging. Er wordt veel energie en tijd ingestoken om elk lid op hun eigen niveau de lat steeds hoger te laten leggen en te kunnen presteren. Elke week worden de leden onder deskundige en gediplomeerde leiding getraind.
role play interview
she swore
In the crosshair is a BBC interview in HARDtalk of Maria Corina Machado, illegally deposed Congresswoman from Venezuela, analyzed as regards its journalistic integrity. This video contrasts the BBC interviewer's shocking allegations with scenes from the crude Venezuelan reality where people are being shot and chopped up right and left by regime security forces. The original interview from April 8th is available here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05q1y9d The original material is used under Fair Use doctrine.
via YouTube Optag
Women GROWing Online - Interview with Corina Walsh and Heather White | The GROW Gals We interview women enterpreneurs and business owners to learn more about who they are, what inspires and drives them, and to understand their businesses. In this interview, Corina Walsh and Heather White, both coaches and speakers, share their experience with getting more visible using live streaming and expanding their business in the online space. Both Corina and Heather have taken their more "traditional" business of 1:1, small group, and team coaching, and expanded in the online space. They are converting their offline content into online programs to scale their businesses and increase their reach and impact. Corina Walsh - http://shiftpd.com/ Heather White - http://heatherwhite.ca/ The GROW Gals...
FANPAGE: https://www.facebook.com/CorinaFanPage?ref=hl
I cannot go on without you
But I know you'll stay on my mind
I cry
I still cry
Cry for you
my love
You won't return
But I miss you still
So I cry
I still cry
Cry for you