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Join the JustOne campaign here: This is an artistic expression of one case study. Not all reverts' ...
Stories of Solace Islam Channel Documentary on Muslim Charity UK work in Pakistan aired on 2nd December 2011 at 9PM.
TSP: My Moms Videos TSP: Islam - Fun & Humour
Hiper ialah bermaksud Himpunan dan Pertemuan antara ahli-ahli PKPIM bagi mengeratkan Ukhuwah Silaturrahim . Jangan tanya kalau vidoe ni banyak goyang .... aku goyang kepala korang kang ! hahahhahahahaha Penaja Utama Prasarana Rapid KL Malaysia Arus Utama Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) Komuniti Tertinggi! Geng Ayahda Rijal Kampung Pening Lalat ! -Anuar Manap ( -Khair Sujud ( -Ahmad Nazrin ( -Hafidz Md Salam ( -Zikri Jinal ( Geng Hewi Kampung Sekupang Dua -Sakinah Yaacub ( -Nuraini Syamimi ( -Siti Mardiah ( -Siti Fatimah Md Shahar ( -Hafizah Arifah ( -NurAlia'AmirHamzah ( -Fatin Shazwani ( Mantan Mama Hewi Osem -Sakinah Budiman ( Otai K-PIP ( Kesatuan Pelajar Islam Perak) -Syed Putra Iqmal ( Jurufoto Osem -Syazwani Zulkapli ( Abam Naqib Osem #Najmuddin4Presiden -Najmuddin Razak ( Sister Usher Adik-Adik IIUM PJ -Syafawani Mahadi ( Bakal Exco Pusat -Hariz Hamdan ( Usher KBM UPM Si Kecik Anisah Matussin ( Driver MRT Kelana Jaya - Gombak -Ainaa Azizan ( Tukang Kebun KLCC -Ehsan -Khairul Ashraf ( Adik-Adik Osem! -IIUM PJ -UITM Puncak Alam -Kolej Mara Banting -UPM -UITM Shah Alam -UKM -IIUM Gombak
The official trailer for 2014 independent film SEEKING SOLACE Written, directed & edited by SEBASTIAN CRUZ Produced by JACOB PIEKARSKI Music by ADAM FILABER & SEBASTIAN CRUZ Starring SEBASTIAN CRUZ JACOB PIEKARSKI BRONTE-LINK NEWMAN CAMILO CRUZ TAMZIDA ISLAM & LAURA CRUZ 2014 Dremilion Productions
Hopefulness in the Qur'an ...Do not despair of solace from Allah. No one despairs of solace from Allah except for people who do not believe. (Surah Yusuf, 87...
Sharing this video: if you try to get the embed code and it comes up as not allowed, then uncheck the "Share with playlist, starting from" box and then sele...
Assalamu Alaykum wa RahmatuAllah! Please share, re-upload and spread the word! The aim of SOLACE is to relieve the difficulties of revert sisters regardless ...
An Interview with Maulana Muhammad Munir Hijazi Naqshbandi (Scholar from Europe) in Masjid-E-Raza for the Launching of Masjid-E-Raza Facebook Page regarding ...
Reciter: Hani Ar-Rifai Next (95): Previous (93): Translation: (1) (O Mu...
Amazing Recitation By sheikh abdel basset abdel samad, he is cry Chapter 93: AD-DHUHA (THE MORNING HOURS, MORNING BRIGHT) and Chapter 94: AL-INSHIRAH (SOLACE, CONSOLATION, RELIEF) for more information about islam make a search about Islam, Quran or Prophet Mohammed Etc... have a good luck
This video belongs to Solace.There are many sisters out there who afe depressed and lost, so please help them and do your best to help them.In sha Allah!
A detailed documentary on Muslim Charity's passionate work for humanity, Experienced management and skilled teams make them a perfect combination for delivering projects with excellence
Islam Awareness Week 2009 23rd - 27th February Featuring exhibitions, stalls, lectures, entertainment, food, talks Speakers include world renowned Dr Jamal B...
Seeking Solace By: Yasmin Mogahed Youth aLive Discourse (YAD) - Singapore Presented on April 14, 2013
ABORTION; Islamic Viewpoint Featuring; Farhana Jagani & Zahra Al-Alawi Broadcasted on: 28/04/2011 Thursday A show that exists as a forum, a solace and a disc...
ABORTION; Islamic Viewpoint PT2 Featuring; Farhana Jagani & Zahra Al-Alawi Broadcasted on: 28/04/2011 Thursday A show that exists as a forum, a solace and a ...
The south-western state of Kerela in India is the latest place where this perverse practice has raised its ugly head. Authorities in this state of 32 million...
Shias talk the talk Now, they beat themselves say how Much We hate Ahl Albayt and dont support Ali(R). But where were these shias when Ali(R) needed them? Th...
There has been a number of people asking certain questions regarding this video and project save maryam. Below is some of the common repeated question asked ...
Ali Ataie delivers a lecture at the Islamic Center of Inland Empire on the topic of the Islamic perspective of the life of Jesus, peace be upon him.
There is one goal that each and every object of creation strive throughout it's life and that is HAPPINESS. Every act is aimed at arriving at this goal. However amazingly the roads and paths are diverse. They can be through 1. Accumulation of wealth 2. Power 3. Fame and Recognition 4. Satisfying sensual desire and lusts 5. A combination of these If we were to ask the people whom had reached the height of each of these ladders, "Have you finally arrived?" they will answer "No". How can a person arrive at this tranquility that is sought by all creation? "O you who believe, respond to the call of Allah and his messenger,when they call you to that which will give you the life that you seek." Happiness is not only intense joy, it also involves contentment. Islam is the religion that is more than a religion; it is the religion that is a complete way of life. Nothing is too small or too big to be covered by the teachings of Islam. Rejoice and be happy, remain positive and be at peace. This is what Islam teaches us, through the Qur’an and the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad (may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him). Every single one of God’s commandments aims to bring happiness to the individual. This applies in all aspects of life, worship, economics, and society . “Whoever works righteousness — whether male or female — while he (or she) is a true believer verily, to him We will GIVE a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter).” (Qur’an 16:97). As most of us have come to realize, happiness is that ethereal quality that encompasses contentment and peace, it is the soft joy that causes our lips, faces and hearts to smile. It is determined by faith in God and obedience to Him. Thus happiness embodies the peace, security and submission, that is Islam. The injunctions and regulations of Islam reinforce the happiness that comes from knowing God and they help to guarantee mankind’s happiness during life in this world. However, Islam also emphasizes that the life of this world is nothing more than a means of attaining the Hereafter. By following the guidelines of Islam it is possible to be happy while awaiting our eternal happiness. Sometimes, in order to achieve happiness, people attempt to follow complicated paths; they fail to see the easier path that is Islam. Happiness can be found in the solace that comes from being upon the truth. It can be achieved by sincere worship, hastening to do virtuous, noble and beautiful deeds, and by performing acts of kindness or giving CHARITY. These things all have the potential to make us happy, every day, under any circumstances. Even giving the smallest charity, in order to please God, can bring a smile to your face and a feeling of joy to your heart. “And the likeness of those who spend their wealth seeking God’s pleasure while they are sure and certain that God will reward them (for their spending in His Cause), is the likeness of a garden on a height; heavy rain falls on it and it doubles its YIELD of harvest. And if it does not receive heavy rain, light rain suffices it.” (Qur’an 2:265) Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said, “Indeed amazing are the affairs of a believer! They are all for his benefit. If he is granted ease then he is thankful, and this is good for him. And if he is afflicted with a hardship, he perseveres, and this is good for him.” The nature of the human condition means that with happiness, there may be great sorrow and within the pain and despair, there may be great joy. A believer will accept God’s decree for him and lead a happy life free from total despair or unbearable pain.
Life has its ups and downs. When one experiences the hardships, people turn to different things for comfort. For me, I turned to religion in my time of need....
The Black Ducks is a talk show on YouTube that interviews atheists and non-religious individuals from the Arab world. Hosted and directed by Ismail Mohamed (Egyptian atheist), to achieve a secular society in the Middle East and North Africa. Another goal is to offer solace and courage to those who are atheists in secret so they may know they are not alone in the world. This Episode is about -Koran -The difficulty of developing Islam -Every religion is man-made -Meaning the development of religions -Islam and the culture of the Middle Ages Subscribe : Ismail Mohamed on Twitter : Ismail Mohamed on Facebook : Follow us on Facebook : Arab Atheist Network on Facebook : Arab Atheist Magazine : الدكتور سامي الذيب فلسطيني مسيحي من مواليد 1949 ويعيش في سويسرا. حاصل على شهادة الليسانس والدكتوراه في القانون من جامعة فريبورغ في سويسرا، ودبلوم في العلوم السياسية من المعهد الجامعي للدراسات الدولية في جنيف. وكان عنوان اطروحة الدكتوراه: "تأثير الدين على النظام القانوني، الحالة في مصر، غير المسلمين في البلدان الإسلامية". عمل كمسؤول عن القانون العربي والإسلامي في المعهد السويسري للقانون المقارن في لوزان من 1 تشرين الثاني 1980 إلى 31 ديسمبر 2009. في مايو 2009، أنشأ مركز القانون العربي والإسلامي الذي يقدم استشارات قانونية ومحاضرات وترجمات وابحاث ودروس. وفي يونيو 2009، حصل على التأهيل للإشراف على البحوث (HDR) من جامعة بوردو، وفي فبراير 2010، حصل على لقب "أستاذ جامعات" من المركز القومي الفرنسي للجامعات. ويدرس الشريعة الاسلامية والقانون العربي في عدة جامعات ايطالية وفرنسية وسويسرية. والقى مئات المحاضرات في جامعات مختلفة. له أكثر من 30 كتابا ومئتي مقال في القانون العربي والإسلامي. وترجم القرآن الى الفرنسية وسوف تصدر له قريبا ترجمة إيطالية وانكليزية ويعد طبعة علمية جديدة للقران بالعربية بالتسلسل التاريخي مع إشارة للقراءات المختلفة والناسخ والمنسوخ والمراجع اليهودية والمسيحية وغريب اللغة. وله أوسع كتاب عن ختان الذكور ولإناث عند اليهود والمسيحيّين والمسلمين: الجدل الديني والطبّي والاجتماعي والقانوني، صدر بالعربية والفرنسية والإنكليزية. له موقع الكتروني يتضمن أكثر كتاباته ومدونة غنية تتضمن عرض للمقالات اليومية التي تصدر عن الأديان عامة، والاسلام خاصة. -موقعه على الإنترنت : -مدونته -نسخته المترجمة من القرآن -كتابه عن الختان -صفحته على موقع الحوار المتمدن -مجموعة أخطاء القرآن اللغوية والإنشائية البريد الإلكتروني :
Ali Ataie speaking on 'Similarities Between Christianity And Islam', at Islamic Center of Northeast Valley (ICNEV) aka Scottsdale Masjid.
Find your solace in the Quran! The Prophet (saaw) A mercy to all Creation
Qur’an 43: 81-84 God is 1 and has no son. LECTURE: Journey to Allah by Sr Yasmin Mogahed DOCUMENTARY: Architects in nature: Conclusion
The Essence of Islam By: Yasmin Mogahed MSA UIUC Spring Camp - Illinois April 5-7, 2013
6 & 7 December Qur’an 43: 81-84. LECTURE: Gratitude to the Merciful by Yasmin Mogahed. DOCUMENTARY: God’s blessings in technology.
UK Apache AkA Abdul Wahab Story from the music charts to islam.
NOTE: Skip to 12:40 for yasmin's lecture. On the 14th of April 2013, Youth aLive Discourse (YAD) invited Sister Yasmin Mogahed over to Singapore and the topic was about seeking solace. The video will start off with recitation of Surah Luqman (Verse 1-19) followed by the talk and a short question and answer session. YADiscourse will be uploading a video on the talk soon, in the mean time you may listen to the audio version of the talk (: Apologies for any shortcoming throughout the video, may we all gain knowledge from it nevertheless.
Hamza Rakesh use to hate Islam. Now he is a Muslim. Find out more about his conversion in this second speech of the Know Muhammad Campaign Bradford.
Imam Zaid Shakir's official website: New Islamic Directions Attend in person; The Lighthouse Mosque -...
Imran Nazar Hosein is an International Islamic Scholar, Philosopher and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology (Education of the End Times), Dajjal & his deception, modern socio-economic/political issues, and expert on international affairs. He was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated as indentured labourer from India. He is a graduate of the Aleemiyah Institute in Karachi and has studied at sevaral instutions of higher learning including the University of Karachi,the University of the West Indies, Al Azhar University and the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Switzerland. He has also attended two universities in regards of International Monetary & Economic System. Imran's Methodology to Understanding of Islam is totally separate from most of the run-of-mill scholars of Islam. It is based on strong interlink between Quran, Hadith & Modern World. Which hence results into a completely fascinating and more natural understanding of Deen-e-Islam & the Modern World around us.He has traveled continuously and extensively around the world on Islamic lecture-tours since graduating from the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in 1971 at age 29. And he has also written more than a dozen books on Islam that have invariably been received with public respect. Indeed, 'Jerusalem in the Qur'an - An Islamic View of the Destiny of Jerusalem' has become a best seller and has been translated and published in several languages. Other Books with tramendous reception include An Islamic View of Gog & Magog, 'Surah al-Kahf and the Modern Age, The Prohibition of Riba in the Qur'an and Sunnah & more. There is no evidence that during his thirty-four years of humble service to the cause of Islam since his graduation from the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in 1971 with the 'Dr. Ansari Gold Medal for High Merit' have Imran Hosein's lectures, classes and preaching ever misled anyone into committing an act of terrorism. Whether this Islamic scholar, who is the proud author of 'Jerusalem in the Qur'an', is a rightly-guided or misguided Islamic scholar, is a matter that would be determined by those Muslims who sincerely follow the guidance in the Qur'an and in the example of the blessed Prophet. It cannot be determined by non-Muslims nor by those who violate the Divine command in the Qur'an (al-Maida, 5:51) prohibiting Muslim friendship and alliance with the Christian-Jewish alliance that now rules the world.
DR ZAKIR NAIK - PRESIDENT, IRF A medical doctor by professional training, Dr Zakir Naik is renowned as a dynamic international orator on Islam zakir naik vs ali sina bilal philips philippine bilal philips youtube bilal philips quotes bilal philips facebook dr bilal philips facebook dr bilal philips marriage yusuf estes yasir qadhi debat zakir naik zakir naik Lecture download mp3 zakir naik zakir naik mp3 video zakir naik zakir naik youtube Pearls Of Peace From The Noble Qur'aan - Mufti Ismail Ibn Musa Menk - Zimbabwe. Lectures delivered after the Taraweeh prayer in Ramadaan mufti menk banned mufti menk recitation mufti menk quote mufti menk biography mufti menk quran mp3 mufti menk archive mufti menk youtube mufti menk salafi Nouman Ali Khan (Urdu: نعمان علی خان) is an American Muslim speaker and founder, CEO and lead instructor at The Bayyinah Institute for Arabic and Qur'anic The 500 Most Influential Muslims nouman ali khan profile nouman ali khan mp3 nouman ali khan tafseer nouman ali khan quote nouman ali khan transcript nouman ali khan 2015 nouman ali khan twitter nouman ali khan youtube 2015 Yusuf Estes born Joseph Estes, 1944 is an American Muslim preacher from Texas who converted from Christianity to Islam in 1991. He claims to have been yusuf estes youtube yusuf estes story yusuf estes 2015 yusuf estes family yusuf estes isis yusuf estes daughter yusuf estes facebook Abdur Raheem Green (born Anthony Vatswaf Galvin Green; 1962) is a British Muslim convert who is known in some Muslim communities for his work in Dawah Ahmed Hoosen Deedat (Arabic: احمد حسين ديدات July 1918 – 8 August 2005) was a South African writer and public speaker of Indian descent. He was best
There is not a single problem, calamity or distress in this world to which Allah (subḥānahu wa ta'āla) has not sent down solace through turning to Him! It is through these trials and calamities that the true strength of a Believer is shown when he turns to his Lord in humility and submissiveness leaving his affairs in the Hands of Allah and putting complete trust that Allah (subḥānahu wa ta'āla) will take care of him. Two mighty Prophets of Allah who were afflicted with distress turned to Allah (subḥānahu wa ta'āla) in du'a and their du'as were so powerful that Allah answered their call and their distress was removed! Who are these two Prophets of Allah and what special du'as did they make that guaranteed a response! Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi in this latest Khutbah entitled 'Du'a in distress & calamity that guarantees a response!' and discover the special du'as that the mighty Prophets of Allah made to remove their hardship. Recorded on 13th February 2015
Living The Life with Shaykh Waleed Basyouni & Hafizah Ismail on Islam Channel, London, UK - 10th December 2012 http://www.Ch...
The Muslim Students Association at UCLA presents Islamic Creed Brother Ali Ataie gives MSA at UCLA and Exclusive Class on the Development of Islamic Creed (A...
Imam Mohammad Al Asi previously led the daily and Jum'ah prayers inside the Masjid. His speeches were revolutionary and thought provoking, and eventually irr...
Many Reverts to Islam but many leave WHY? Must See This Short Video SOLACE was set up in 2010 by a group of sisters who were concerned about the difficulties...
Support Your Sisters: Donate to Solace Here: --------------------------------------------------------------------
is the theme of the Islamic Circle of North America's convention on Saturday at Empire State Plaza Convention Center.
Times Union 2015-04-10Middle East in a failed attempt to join the Islamic State group, federal authorities said Thursday.
Big News Network 2015-04-10... man has been charged with trying to provide support for the Islamic State militant group, the U.
Big News Network 2015-04-10Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesia's government has lifted restrictions on 12 out of 19 Islamic ...
Big News Network 2015-04-10Fighters for the Islamic State group -- also known as ISIS or ISIL -- raise their weapons as they ...
Big News Network 2015-04-10BEIRUT -- A new video released by the Islamic State group on Sunday shows its fighters cutting off ...
Big News Network 2015-04-10... Thursday after an "extremely powerful" cyberattack by hackers claiming allegiance to Islamic State .
Big News Network 2015-04-10WASHINGTON - The Islamic State's assault on northern Iraq last summer galvanized the country's rival ...
Big News Network 2015-04-10A Latrobe city councillor in south-east Victoria is defending her right to post anti-Islamic material on social media.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2015-04-10S ... S. has made progress against the Islamic State group in Iraq but cannot predict how long the fight will take.
The Associated Press 2015-04-10US Vice-President Joe Biden has given an upbeat assessment of Iraq's progress against Islamic State (IS) militants.
BBC News 2015-04-10Here’s all you need to know about Muslims, in "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam." ... Confronting Islam's demons.
WorldNetDaily 2015-04-10"Isis [the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant] has destroyed many statues and sold the rest.
Mail Guardian South Africa 2015-04-10Islam (English /ˈɪzlɑːm/;Arabic: الإسلام al-ʾislām IPA: [ʔɪsˈlæːm] ( listen)) is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: الله Allāh), and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim.
Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the purpose of existence is to love and serve God. Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed at many times and places before, including through Abraham, Moses and Jesus, whom they consider prophets. They maintain that previous messages and revelations have been partially changed or corrupted over time, but consider the Qur'an to be both the unaltered and the final revelation of God. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, providing guidance on multifarious topics from banking and welfare, to warfare and the environment.
Solace, from Old French solas, from Latin sōlācium "consolation", meaning comfort or consolation in a time of distress.
Solace may refer to: