Asking $2m or more? Unsuspecting vendors risk huge losses in tax shake-up

Vendors may lose 10 per cent of their sale under new tax rules.
Vendors may lose 10 per cent of their sale under new tax rules. Brook Mitchell

Vendors selling their multimillion-dollar homes this weekend could face a nasty shock at settlement time – the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars because of poor legal advice.

This is because many may be unaware of new 10 per cent withholding tax rule, which came into force on July 1, and which applies to all property worth $2 million or more, including residential property.

To avoid being hit by the stiff penalty, all vendors selling at this price point must obtain a clearance certificate from the Australian Tax Office to prove they are Australian resident taxpayers.

But according to Sydney firm Aitken Lawyers, nine out of 10 real estate contracts they examined for homes likely to sell for $2 million or more make no mention of this new requirement.

Julian Peters, special counsel at Aitken Lawyers, told the Weekend AFR venders could be caught out at settlement if they failed to produce a clearance certificate, with buyers required to withhold 10 per cent of the purchase price ($200,000 on a $2 million sale for example) and pay it to the ATO instead.

Buyers who don't withhold under such circumstances could be liable for the 10 per cent payment themselves (as well as an administrative fee) as part of the new withholding regime designed to ensure foreign residents meet their capital gains tax obligations.

A loss of 10 per cent of the purchase price could have flow on effects such as the vendor not being able to payout their existing mortgage or acquire their next property. It could also delay settlement, cause deals to fall over or result in costly legal disputes between vendor and buyer.

"It's not mandatory to attach the certificate to the contract of sale, but if you don't, you're not putting the purchaser on notice either way [about your residence status]," Peters said.

According to Fairfax-owned Domain, about one in 40 (2.5 per cent) of residential sales so far this year have between homes or apartments worth $2 million or more. The proportion would be much higher in the more expensive suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne.

While the $2 million withholding tax requirement applies to all types of property – commercial, residential, rural and vacant land – ordinary homeowners are less likely to be aware of it compared with the owner of an office building worth tens of millions of dollars.

"There has not been a lot of publicity about it and you don't see a lot of articles about it in the paper, apart from in the Financial Review," Peters added.

The ATO promises a turnaround of "a few days" for clearance certificate applications applied for online or 2-4 weeks for posted applications, but processing can take longer for less clear-cut situations.

Vendors not eligible for a clearance certificate can apply for a variation to the 10 per cent withholding rate in certain circumstances, such as if they can show they will not make a capital gain on disposal or there are carried forward losses to negate any tax liability.

The latest 2016 sale and purchase contracts (prepared by the Law Society) have been updated to include the new withholding requirements, but many are still not being filled in property, Peter said. Older contracts, which can still be used, make no mention of them at all.

"When we act for a vendor, we inquire if the property will be priced over $2 million. If it is, we tell them they need to attach a clearance certificate," Peters said.