Bad banks, carers and school funding

US president George W Bush, left, appointed former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson to the position of US Treasury ...

Pierpont so rightly comments, in "Crazy bonds pressure banks" (October 6), on the damage done leading up to the global financial crisis by the dumping of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 and the failure to reintroduce it after the GFC.  

Is nuclear power really the answer to Australia's energy security?

Energy, ScoMo and disruption

From "Big questions about NEM in wake of blackout: Garnaut", (October 7) it is evident a new approach inclusive of supportive infrastructure is crucial as we move to greater reliance on renewable energy. 

Australia imports nearly all its automotive fuel oils.

Energy security, Israel and Budgie Nine

There is a little discussed reason why we urgently need more renewable energy.  It is this: Australia imports nearly all  its automotive fuel oils. If that supply were disrupted, Australia would simply stop and starve. This is by far the biggest threat to our security that exists today. 

Ian Narev of CBA warned on the dangers of regulating profits.

Banks, climate change and Budgie Smugglers

The appearance of CBA chief executive Ian Narev before the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics on Tuesday enabled Mr Narev to address those issues that have been the triggers in the call for a royal commission ("Regulating profits 'dangerous'," October 5).