Billionaire Brett Blundy's retail recipe that made his executives millions

This week BOSS Magazine rolls out interviews with seven executives who worked for retail billionaire Brett Blundy and made millions following his 10 + 1 cultural commandments.

"These guys I have called my partners and they've been really terrific at ensuring our culture moves its way down and ...
"These guys I have called my partners and they've been really terrific at ensuring our culture moves its way down and around through the organisation," says retail entrepreneur Brett Blundy. "All of them buy into it." Nic Walker

Retailer Brett Blundy was sitting with colleague Greg Milne on the loungeroom floor of his Kyle Bay home in Sydney's south. It was the early 1990s and there was almost no furniture in the house as Blundy had invested every cent he had into building his businesses: Sanity Entertainment and Bras N Things.

Opposite Blundy was the "bra wall" where almost 160 bras hung. It was what was known as a range day when Blundy, Milne and other executives got together to narrow down the next range for Bras N Things stores.

"Brett would look at the bra wall and say that one, that one, that one," recalls Milne. "I'd have to go away and pull out numbers and run product reports and I'd discover, shit, he's right. He could intuitively see that."

For Milne, this anecdote perfectly demonstrates Blundy's innate talent for retail, a skill that allowed him to transform, over four decades, a single music store into a global company spanning retail, retail property and beef breeding.

How do you become a retail billionaire? Our BOSS Magazine (out Friday) highlights the success of Brett Blundy this week. #success #retail

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Blundy, 56 and now a billionaire, chairs BB Retail Capital, which has built well-known companies from Sanity EntertainmentBras N Things to Aventus. It's also had failures such as Diva and Gosh Coffee. But in the fickle retail industry where there are regular casualties, Blundy's record of having more wins than losses shows he has a formula that works.

Magnificent seven

Blundy is notoriously private but he spoke to BOSS for this series of articles to share credit for BBRC's success with seven key executives who have worked with him.

"These are great individuals, who are enormously successful in their own right, and if it wasn't for me they would be getting the accolades that people seem to give me," says Blundy.

"These guys I have called my partners and they've been really terrific at ensuring our culture moves its way down and around through the organisation. All of them buy into it. It's easy to write that stuff down, but much harder to ensure it's instilled."

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Over the past four decades, Blundy has refined a list of 10 + 1 cultural commandments, which defines BBRC's companies. "We like to think we live and it and do it. You can see that in the BBRC story. It's about the customer, trust, integrity, communication and a sense of urgency."

The seven executives are partners in more than a figurative sense. Ray Itaoui, Daniel Agostinelli, Darren Holland, Shane Fallscheer, Eloise Monaghan, Tracey Blundy and Greg Milne have been, or are, partial owners of the businesses they have built with Blundy. From Sanity Entertainment and Bras N Things to Aventus, Lovisa, Honey Birdette and Dusk

"They're all owners, real owners, not just equity participants," says Blundy. "It shows that they are committed. Too many incentive schemes that get offered to CEOs are a no lose scenario and this doesn't necessarily align with the interest of the shareholders. It also creates an environment where a CEO might take a swing at things he shouldn't because the downside is nothing and the upside is enormous. When there's real skin in the game, and real dollars invested where this would hurt me, when there's a shift from being a CEO to an owner, then the effect is subtle but dramatic."

Global push

Each of the seven have invested their own money and built substantial and valuable stakes alongside Blundy. "Their net wealth ranges from $15 million to more than $150 million," he says "We normally don't shine the spotlight on anything, part of our culture is we get on and do it."

However, he has chosen to talk about this team because he's "very proud of what has been achieved".

"I look at my life and sometimes just go wow. These outstanding people have come on the journey with me. If there was just one right hand person of mine that wouldn't be interesting. But the fact there are seven people that belong in this category, it's quite amazing."

BOSS interviewed each of those seven executives, offering a rare look inside BBRC, a hugely successful private retailing company, and the team that helped build it. In the past year, BBRC opened nearly three stores each week somewhere in the world, where its business span across Africa, the Middle East, Europe to Asia. It employs almost 6000 staff.

"We're global in our outlook. Our job is to think globally because it makes all our businesses better. The organisation is different every year in a good way. I see my role as there to support, coach and help my team succeed," says Blundy. "I'm there to lend my perspective and my experience when necessary. The guys have figured out if I'm not talking to them, then everything is alright. If I'm overly engaging, it's probably because I think there's an issue on something."

Blundy moved to Singapore in 2013 to lead the global push of the BBRC companies. "It's been a terrific move. Leaders have to lead so I pushed myself out of Australia and then everyone in the businesses went 'OK he's serious about going global'. We have a global perspective and we're now no longer Australian-centric." 

Typically private and public companies' top teams are invisible, while shareholders, analysts and the media scrutinise the leader.

Blundy's seven are all smart, humble and passionate leaders themselves and most are now multi-millionaires. They talk about their careers; why Blundy inspired loyalty; the years of risk-taking, and of the culture that has been an enduring force behind BBRC's phenomenal growth, and now the businesses they advise or manage.

That's why Greg Milne says anyone who doesn't buy into the BBRC culture is weeded out: "Failure to do so can cause a cancer from within."  Twitter: @newsandimages

Read the profiles online throughout this week and in BOSS magazine, out Friday October 14 inside The Australian Financial Review

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