Travel tips: If it could go wrong, it did, for this Taylors Wines director

Justin Taylor is obsessed with walking sticks, collecting them from all over the world.
Justin Taylor is obsessed with walking sticks, collecting them from all over the world. Supplied

Severe gastro and road-destroying monsoon rains failed to dampen spirits during an unforgettable trek to Everest Base Camp for Taylors Wines director and export manager Justin Taylor. He answers our Traveller Q&A.;

First, business or economy?

Business class. Often, we are straight off the plane and into meetings, so getting a decent sleep lying flat is a huge help as I am 185 centimetres tall.

Most frequent destination?

I spend about four weeks a year in both the United States and Canada. I used to live in Atlanta, so it's great to go back to the US for both work and leisure. We also visit New Zealand, Asia and Europe once a year.

If I ran my own airline I would…

... There are so many different airline alliances, I would definitely look at a way to link them more effectively. I'm a Platinum frequent flyer on three airlines and it would be great to see more consistency among them, particularly for check-in and security.

The worst place you've been lost?

Sao Paulo, Brazil. I spent an entire day at events and press conferences with a local agent. It was a very long day and we were probably both very sick of each other because when we got to the airport he dropped me off and sped away before I could shut the car door. Without being able to speak Portuguese, the airport was quite difficult to navigate, but I managed somehow.

Most memorable overseas dining?

I will never forget the two weeks my family and I spent in Provence. Meals just kept getting better each day. We fell into a daily rhythm of exploring a little town, each with its own market where we would get pain au chocolat, baguettes and the freshest, sweetest berries. In the evenings, we would pop into restaurants where we enjoyed intricate and sophisticated French cooking. Of course, every dish was paired expertly with beautifully balanced wines. It was a way of life I could definitely get used to.

In the suitcase?

I'm pretty good at packing and try to keep everything down to the essentials. I pack all the usual suspects, but I also kit up with emergency spares of little things like shoelaces and cufflinks as it's a big inconvenience if they break or go missing.

How do you make the most of a spare afternoon in strange city?

Plan ahead and, if you have a friend or contact, try to meet up. The best way to get to know a city is from a local's perspective.

Travel tips?

While it's good to have a plan, don't get too attached to it. When travelling, stuff happens that you cannot control, so just go with it and see where it takes you.

What technology do you use?

iPhone and iPad.

Best overseas purchase?

Walking sticks. I collect them from all over the world. I started collecting them the first time I visited a Masai village and the obsession grew from there. I have about two or three from Africa, and quite a few I have picked up in antique stores in the US. They all sit at the entry to our house and they are a great visual reminder of my travels.

Best travel tale?

Trekking to Everest Base Camp was one of the most eventful experiences I have had. On the way there, a cow tried to sleep in our hut, and I battled severe gastro. I was reading Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air and finished it just as we reached Base Camp, which made it extra special. The day we reached Base Camp happened to be one of those rare, clear days when we could see the peak of the mountain. It was a breathtaking experience. After leaving Base Camp, we were hit with monsoon rains that washed some of the roads away, so we had to abandon our truck and hike to the other side of the mountain to be driven back down.

Best thing about travelling?

Discovering life around the world and rediscovering yourself through the people and places all over this amazing planet.

Top travel gripe?

Queuing in the US for everything. Life is short.

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