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Welcome to the website of the Solidarity Federation (also known as SolFed or SF-IWA). We are a revolutionary union initiative. Our ideas and activities are described in our magazine Direct Action, and our newspaper Catalyst. For a summary, see the Introduction to SolFed and What is Anarcho-syndicalism?. All members are affiliated to a Local Group and an Industrial Network, our Industrial Strategy and Constitution describe this in more detail.


Solidarity with YHA workers from Bristol!

Recently, workers at YHA hostels around the country launched a campaign for the living wage (£7.85 an hour, up from their current average of £6.50). Bristol Solidarity Federation would like to extend our Solidarity to YHA workers, who are also campaigning around irregular shifts and unfair payment for sleepover shifts. We meet regularly at the YHA in Bristol, which has also hosted our workplace organiser training, conference, new members days and other events. However, we will be boycotting the venue and encouraging other groups to do so until the demands of the YHA workers campaign are met. As a further show of solidarity, members of Bristol SolFed visited the YHA to make sure the workers there were aware of the campaign. Good conversations were had with staff and leaflets distributed in English and Spanish.

The Pop Up Union: a postmortem

When management at the University of Sussex announced plans to outsource 235 jobs, workers responded by launching a 'Pop-Up Union', a new tactic in modern British industrial relations. Is this a model other workers can emulate? Solfed members involved in the Pop Up Union analyse what happened.

"London – a migrant's guide" - a new pamphlet by Solidarity Federation

En Español | Po polsku

Since the beginning of the crisis more and more migrants are arriving in London and the UK. When people come here, they often find their first steps difficult. We want everyone to feel welcome and help them as much as possible. That’s why we have published  a new pamphlet, “London – a migrant's guide”. It is a practical introduction to life in London and the UK.

The following areas are covered in the guide:

St Mungo's workers on strike

Workers at St Mungo's hostels and homeless services started a week long strike on Friday 16th October. The workers are striking over the imposition of worse pay and conditions after a merger with Broadway. NLSF visited the picket line at one East London hostel. It was nice to see a lot of homeless people on the line in support of the workers. The workers talked about how cuts in provision make their jobs impossible, with staff numbers cut and homeless people given less and less support. The strikes will continue all week, there are St Mungo's pickets all over London and strikers would appreciate visits. You can also make a donation to the strike fund here http://www.housingworkers.org.uk/readnews.html?con_id=108

SLSF supports Radical Housing Network action against MIPIM 15th-17th October

MIPIM, the world’s biggest property fair, is coming to London this week for the first time in its 25 year history.

Billed as ‘the first UK property trade show gathering all professionals looking to close deals in the UK property market’, MIPIM will attract huge numbers of financiers, developers & local authorities, all looking to profiteer from UK land and property. This profiteering is creating unaffordable, insecure housing and contributing to the corporate takeover of our community spaces and public services.

South London SolFed stands in solidarity with the Radical Housing Network in opposing MIPIM and demanding a city for people, not for profit.

SLSF take to the streets of Lewisham in anti-workfare demo

On Saturday South London Solfed's roaming anti-workfare picket targeted businesses on Lewisham High Street exploiting unpaid labour.

Despite autumn choosing Saturday to finally arrive, a determined group took to the streets in support of Boycott Workfare's week of action. Marks & Spencer, Primark and Poundworld were all picketed, as well as Iceland who have reportedly signed up to the new 'Help To Work' scheme, the newest and most punitive version of workfare yet, involving six months' unpaid traineeships. Information leaflets were distributed to the public, including know your rights advice for those facing workfare placements. Despite the rain there were plenty of positive responses.

SolFed Out in Force Against Union Busting Bank

SolFed have been out in force in response to a sacked union organiser from our sister union in Spain, the CNT. Pickets were held in Brighton, Bristol, Newcastle and Middlesborough (see below). Santander have outsourced thousands of jobs in Spain, making it easier to control employees working in oppressive conditions - union organisers are targetted by the notoriously crooked family cartel run bank.

All pickets were well received, Santander having an already shoddy reputation in Britain, it was no suprise to those asking what the row was about to find that the bank is targetting union activists.

Newcastle SolFed were joined in Middlesborough by Teeside Solidarity Movement whose members eventually swelled the picket to envelope the bank and show the power of international solidarity. 

Solidarity with sacked Swedish School workers

On Sunday 10th August South London Solfed held a pre-Mass information picket at the Swedish Church in London. Members of FAU (our sister section in Germany) have been sacked at the Swedish school in Berlin, run by the Swedish Church. In May, after protesting against a salary decrease, all staff members were sacked. They were told to re-apply for their jobs on worse pay and conditions. 

The dispute is going to the court of appeal on October 17th, in the meantime it is unclear what will happen when term starts on August 18th. The school is not negotiating with FAU or the workers generally.

The CEO of the school is called Lena Brolin and is also the rector of the parish. You can write to her bosses and tell them what you think about these practices:

Boycott the Little Theatre, Bath

While The Ritzy workers marched through London demanding the Picturehouse chain pay the London Living Wage.  In Bath members of the Bristol local of the Solidarity Federation leafleted the cinema goers and asked them to consider a future boycott of the cinema because of the chain's refusal to pay a decent wage to the staff in London. The local staff and visitors were highly supportive of the picket and were disgusted to hear of how a profitable company is refusing their staff a wage that they can live on.

This dispute is becoming increasingly bitter. Boycott the Little Theatre. Bring the Picturehouse to its knees.

Cinema workers mass picket this Sunday

The North London Solidarity Federation is happy to support and promote the Ritzy workers' call for a mass picket this Sunday outside the Ritzy cinema in Brixton.

This Sunday will see workers at the Ritzy undertake their 11th day of strike action in their impressive effort to secure the London Living Wage.  However, whereas in previous strikes management has wisely chosen to close the cinema, this time around they'll be attempting keep it open.  In response, workers have called for a  mass picket outside the cinema during the strike.

Picturehouse Cinemas, which owns the Ritzy, no doubt understands that if Ritzy workers secure a living wage, it will empower other cinema workers to make similar demands.  Well, we agree.  And in that spirit, we encourage all our friends, comrades, and contacts to join the picket line this Sunday at 6:00pm in Brixton.


About us

The Solidarity Federation is a revolutionary union initiative: a working-class organisation which seeks the abolition of capitalism and the state ...read more

New book out now

Fighting for ourselves - anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle. A new book by the Solidarity Federation. Click here for more info.


If you would like to support us, you can donate to the Solidarity Federation. You can use your your debit/credit card, or a PayPal account if you have one. Donations will be used to support our work, including our free newspaper Catalyst and our workplace organiser training programme.

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Solidarity Federation - IWA