news and action

20 May 2016 >> Action, Campaign material, News, Top story
Convoy to Calais logo

Some of the largest mass movements in Britain have joined together with major trade unions to show solidarity with refugees at Calais, in the Convoy …

18 May 2016 >> Comment, EDL unmasked, Unity 15 | May-June 2016, Unity Magazine
Cover of Angry White People

From Unity 15, May/June 2016. Email UAF to ask for printed copies
Hsiao-Hung Pai’s new book Angry White People, exposes the racist, far right politics …

16 May 2016 >> Campaign material, News, Unity 15 | May-June 2016, Unity Magazine
Unity 15 cover

Musician Natty is the cover star on the May/June 2016 issue of Unity magazine, produced by UAF with the National Union of Teachers.
The new issue includes:
• Natty on …

16 May 2016 >> News, Unity 15 | May-June 2016, Unity Magazine
Natty playing to refugees in Calais

North London singer and musician Natty spoke to Unity about spirituality, fighting racism, his new album Release the Fear and the impromptu concert he played …

13 May 2016 >> Action, Campaign material, News

This guide has become necessary because of the weakness of the right rather than their strength. The groups below reflect the splintered nature of the …

29 Apr 2016 >> Comment, News
M. Saleem

Today marks the third anniversary of the brutal Islamophobic murder of Mohammed Saleem by a neo-Nazi terrorist from Ukrainian named Pavlo Lapshyn.
Maz Saleem, daughter of …

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