- published: 12 Feb 2015
- views: 2523
Santa María (with diacritic over the "i") or Santa Maria may refer to:
Our Lady of Graces (Italian: Madonna delle Grazie or Nostra Signora delle Grazie) or St Mary of Graces (Italian: Santa Maria delle Grazie) is a devotion to the Virgin Mary in the Roman Catholic Church. Churches with this dedication often owe their foundation to thankfulness for graces received from the Virgin Mary, and are particularly numerous in Italy, India, Australia, United States, France and the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland.
Our Lady of Graces is the patron saint of the diocese of Faenza. According to a legend, in 1412, Mary appeared to a local woman. Mary was holding broken arrows symbolizing protection against God's wrath and promised an end to the plague. Faenza Cathedral has a chapel dedicated to Our Lady, while residents often place ceramic titles with the image on their homes.
Other Italian towns that have Our Lady of Graces as their patron saint include:
Delle is a commune in the Territoire de Belfort department in Franche-Comté in northeastern France.
Delle is the last French town on the railway line from Belfort to Berne, in Switzerland. Visitors to Delle can travel there by bus from Belfort, (hourly) timetables can be found at: www.optymo.fr
There is a Swiss Federal Railways station in Delle for trains to Delemont.
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, more commonly Leonardo da Vinci (Italian: [leoˈnardo da (v)ˈvintʃi]; 15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519), was an Italian polymath whose areas of interest included invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography. He has been variously called the father of paleontology, ichnology, and architecture, and is widely considered one of the greatest painters of all time. Sometimes credited with the inventions of the parachute, helicopter and tank, his genius epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal.
Many historians and scholars regard Leonardo as the prime exemplar of the "Universal Genius" or "Renaissance Man", an individual of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination". According to art historian Helen Gardner, the scope and depth of his interests were without precedent in recorded history, and "his mind and personality seem to us superhuman, while the man himself mysterious and remote". Marco Rosci, however, notes that while there is much speculation regarding his life and personality, his view of the world was logical rather than mysterious, and that the empirical methods he employed were unorthodox for his time.
Grazie is the nineteenth album by Italian pop singer, Gianna Nannini. It was released in 2006.
La chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie è una basilica e santuario situata in zona centrale a Milano appartenente all'Ordine Domenicano. Edificata fra il 1492 e il 1493 per volere di Ludovico il Moro come mausoleo per la propria famiglia, costituisce una delle più alte realizzazioni del Rinascimento nell'Italia settentrionale. Fu il secondo sito italiano dopo le incisioni rupestri in Valcamonica ad essere classificato come patrimonio dell'umanità dall'Unesco, insieme con l'affresco del Cenacolo di Leonardo da Vinci che si trova nel refettorio del convento.
Take a tour of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. This lovely brick church and convent in Milan is a very remarkable spot. Santa Maria delle Grazie is a small 15th-century church created with predominantly circular designs. The architecture of this Dominican convent is an interesting mix of Gothic and Romanesque styles. The red of the bricks is contrasted by sections of white geometric panels around the church. No matter how beautiful Santa Maria delle Grazie is from the outside, it is what's inside that makes it truly famous. Leonardo da Vinci painted 'The Last Supper' on one of the refectory walls making the church a historical and cultural landmark Saved from bombing raids in WWII, th...
The refectory of the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie forms an integral part of this architectural complex, begun in Milan in 1463 and reworked at the end of the 15th century by Bramante. On the north wall is The Last Supper, the unrivalled masterpiece painted between 1495 and 1497 by Leonardo da Vinci, whose work was to herald a new era in the history of art. Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai URL: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/93/
Santa Maria delle Grazie è una chiesa di Milano, patrimonio dell'umanità dell'Unesco insieme al Cenacolo di Leonardo da Vinci, che si trova nel refettorio del convento. Nel 1463 il duca di Milano Francesco I Sforza fece costruire un convento domenicano ed una chiesa nel luogo, dove si trovava una piccola cappella dedicata a Santa Maria delle Grazie. L'architetto fu Umberto Scopatello e il convento fu completato nel 1469, mentre per la chiesa fu necessario attendere il 1482. Altri cambiamenti furono eseguiti quando salito al potere Ludovico il Moro decise di cambiare il chiostro grande e l'abside della chiesa. La costruzione fu terminata intorno al 1490. Il Moro aveva anche deciso di fare delle Grazie il luogo di sepoltura degli Sforza e nel 1497 vi venne sepolta la moglie Beatrice d'Este. ...
From left: Bartholomew, James (son of Alphaeus), Andrew, Judas Iscariot, Peter, John, Jesus Christ, Thomas, James (son of Zebedee), Philip, Matthew, Jude Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot
Construido en Milán a partir del año 1463 y reformado por Bramante a finales del siglo XV, el conjunto arquitectónico del convento de Santa Maria delle Grazie alberga en la pared norte de su refectorio una obra maestra sin parangón en el mundo: el fresco de "La última cena", pintado entre 1495 y 1497 por Leonardo da Vinci, que abrió una nueva era en la historia del arte. Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai URL: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/93/
Audioguida per Milano: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?action_edit=1&list;=PLdaC3qSvCuzsrV-J2xHqhXyoU74OGX5NP Итальянский язык: http://novoe.de/index.php/italiano Milano, Милан, Milan, Audioguida per Milano, audioguida, Italia, italiani, Italia audioguida, audioputevoditel Italia, Italia guida di viaggio, attrazioni Italia, circa l'Italia in italiano, una guida in italiano, audioputevoditel italiano, audioguida italiano guida italiana, Italy tour, tour in italiano, tour italiani audioputevoditel audioguida, guida, attrazioni, tour, audioguide, Italy, Italian, Italy audioguide, audioputevoditel Italy, Italy travel guide, Italy attractions, about Italy in Italian, a guide in Italian, Italian audioputevoditel, Italian audioguide Italian Guide, Italy tours, tours in Italian, Italian tours ...
Dalla Chiesa Conventuale Santa Maria Delle Grazie Dei Frati Minori Cappuccini In S. Giovanni Rotondo La Via Crucis, o Via della Croce, è nata dal desiderio di ripercorrere spiritualmente insieme a Gesù la via che l'ha condotto dal pretorio di Pilato al sepolcro. Le «14 Stazioni» sono 14 episodi presi dal Vangelo. Essi sono da noi commentati con la citazione di testi biblici, meditazione personale e di amore riconoscente per Gesù. - Ti adoriamo, o Cristo, e ti benediciamo. - Perché con la tua santa Croce hai redento il mondo.
umdada umdada umdada...
Santa Maria,
Insel die aus Träumen geboren.
Ich habe meine Sinne verloren,
in dem Fieber, das wie Feuer brennt.
Santa Maria,
nachts an deinen schneeweißen Stränden
Hielt ich ihre Jugend in den Händen
Glück für das man keinen Namen kennt.
Sie war ein Kind der Sonne,
Schön wie ein erwachender Morgen.
Heiß war ihr stolzer Blick
Doch tief in ihrem Inneren verborgen,
Brannte die Sehnsucht - Santa Maria
Den Schritt zu wagen - Santa Maria
Vom Mädchen bis zur Frau.
Santa Maria,
Insel die aus Träumen geboren,
Ich hab meine Sinne verloren,
in dem Fieber, das wie Feuer brennt.
Santa Maria,
ihre Wildheit ließ mich erleben,
Mit ihr auf bunten Flügeln entschweben,
In ein fernes unbekanntes Land.
Wehrlos trieb ich dahin
Im Zauber ihres Lächelns gefangen.
Doch als der Tag erwacht
Sah ich die Tränen auf ihren Wangen,
Morgen hieß Abschied - Santa Maria
Und meine Heimat - Santa Maria
War so unendlich weit!
umdada, ...
Santa Maria,
Insel die aus Träumen geboren
Ich hab meine Sinne verloren,
in dem Fieber, das wie Feuer brennt.
Niemals mehr hab ich so empfunden,
Wie im Rausch der nächtlichen Stunden