- published: 31 Oct 2016
- views: 11892
The Prussian Heritage Image Archive (German: Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz or 'bpk') is an agency of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. The archive is housed at the Otto Nagel-Haus in Berlin, Germany and offers photographs, cartoons and drawings in the fields of history, culture and fine arts. The collection also contains the personal estates, archives and portfolios of many famous photographers who documented life in Germany. Organizationally, the archive is a division of the Berlin State Library.
The core of the collection was built in 1966 from the historical picture library of Hermann Handke. This stock consists of about 1 million daguerrotypes, talbotypes, photographic prints, negatives, engravings and lithographs. Through targeted acquisitions, donations and estate gifts, bpk's collection has grown to over 12 million photographs today and is one of the largest in Europe.
Photographs documenting contemporary German history form the vast majority of the collection. Photographs of works of fine arts and culture from famous museums around the world are the second main focus.
Bruton's tyrosine kinase (abbreviated Btk or BTK) also known as tyrosine-protein kinase BTK is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the BTK gene. BTK is a kinase that plays a crucial role in B-cell development.
BTK plays a crucial role in B cell maturation as well as mast cell activation through the high-affinity IgE receptor.
Btk contains a PH domain that binds phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate (PIP3). PIP3 binding induces Btk to phosphorylate phospholipase C, which in turn hydrolyzes PIP2, a phosphatidylinositol, into two second messengers, inositol triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG), which then go on to modulate the activity of downstream proteins during B-cell signalling.
Mutations in the BTK gene are implicated in the primary immunodeficiency disease X-linked agammaglobulinemia (Bruton's agammaglobulinemia). Patients with XLA have normal pre-B cell populations in their bone marrow but these cells fail to mature and enter the circulation. The Btk gene is located on the X chromosome. At least 400 mutations of the BTK gene have been identified.
Tilo Jung (born October 21, 1985 in Malchin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) is a German journalist and chief editor of the political webshow Jung & Naiv (Young & Naive).
While completing his education, Tilo Jung worked temporarily as a reporter for the regional daily newspaper Nordkurier.
In 2006 he moved to Berlin, enrolling to study business and law at Humboldt University. In 2011 he started his career as a journalist interviewing and editing coverage for the radio show Medienmagazin on radioeins, hosted by Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg.
The general debate about political apathy inspired him to create a new concept for a political talk show called Jung & Naiv with the tagline "Politics for the Indifferent". The ambience of the interview is informal, the conversation unrestricted by time or script, and guests are asked to avoid using jargon.
Initially, Jung published uncut interviews on his YouTube channel. The German commercial television station Joiz.Germany began to broadcast episodes of Jung & Naiv six months later, but stopped in November 2014 when the station became insolvent. Notable guests on Jung's show were politicians and journalists, including Peer Steinbrück, Jürgen Trittin,Heiko Maas, Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald.
Jakarta /dʒəˈkɑːrtə/, officially known as the Special Capital Region of Jakarta (Indonesian: Daerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta), is the capital and largest city of Indonesia, (though Jakarta is also a province) and one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.
Located on the northwest coast of Java, Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre, and with a population of 10,075,310 as of 2014. The official metropolitan area, known as Jabodetabek (a name formed by combining the initial syllables of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi), is the fourth largest in the world, yet the metropolis's suburbs still continue beyond it. Its unofficial built-up (metropolitan) area covers Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang, Serang, Purwakarta, Sukabumi and Subang regencies (123 districts) including also Tangerang, Bekasi, Tangerang Selatan, Depok, Serang and Cilegon Municipalities was home to 30,214,303 inhabitants as of 2010 census.
Established in the fourth century, the city became an important trading port for the Kingdom of Sunda. It was the de facto capital of the Dutch East Indies (known as Batavia at that time). Today, the city has continued as the capital of Indonesia since the country's independence was declared in 1945. The city is currently the seat of the ASEAN Secretariat as well as houses important financial institutions such as the Bank of Indonesia, the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and the corporate headquarters of numerous Indonesian companies and multinational corporations. Jakarta's business opportunities, as well as its potential to offer a higher standard of living, attract migrants from all over Indonesia, making the city a melting pot of many communities and cultures.
2016 (MMXVI) is the current year, and is a leap year starting on Friday (dominical letter CB) of the Gregorian calendar, the 2016th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 16th year of the 3rd millennium, the 16th year of the 21st century, and the 7th year of the 2010s decade.
2016 has been designated as:
Süßes oder Seibert? - Komplette Halloween-BPK vom 31. Oktober 2016
de Maizière: Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie der Bundesregierung - Komplette BPK vom 9. November 2016
Von Nerds, für Nerds - Komplette BPK zu München, Reutlingen & Ansbach vom 25. Juli 2016
Abbruch der BPK: Feueralarm bei Terrorfrage
Neue Asylzahlen mit Thomas de Maizière & Frank-Jürgen Weise - Komplette BPK vom 12. Oktober 2016
Bürger-BPK mit den Regierungssprechern - Komplett vom Tag der offenen Tür, 28. August 2016
Berita 27 Juni 2016 - Jokowi Akan Miskinkan Ketua BPK Karena Ngotot Minta Ahok Kembalikan 191 M
Gehaltserhöhung! - Sehenswerte BPK vom 15. Juli 2016
Die AfD in der Bundespressekonferenz - Komplette BPK vom 14. März 2016
Körpersprache Analyse: Junge Politikergeneration? (BPK)
Werde ein Naivling ► http://bit.ly/1A3Gt6E Fanshop ► http://fanshop-jungundnaiv.de/ Bundesregierung für Desinteressierte ► BPK vom 31. Oktober 2016 (Komplett als Wortprotokoll im Blog: http://bit.ly/2f5Mp7I Als Podcast http://bit.ly/2ekaWHK) Themen: Erdbeben in Italien, Wahl eines Ministerpräsidenten in Spanien, CETA, Medienbericht über eine Einbestellung des deutschen Gesandten durch das chinesische Außenministerium, Reise des Bundesaußenministers nach China, Vereinbarung über die Gründung eines französisch-chinesische Investitionsfonds zur Übernahme von Unternehmen, Festnahme von Journalisten der Zeitung „Cumhuriyet“ in der Türkei, Kampagne der Bundeswehr auf YouTube, Wahl des UN-Menschenrechtsrats, umstrittene Rede von EU-Kommissar Oettinger, Forderung des baden-württembergischen Inne...
Werde ein Naivling ► http://bit.ly/1A3Gt6E Fanshop ► http://fanshop-jungundnaiv.de/ Cyber für Desinteressierte ► BPK vom 9. November 2016 (Als Podcast http://bit.ly/2fAITlU) Vorstellung der Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie sowie des BSI-Lageberichts. Mit Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Mazière & BSI-Präsident Arne Schönbohm (Bundesamt für Sicherheit & Informationstechnik). Naive Fragen zu (ab 27:35 min): - komplette Verschlüsselung der Kommunikation der Bundesregierung - Trump als Herr über den größten Überwachungsapparat der Welt & der mächtigsten Cyberarmee Bitte unterstützt unsere Arbeit finanziell: Tilo Jung IBAN: DE36700222000072410386 BIC: FDDODEMMXXX Verwendungszweck: BPK PayPal ► www.paypal.me/JungNaiv Fanshop ► http://fanshop-jungundnaiv.de/ (Wer mindestens €20 gibt, wird im d...
Werde ein Naivling ► http://bit.ly/1A3Gt6E Fanshop ► http://fanshop-jungundnaiv.de/ Bundesregierung für Desinteressierte ▼ BPK vom 25. Juli 2016 (Komplett als Wortprotokoll im Blog: http://bit.ly/2asjeNq Als Podcast http://bit.ly/2as9HWG) Naive Fragen zu: Amokläufe der vergangenen Tage - wie war nochmal der Anteil unter Flüchtlingen mit post-traumatischen Störungen? (ca 10:20 min) - können Flüchtlinge eventuelle Traumata mit der Gesundheitskarte sozusagen behandeln lassen? - gab es in München, Reutlingen oder Ansbach aus Sicht der Bundesregierung und des BMI einen “Terroranschlag”? (ca 34:55 min) - warum ist der Sicherheitsrat am Samstag zusammengekommen? ging's danach zurück in den Urlaub? 36:00 - kennen Sie Beispiele für unverantwortungslosen Umgang mit Computerspielen? (ca 40:25 min) ...
Werde ein Naivling ► http://bit.ly/1A3Gt6E Fanshop ► http://fanshop-jungundnaiv.de/ Als es mit der Bundesregierung heute um Terrorismus und die Frage ging, ob man die Taten in Ansbach und Würzburg jeweils als "Terroranschlag" bewertet, brach der Feueralarm im Haus der Bundespressekonferenz aus. Die Regierungspressekonferenz musste abgebrochen werden... Weniger Minuten war klar: Fehlalarm! Sharing is caring! Ausschnitt aus der BPK vom 8. August 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-TFjgtnq3E Bitte unterstützt unsere Arbeit finanziell: Tilo Jung IBAN: DE36700222000072410386 BIC: FDDODEMMXXX Verwendungszweck: BPK PayPal: www.paypal.me/JungNaiv (Wer mindestens €20 gibt, wird im darauffolgenden Monat in jeder Folge als Produzent gelistet)
Werde ein Naivling ► http://bit.ly/1A3Gt6E Fanshop ► http://fanshop-jungundnaiv.de/ Asylpolitik für Desinteressierte ► BPK vom 12. Oktober 2016 (Als Podcast http://bit.ly/2dZUiv0) Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) und BAMF-"Chef" Frank-Jürgen Weise berichten über die Asylzahlen in Deutschland für das dritte Quartal 2016 Naive Fragen: - Herr de Maizière, wie konnten Sie es vergessen, sich bei den Leipziger Syrern zu bedanken, die den Terrorverdächtigen gefesselt und den Sicherheitsbehörden übergeben haben? (18:50 min) - Herr Weise, Ihnen ist ja wirklich ein Kraftakt gelungen. Kapazitäten im BAMF und in den Ländern aufgebaut: Nach Schließung der Balkan-Route kommen noch nicht mal mehr 14.000 Menschen pro monat, eine imaginäre jährliche Obergrenze von 200.000 wird damit bei Weit...
Werde ein Naivling ► http://bit.ly/1A3Gt6E Fanshop ► http://fanshop-jungundnaiv.de/ Bundesregierung für Desinteressierte ▼ Bürger-BPK vom 28. August 2016 (Als Podcast http://bit.ly/2bFYf58) Pressekonferenz mit dem Regierungssprecher und den Sprechern der Ministerien – Tag der offenen Tür in der Bundespressekonferenz Keine naiven Fragen. Bitte unterstützt unsere Arbeit finanziell: Tilo Jung IBAN: DE36700222000072410386 BIC: FDDODEMMXXX Verwendungszweck: BPK PayPal ► www.paypal.me/JungNaiv Fanshop ► http://fanshop-jungundnaiv.de/ (Wer mindestens €20 gibt, wird im darauffolgenden Monat in jeder Folge als Produzent gelistet)
Berita 27 Juni 2016 - Jokowi Akan Miskinkan Ketua BPK Karena Ngotot Minta Ahok Kembalikan 191 M Jakarta - Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama atau Ahok menegaskan tidak akan mengembalikan uang Rp 191 miliar, yang oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) dianggap sebagai kerugian negara dalam pembelian lahan Rumah Sakit Sumber Waras. Menurut Ahok, jika DKI minta Yayasan Sumber Waras mengembalikan uang Rp 191 miliar itu, bisa saja Yayasan menggugat Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta. "Tarik uang kembali dari Sumber Waras? Ya, dia gugat dong," kata Ahok di Jakarta Convention Center, Selasa, 21 Juni 2016. Pasalnya, kata Ahok, dalam pembelian lahan tersebut, Pemprov DKI Jakarta sudah menerapkan harga sesuai dengan nilai jual obyek pajak (NJOP) yang berlaku saat itu. NJOP ditentukan berdasark...
Werde ein Naivling ► http://bit.ly/1A3Gt6E Fanshop ► http://fanshop-jungundnaiv.de/ Bundesregierung für Desinteressierte ▼ BPK vom 15. Juli 2016 (Komplett als Wortprotokoll im Blog: http://bit.ly/29DPiIS Als Podcast http://bit.ly/29DJ3V8) Naive Fragen zu: Amok in Nizza - warum nennen Sie das einen Terroranschlag? Es hört sich so an, als ob Sie schon wieder die Verbindung zu ISIS ziehen, weil Sie auch vom Krieg gegen den Terror sprechen. Welche Hinweise haben Sie darauf, dass es sich dabei um ISIS handelt? (3:15 min) - wissen Sie schon von deutschen Opfern? (4:15 min) - Sie hatten irgendwie von Gruppen und Gruppenzugehörigkeiten gesprochen. Bisher ist bekannt, dass das ein Einzeltäter war, ein 31-jähriger Franzose. Warum sprechen Sie also von Gruppen? Warum werden da etwaige Grenzschutzm...
Werde ein Naivling ► http://bit.ly/1A3Gt6E Fanshop ► http://fanshop-jungundnaiv.de/ AfD für Desinteressierte ▼ BPK vom 14. März 2016 (Als Podcast http://bit.ly/1Rj1gM5) Naive Fragen (ab 13:40 min) - Muslimische Mitglieder in der AfD - Wahlmotivation der AfD-Wähler Bitte unterstützt unsere Arbeit finanziell: Tilo Jung IBAN: DE36700222000072410386 BIC: FDDODEMMXXX Verwendungszweck: BPK PayPal: www.paypal.me/JungNaiv (Wer mindestens €20 gibt, wird im darauffolgenden Monat in jeder Folge als Produzent gelistet) Kein naives Video mehr verpassen: Abonniert diesen Youtube-Kanal. Folgt uns auf Facebook & bringt euch ein!
more at http://news.quickfound.net/intl/japan_news.html "A pictorial report of Japan in 1957." An episode of the US Army produced TV series "The Big Picture," which appears to have been adapted from an Army training film about Japanese culture for US servicemen stationed in Japan. Public domain film from the National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan Japan Listeni/dʒəˈpæn/ (Japanese: 日本 Nihon or Nippon; formally 日本国 Nippon-koku or Nihon-koku, literally the State of Jap...
German documentary film on Germany's best known building, Neuschwanstein Castle, built by the famous Bavarian king Ludwig II.
The DC Caucus of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference and the National Archives Assembly hosted the 2014 Archives Fair in the National Archives McGowan Theater in Washington, DC on April 3, 2014. The afternoon session included: Discussion Panel: "Monuments Men Archives" National Archival Authorities Cooperative (NAAC) Donations Partnership Database *Note there is a 15 minute break starting at 1:26.
Герма́ния - Росси́я. Germany - Russia 2012/13 The exhibition opens cross year of Russia-Germany 2012/13 and is held under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin and President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Joachim Gauck. Joint cultural and historical project gathered in a single exhibition space of more than seven hundred sites provided 75 participants from the Russian and German sides, museums and archives in Austria, Switzerland and Latvia. After exposure, the State Historical Museum exhibition will be held at the New Museum in Berlin (from 6 Oct 2012 to 13 Jan 2013). The chronological framework of the exhibition project - X-XX centuries, from the Middle Ages to the era of achievement and turmoil of recent times - cover the thousand-year period of the hist...
Coordinates: 47°33′27″N 10°45′00″E / 47.55750°N 10.75000°E / 47.55750; 10.75000 This video targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Public domain image source in video
Nicaragua, officially the Republic of Nicaragua (Spanish: República de Nicaragua, is the largest country in the Central American isthmus, bordered by Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south. The country is situated between 11 and 14 degrees north of the Equator in the Northern Hemisphere, which places it entirely within the tropics. The Pacific Ocean lies to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the east. The country's physical geography divides it into three major zones: Pacific lowlands; wet, cooler central highlands; and the Caribbean lowlands. On the Pacific side of the country are the two largest fresh water lakes in Central America—Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua. Surrounding these lakes and extending to their northwest along the rift valley of the Gulf of Fonseca are fertile ...
Belgrade ; names in other languages) is the capital and largest city of Serbia. It is located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, where the Pannonian Plain meets the Balkans. Its name translates to White city. The city has a population of 1.23 million, while over 1.65 million people live in its metro area . This video targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
Graffiti is writing or drawings that have been scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface, often in a public place. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and it has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire. In modern times, paint (particularly spray paint) and marker pens have become the most commonly used graffiti materials. In most countries, marking or painting property without the property owner's consent is considered defacement and vandalism, which is a punishable crime. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
[verse 1:]
When I'm out on the road
Going from show to show
Told my homie romeo
How much I miss you so
I don't know how much longer it'll be
I'm missing you, wanting you
And I really want to talk to you
(Oh no) I left my 2-way at home
Still sitting on the charger
(Oh no) my battery is dead on my cell phone
And I really want to call ya
J-boog gotta let me use your phone
gotta call my baby back home
Let her know what she means to me
Cause we gotta be
[chorus 2x:]
Your my (your my) angel (angel)
Your my (your my) heart girl
Cause your my everything (your everything I want in a woman)
Girl your my everything (your everything I need in a woman)
[verse 2:]
I got cha on the phone
You saying you wish I was home
But then you flip the script
Tryna put me in the wrong
And you think I'm lying when I been trying all day to talk to you
Juggling videos and photo shoots
(Baby girl don't think) that when your calls go by and by I don't really want to call ya
(Don't think) got me screening my calls while checking my caller I'd tryna dodge ya girl
Trying be all I can be
A young man in this industry
You mean the world to me
You are my everything I
[chorus 2x:]
Your my (your my) angel (angel)
Your my (your my) heart girl
Cause your my everything (your everything I want in a woman)
Girl your my everything (your everything I need in a woman)
I want you to know
Nothing will come between you and me
Girl I want you to know
you'll always be
My everything
Baby girl I'm missing
Can't wait to get home so I can hold you
Planets loves when it comes to you
Faithful and true is what I stay to you
Your my homie when I chill with you
Throw on some sweats with some nike shoes
All gifts are diddy from me
Louie skirt with the mini tee
See times been hard for me
Being on the road without my wifey
Lookin at my watch as the time go by
Lookin at the skies as the days go by
Wishing on these days you could fly
Til the next time you'll be by my side
For you I ride
For you I ride
Me and you girl like bonnie and clyde
[chorus 2x:]
Your my (your my) angel (angel)
Your my (your my) heart girl
Cause your my everything (your everything I want in a woman)