Memoria del saqueo (2004)

Memoria del saqueo (2004)

Documentary on the events that led to the economic collapse of Argentina in 2001 which wiped out the middle class and raised the level of poverty to 57.5%. Central to the collapse was the implementation of neo-liberal policies which enabled the swindle of billions of dollars by foreign banks and corporations. Many of Argentina's assets and resources were shamefully plundered. Its financial system was even used for money laundering by Citibank, Credit Suisse, and JP Morgan. The net result was massive wealth transfers and the impoverishment of society which culminated in many deaths due to oppression and malnutrition.

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État de Siege (1972)

État de Siege (1972)

In Uruguay in the early 1970s, an official of the US Agency for International Development (a group used as a front for training foreign police in counterinsurgency methods) is kidnapped by a group of urban guerillas. Using his interrogation as a backdrop, the film explores the often brutal consequences of the struggle between Uruguay's government and the leftist Tupamaro guerillas.

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All My Heroes Still Wear Masks (2002)

All My Heroes Still Wear Masks (2002)

All My Heroes Still Wear Masks: The Men and Women of the A.L.F. and the Animals of HLS is an introduction to the Animal Liberation Front with underground footage from the 1980s to the present, using the campaign against Huntington Life Sciences as a case study of the need for direct action. Includes footage and interviews, teaching the viewer about vivisection and the goal of the A.L.F. Discusses laboratory experiments and abuse, and includes A.L.F. rescues.

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TRAILER - Acta Non Verba (2015)

TRAILER - Acta Non Verba (2015)

A great comrade from Marseille meets great comrades from all over Europe at the top spots of the countercultural antifascist scene and lets them have a say on important subjects. Today's (January 31st, 2015) the official premiere of this brandnew documentary in Paris, several dates all over France are following in the next weeks and hopefully soon also in your area too. Check it out and support the scene!

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Land and Freedom (1995)

Land and Freedom (1995)

Spring 1936, a young unemployed communist, David, leaves his hometown Liverpool to join the fight against fascism in Spain. He joins an international group of Militia-men and women, the POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista). After being wounded he goes to Barcelona, where he decides to join another group of fighters. They remain in Barcelona and end up fighting other anti-fascist groups. David is disappointed and decides to go back to his old band.

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The War Game (1965)

The War Game (1965)

The War Game is a fictional, worst-case-scenario docu-drama about nuclear war and its aftermath in and around a typical English city. Although it won an Oscar for Best Documentary, it is fiction. It was intended as an hour-long program to air on BBC 1, but it was deemed too intense and violent to broadcast. It went to theatrical distribution as a feature film instead. Low-budget and shot on location, it strives for and achieves convincing and unflinching realism.

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La Conspiración de Chicago / The Chicago Conspiracy (2010)

La Conspiración de Chicago / The Chicago Conspiracy (2010)

This documentary addresses the legacy of the military dictatorship in Chile by sharing the story of combatant youth who were killed by the Pinochet regime as a backdrop to the history of the military dictatorship and current social conflict in the area. The larger story is wrapped around three shorter pieces, which explore the student movement, the history of neighborhoods that became centers of armed resistance against the dictatorship, and the indigenous Mapuche conflict.

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Carlos, 1 year without you, 1 year with you

Carlos, 1 year without you, 1 year with you

A documentary about the intense year of fight after the murder of the antfascist comrade Carlos Palomino in Madrid, 11/11/2007. There are wounds that even time can’t close, as the one opened in our hearts when our brother, friend and comrade Carlos, when going to fight against racism, was killed by a neo-Nazi military.

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Belgium on Strike: December 15, 2014

Belgium on Strike: December 15, 2014

On December 15, 2014, a 24-hour general strike brought Belgium to a standstill as trade unions shutdown airports, trains, ports, highways, shops, factories, schools and government offices. The strike was the first general strike in Belgium since 1993 and was part of wave of actions against the latest austerity polices of the centre-right government, headed by Prime Minister Charles Michel, who took office in October.

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