Model versus cake! Woman bakes sumptuous lemon sponge before scoffing the ENTIRE thing in under seven minutes

  • Nela Zisser is a model and competitive eater from New Zealand
  • The 24-year-old filmed herself demolishing an entire lemon cake in one go
  • It took her just six minutes and 20 seconds to finish the decadent treat
  • She has previously eaten 22 Big Macs in one sitting and a 5ft sandwich  

A competitive eater who moonlights as a model has baked her cake and eaten it too – scoffing the entire thing in just under seven minutes.

Nela Zisser, from New Zealand, filmed herself patiently baking the scrumptious lemon cake before smothering it with whipped cream and demolishing it with a spoon.

The 24-year-old took just six minutes and 20 seconds to polish off the decadent treat, making it look like a piece of cake. 

Decadent: Competitive eater Nela Zisser smothers the cake in whipped cream before tucking in

Delicious: Zisser was full of praise for the lemon cake, pictured here before she started to demolish it

A minute into gorging on the cake, Zisser pauses briefly to comment on her baking skills.

'Now this is a really good cake,' she says before forking in another mouthful with relish.

Halfway through the attempt she stops to consider whether maybe she should take her time to enjoy the cake.

Deciding better, she scoops up another massive spoonful and continues her efforts.

Nearly there: Halfway through the cake Zisser pauses to consider whether she should slow down. Deciding better, she continues eating with gusto

After finishing the cake and all-but licking the plate clean, a grinning Zisser describes how much fun she has just had.

'That was actually a really, really good challenge,' she says.

'It was a really delicious challenge to film and it was really fun because I got to get into the kitchen again to do some baking.'

Done: Zisser finished the cake and all-but licked the plate clean in less than seven minutes

Zisser is a YouTube sensation who regularly clocks upwards of half a million views on her eating videos.

Other stunts of hers include the 100 cheeseburger challenge, eating 22 Big Macs in a sitting and a eating five foot Subway sandwhich.

Earlier this year she travelled to the United States to compete in the Nathan's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest – placing a respectable seventh. 

Gorging: The YouTube sensation has previously tackled 10 Happy Meals (pictured) in a sitting

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