- published: 11 Dec 2012
- views: 105
Robert Boris (October 12, 1945) is an American screenwriter, film producer and director.
Boris was nicknamed Double B by film producer Elliott Kastner.
Boris won the WGA Award for Original/Adapted Multi-Part Long Form Series for Blood Feud in 1984.
Boris may refer to:
The name Robert is a Germanic given name, from Proto-Germanic *χrōþi- "fame" and *berχta- "bright". Compare Old Dutch Robrecht and Old High German Hrodebert (a compound of hruod "fame, glory" and berht "bright"). It is also in use as a surname.
After becoming widely used in Continental Europe it entered England in its Old French form Robert, where an Old English cognate form (Hrēodbēorht, Hrodberht, Hrēodbēorð, Hrœdbœrð, Hrœdberð) had existed before the Norman Conquest. The feminine version is Roberta. The Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form is Roberto.
Similar to the name, Richard, "Robert" is also a common name in many Germanic languages, including English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Icelandic. It can be used as a French, Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian name as well.
Robert, and also the name Joseph, were in the top 10 most given boys' names in the US for 47 years, from 1925 to 1972.
In Italy during the Second World War, the form of the name, Roberto, briefly acquired a new meaning derived from, and referring to the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis.
Art 2 Heart is a non-profit organization (EIN: 06-1685732) located in the Kerrville, Texas, United States that offering art, dance, music, song, and theatre programs for children aged 8–14.
The Art 2 Heart runs an after school, outreach, and community service program that promote language and literacy growth. The program uses art, dance, drama, poetry and music as education mediums. It uses five character building pillars in the program which are Commitment, Responsibility, Accountability, Vision, and Example (C.R.A.V.E.) to accomplish its goals.
Art 2 Heart was founded by Lorraine LeMon.
Art 2 Heart was started in 2003, its office is located in the Doyle School Community Center in Kerrville, Texas.
Robert James "Bobby" Fischer (March 9, 1943 – January 17, 2008) was an American chess Grandmaster and the eleventh World Chess Champion. Many consider him the greatest chess player of all time.
At age 13 Fischer won a "brilliancy" that became known as "The Game of the Century". Starting at age 14, Fischer played in eight United States Championships, winning each by at least a one-point margin. At age 15, Fischer became both the youngest grandmaster up to that time and the youngest candidate for the World Championship. At age 20, Fischer won the 1963–64 U.S. Championship with 11/11, the only perfect score in the history of the tournament. Fischer's My 60 Memorable Games (1969) remains a revered work in chess literature.
In 1970 and 1971, Fischer "dominated his contemporaries to an extent never seen before or since". During that period he won the 1970 Interzonal Tournament by a record 3½-point margin and won 20 consecutive games, including two unprecedented 6–0 sweeps in the Candidates Matches. In July 1971, he became the first official World Chess Federation (FIDE) number-one-ranked player, spending a total of 54 months at number one.
Interview with author Robert Boris Riskin
Viviana Puello Art 2 Heart Interivew with Artist Robert Boris Turpin
moppen die in dit geval heel droog zijn en heel gay. Abonneer alvast en doe een blauw duimpje omhoog!
Bylo to dne 2.7. 2016 Parkur :)
From. V.A -- Up Jumped The Devil - Tribute To Robert Johnson
Deze week starten de play-offs, het toetje van de Hoofdklasse competitie. Voor Boris Burkhardt is dit de eerste keer dat hij de play-offs speelt en voor Robert Tigges worden dit zijn laatste play-offs als speler van AH&BC; Heren 1. Wat kan Boris als jong talent leren van de ervaren Tigges om zich zo goed mogelijk voor te bereiden op deze spannende wedstrijden? Beide spelers dromen van de Landstitel en hopen op veel aanmoedigingen. Kom jij kijken en help je AH&BC; H1 hun droom waar te maken? Kijk voor het actuele programma en de kaartverkoop op de website van AH&BC.; Forza Amsterdam!#abnamro ##partnervandetoekomst
Kontroverzný Boris Kollár o údajnom stretnutí ministra vnútra Roberta Kaliňáka s mafiánskym bossom Jurajom Ondrejčákom alias Piťom
Westmonster caught up with Bruges Group leader Robert Oulds at the Tory Party Conference in Manchester. He thinks Theresa May has to go, Boris or Rees-Mogg could do the job. He thinks she's too weak and gives the EU exactly what they want. Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and check out WESTMONSTER.COM
Pugilist Bruchsal Oberliga-Turnier 20.02.16
Match of Millennium - Boris Spassky vs. Robert James Bobby Fischer. Match started on July 11, 1972. The world chess championship between Boris Spassky and Bobby Fischer at Reykjavik in 1972 was the most widely publicised and eagerly analysed beforehand of any chess match to date. It seized the attention of the world's press and media in general in unprecedented fashion and inspired more books and column inches than any chess contest before or since. Courtesy of Darko and Mararlene.
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Boris Kollár obvinil Kaliňáka v priamom prenose! ZDIEĽAJTE A ODOBERAJTE!
Viviana Puello Art 2 Heart Interivew with Artist Robert Boris Turpin
-uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com
Interview with author Robert Boris Riskin
Dugogodišnji novinar, šarmer, politički analitičar i publicist, nezamjenjivi Boris Rašeta! Na crvenom kauču Podcast Inkubatora govori o partizanima, ustašama, Titu, Krleži i Staljinu, iako tvrdi da ga ideologija nimalo ne zanima. Govori o intimnim neprijateljima koje je stekao kao novinar te analizira stanje u hrvatskim medijima danas. Govori o Kolindi, Milanoviću, Karamarku, agrokorizaciji Hrvatske, požarima, porezu na nekretnine i najvećim gafovima koje je napravio u karijeri!
Boris Nikolajewitsch Beuschenko im Gespräch mit Michael Friedrich Vogt Der Begründer und Leiter des „Zentrums für Selbstregulation“, spricht über seine . Tore zu anderen Dimensionen, wo statt Materie der Geist herrscht» Frank Höfer im Gespräch mit Michael Friedrich Vogt Im 21. Jahrhundert angekommen, steht . An einen Dokumentarfilm wird der Anspruch erhoben, authentisch zu sein. Die Anwesenheit der Kamera und des Kamerateams prägen die Situation aber .
Boris Bojtschenko ist ein sehr bekannter Heiler, spiritueller Lehrer, Wissenschaftler und UFO-Forscher aus Russland. Er leitet in Magnitogorsk ein Gesundheits- und Heilzentrum der Alternativen Medizin und einen Gravitations-Training-Saal. Er hat eine einmalige Methode zum Gesundheitsaufbau entwickelt und lehrt dieses Heilsystem in Russland und auch im Ausland. Mittlerweile hat er mehr als 10.000 Schüler weltweit. Boris Bojtschenko ist ein großer Freund von Grigorij Grabovoi, Viktor Kandyba, Anatolij Samodumov, M. Norbekov, Arkadij Petrov u.a. Herr Bojtschenko ist ein vielseitig begabter Mensch, auch ein großer Segelsportler, Musiker und Sänger (er schreibt die Musik und Texte selbst). Er hat beim Kongress aktiv mit dem Publikum gearbeitet. Sein Schwerpunkt liegt hier bei: - Heilarbeit...
► Download audio on our app: http://blrrm.tv/br_App ► More here: blrrm.tv/bodzinlive ► Stephan Bodzin and his custom live setup going to town in Berlin.
Vlog from that day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRGGw4ygaZI Credits to RayWho for my soundtrack here: https://soundcloud.com/raywho/russiiaaaaaankurwomacwdupejeba For daily updates follow me on: https://www.facebook.com/BoostedBoris and www.instagram.com/boostedboris Thank you for watching! To rent a car for the track or instruction on the Ring send me a message: Misha@apex-nuerburg.com Apex pricelist: http://www.apex-nuerburg.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Apex-N%C3%BCrburg-price-list-rental-cars_July.pdf For merchandise and accommodation at Apex: dyana@apex-nuerburg.com Use discount code CARMRADES001 at https://www.atomic-shop.eu/ for 5% discount on your car parts! Carmrades Blog: https://www.carmrades-blog.com/ Get in touch with me on personal social pages: https://www.faceboo...
BBC Documentary with various interviews from well-known chess enthusiasts regarding the 1972 World Chess Champion match between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky. Interviews include: WC Bobby Fischer, WC Boris Spassky, Larry Evans, Robert Byrne, Alexander Cockburn Alexander Roshal, Nikolai Krogius, Frank Brady, Viktor Babkin and others.
► Mein Zweitkanal Let's Play and Talk LIVE: https://goo.gl/cTnHKp ► Let's Play and Talk auf Vidme: https://vid.me/LetsPlayAndTalk ► Let's Play and Talk auf Discord: https://discord.gg/jVRU8GU Aus der Sendung: #1 Kulturstudio: Relativierungsgeschwurbel & Schuldkult am Beispiel Robert Stein (ZDF) & Toni Mahoni https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS2Y5epDVp0 #2 Kulturstudio: Relativierungsgeschwurbel & Schuldkult am Beispiel Robert Stein (ZDF) & Toni Mahoni https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xplYscwHmCo&t;=12453s Eine Reaktion auf die Kulturstudio Sendung: #Zwischenruf - Deine Meinung - Dein Gespräch E10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwupU... Meine anderen Kanäle: ► Youtube Gaming: http://goo.gl/68Tb77 ► Smashcast: https://goo.gl/J4D3gO ► Twitch: https://goo.gl/ZdNNhQ ► Mixer: https://goo.g...
Przedstawiam Wam jedną z partii rozegraną w meczu o szachowe mistrzostwo świata w roku 1972, gdzie Robert Fischer zmierzył się z Borisem Spasskim w rozgrywce szóstej. Partia z pewnością godna Waszej uwagi. Po tej partii Boris Spassky wstał i zakończył grę brawami dla swojego oponenta. Zapraszam do oglądania oraz komentowania !
Boris Giltburg performs Schumann - Carnaval op. 9 at the Arthur Rubinstein Piano Master Competition (May, 2011, Tel Aviv). Since its inception in 1974, the Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition is one of the foremost Piano Competitions in the world. Arthur Rubinstein, who gave his blessing to the competition, headed the jury of the first two competitions (1974 & 1977). The competition, is held every three years in Tel Aviv, Israel. Subscribe for more classical piano music videos: http://www.youtube.com/AthurRubinstein http://www.arims.org.il
The Is this Jerry Springer Show July 25, 2017 Hypnotist Boris Cherniak hypnotizes Robert's staff
Rozhlasová podoba scénáře slavných ruských spisovatelů. Bratři Strugačtí jsou jedni ze zakladatelů moderního žánru Sci-Fi. Jejich prvotní díla jsou znatelně ovlivněna tvorbou Stanisława Lema a Ivana Yefremova. Postupem času se však u nich vyvinul unikátní literární styl, který v době, kdy v ruské literatuře vládl sovětský racionalismus vynikal kritikou společnosti. Každý jejich nový román v tehdejší společnosti vyvolával silnou diskuzi a netrvalo dlouho, aby si jejich práce všimla i sovětská cenzura. Jejich nejznámější dílo Piknik u cesty, později vydávaný také jako Stalker se stal charakteristickým pro jejich životní tvorbu. Byl přeložen do mnoha světových jazyků. V roce 1979 podle něj vznikl stejnojmenný film pod režií Andreje Tarkovskije. Film se setkal s velkým úspěchem a i dnes je ...
1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution (Puskin Press) is a collection of literary responses to one of the most cataclysmic events in modern world history. These expose the immense conflictedness and doubt, conviction and hope, pessimism and optimism which political events provoked among contemporary writers - sometimes at the same time, even in the same person. This dazzling panorama of thought, language and form includes work by authors who are already well known to the English-speaking world (Bulgakov, Pasternak, Akhmatova, Mayakovsky), as well as others, less well known, whose work we have the pleasure of encountering here for the very first time in English.
Filmed at Central Hall Westminster on 19th November 2015. On November 19th Intelligence Squared hosted the ultimate clash of civilisations: Greece vs Rome. It was also the ultimate clash of intellectual titans. Boris Johnson, Mayor of London and ardent classicist, made the case for Greece; while Mary Beard, Professor of Classics at Cambridge and redoubtable media star, championed Rome. As Boris argued, the Greeks got there first: in literature, history, art and philosophy. The Iliad and the Odyssey are the earliest surviving epic poems, the foundations on which European literature was built. The Greek myths – the tales of Oedipus, Heracles and Persephone, to name but a few – contain the archetypal plot elements of hubris and nemesis on which even Hollywood films depend today. It was in ...
SRBIJA TIM, DOBRODOSLI!!! https://www.chess.com/club/srbija-tim Najsadrzajnije i najpoucnije partije iz riznice sampiona. Kraljev gambit
színes, magyarul beszélő, amerikai akciófilm, 95 perc, 1987 Rendező: Robert Boris Szereplők: Martin Kove, Joseph Campanella, Ronny Cox, Sarah Douglas, Sela Ward, Al Leong, Soon-Tek Oh, Peter Kwong, Bernie Casey, Jan Gan Boyd, Eric Lee, David Froman, Kimiko Hiroshige, Sheila Gale Kandlbinder, Robert Kim John Steele számára nem ért véget a háború. Már több, mint 10 éve, hogy visszatért Vietnamból, de még mindig nem tudott megbirkózni a múlttal. Egyre lejjebb csúszik, otthagyja állását és az italhoz menekül. Egyetlen barátja a vietnámi Lee Van Minth próbálja segíteni a talpraállásában. Lee a Long Beach-i rendőrségen teljesít szolgálatot, s egyre több zűrje van az agresszívan terjeszkedő vietnami maffiával. A bandafőnök - egy volt vietnami tábornok - megelégeli a rendőrségi akciókat, s megg...
Mayor of London, Boris Johnson appeared on the Andrew Marr Show expecting the usual safe PR interview and received the complete opposite from Marr's stand-in host, Eddie Mair. Enjoy, comment and subscribe. :)
Watch the full interview with the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson from Peston on Sunday 14/05/17. The official Youtube channel for Peston on Sunday. We are live on ITV, Sunday mornings at 10am. #Peston #GE2017
"Why don't we do the questions in the order I'm asking them? It's not a Two Ronnies sketch..."
Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Legendary Soviet, Russian and French chess player Boris Spassky recently turned 80 years old. At the age of 18, he became the youngest grandmaster at that time. He was crowned champion nearly half a century ago. Boris Vasilievich told Ilya Filippov about the game that he plays today.
Boris Hasselblatt, professor at the Department of Mathematics at Tufts University, Boston, has been selected to hold the Jean-Morlet Chair from November 2013 to April 2014. During his time in France, Hasselblatt will collaborate on a variety of projects, including projects in geometry such as Godbillon-Vey classes for foliations (which serve to distinguish subtly different geometric configurations) as well as dynamical systems, which address questions related to detecting particular structures in highly chaotic dynamical systems. The local project leader collaborating with him to set up the program is Serge Troubetzkoy of both the Institut de mathématiques de Luminy (IML) and of the Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT) in Marseille. The Jean-Morlet Chair initiative is a joint project of CI...
Dimanche 13 Septembre 2009 Boris Neveu est devenu champion du monde en K1 Hommes. Une interview de 1 minute, propos recueillis par Richard Fox. http://www.facebook.com/sportscene
(3 Sep 1972) Interview with Soviet Chess player, Boris Spassky, on losing to US challenger Bobby Fischer, in Reykjavic You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/e34d272c1f53f210f57e69fe0f138ba8 Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
Full Interview with The Peston on Sunday The Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, on Sun 21 May 17 .
A 55-minute Press conference with 10th World Champion Boris Spassky ahead of the 10th round of the Chess Olympiad in Dresden, Germany (2008). No copyright infringement intended. Courtesy of www.chessvibes.com
Downfall parody of Boris Johnson finding out about the Brexit result. #Brexit #Boris #Johnson #Hitler #parody Make your own Hitler video at http://downfall.jfedor.org/
http://www.schrijvenvoorinternet.nl/2014/04/24/nieuwe-technologie-meer-verkopen-winkel-interview-video-boris-surya-monolith/ Monolith is een startup van gedragswetenschapper Boris Surya. Ze ontwikkelen technologie waardoor winkels meer gaan verkopen:
“The Iraq War did not create the problem of fundamentalists, though the war has sharpened the resentments felt by people in this country, and given them a new pretext.” The words of the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson - as Krishnan Guru-Murthy put to Michael Fallon. Subscribe for more: bit.ly/LtASif.
A fragment of the 2005 interview with Robert Fischer in Iceland
Victoria Hollins discusses with studio guests whether in light of his interview with Eddie Mair, has mayor of London, Boris Johnson damaged his chances of one day becoming leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of the UK. Enjoy, comment and subscribe. :)
Westmonster caught up with Bruges Group leader Robert Oulds at the Tory Party Conference in Manchester. He thinks Theresa May has to go, Boris or Rees-Mogg could do the job. He thinks she's too weak and gives the EU exactly what they want. Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and check out WESTMONSTER.COM
Show Nr. 930 | Dienstag, 29. Mai 2001 Themen: Gagschutz / Harry und Manuel sprechen über das legendäre Boris Becker Interview mit Frauke Ludowig, über den Bayern-Doc Müller-Wohlfahrt (der „MüWo“) und den Mahr-Hansi / Thomas Gottschalk war bei Wer wird Millionär / Fußballquiz Gäste: Johann Köhnich (Comedian) / Simone Angel (Moderatorin) Harald Schmidt bei Amazon: http://amzn.to/2p5zmHL Classic Harry
2016 * ROBERT STAROSELSKY * American, he served two years in The Israel Defense Forces (Tzahal - צה״ל)
Interview with author Robert Boris Riskin
Dugogodišnji novinar, šarmer, politički analitičar i publicist, nezamjenjivi Boris Rašeta! Na crvenom kauču Podcast Inkubatora govori o partizanima, ustašama, Titu, Krleži i Staljinu, iako tvrdi da ga ideologija nimalo ne zanima. Govori o intimnim neprijateljima koje je stekao kao novinar te analizira stanje u hrvatskim medijima danas. Govori o Kolindi, Milanoviću, Karamarku, agrokorizaciji Hrvatske, požarima, porezu na nekretnine i najvećim gafovima koje je napravio u karijeri!
Boris Nikolajewitsch Beuschenko im Gespräch mit Michael Friedrich Vogt Der Begründer und Leiter des „Zentrums für Selbstregulation“, spricht über seine . Tore zu anderen Dimensionen, wo statt Materie der Geist herrscht» Frank Höfer im Gespräch mit Michael Friedrich Vogt Im 21. Jahrhundert angekommen, steht . An einen Dokumentarfilm wird der Anspruch erhoben, authentisch zu sein. Die Anwesenheit der Kamera und des Kamerateams prägen die Situation aber .
Boris Bojtschenko ist ein sehr bekannter Heiler, spiritueller Lehrer, Wissenschaftler und UFO-Forscher aus Russland. Er leitet in Magnitogorsk ein Gesundheits- und Heilzentrum der Alternativen Medizin und einen Gravitations-Training-Saal. Er hat eine einmalige Methode zum Gesundheitsaufbau entwickelt und lehrt dieses Heilsystem in Russland und auch im Ausland. Mittlerweile hat er mehr als 10.000 Schüler weltweit. Boris Bojtschenko ist ein großer Freund von Grigorij Grabovoi, Viktor Kandyba, Anatolij Samodumov, M. Norbekov, Arkadij Petrov u.a. Herr Bojtschenko ist ein vielseitig begabter Mensch, auch ein großer Segelsportler, Musiker und Sänger (er schreibt die Musik und Texte selbst). Er hat beim Kongress aktiv mit dem Publikum gearbeitet. Sein Schwerpunkt liegt hier bei: - Heilarbeit...
► Download audio on our app: http://blrrm.tv/br_App ► More here: blrrm.tv/bodzinlive ► Stephan Bodzin and his custom live setup going to town in Berlin.
Vlog from that day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRGGw4ygaZI Credits to RayWho for my soundtrack here: https://soundcloud.com/raywho/russiiaaaaaankurwomacwdupejeba For daily updates follow me on: https://www.facebook.com/BoostedBoris and www.instagram.com/boostedboris Thank you for watching! To rent a car for the track or instruction on the Ring send me a message: Misha@apex-nuerburg.com Apex pricelist: http://www.apex-nuerburg.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Apex-N%C3%BCrburg-price-list-rental-cars_July.pdf For merchandise and accommodation at Apex: dyana@apex-nuerburg.com Use discount code CARMRADES001 at https://www.atomic-shop.eu/ for 5% discount on your car parts! Carmrades Blog: https://www.carmrades-blog.com/ Get in touch with me on personal social pages: https://www.faceboo...
BBC Documentary with various interviews from well-known chess enthusiasts regarding the 1972 World Chess Champion match between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky. Interviews include: WC Bobby Fischer, WC Boris Spassky, Larry Evans, Robert Byrne, Alexander Cockburn Alexander Roshal, Nikolai Krogius, Frank Brady, Viktor Babkin and others.
► Mein Zweitkanal Let's Play and Talk LIVE: https://goo.gl/cTnHKp ► Let's Play and Talk auf Vidme: https://vid.me/LetsPlayAndTalk ► Let's Play and Talk auf Discord: https://discord.gg/jVRU8GU Aus der Sendung: #1 Kulturstudio: Relativierungsgeschwurbel & Schuldkult am Beispiel Robert Stein (ZDF) & Toni Mahoni https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS2Y5epDVp0 #2 Kulturstudio: Relativierungsgeschwurbel & Schuldkult am Beispiel Robert Stein (ZDF) & Toni Mahoni https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xplYscwHmCo&t;=12453s Eine Reaktion auf die Kulturstudio Sendung: #Zwischenruf - Deine Meinung - Dein Gespräch E10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwupU... Meine anderen Kanäle: ► Youtube Gaming: http://goo.gl/68Tb77 ► Smashcast: https://goo.gl/J4D3gO ► Twitch: https://goo.gl/ZdNNhQ ► Mixer: https://goo.g...
Przedstawiam Wam jedną z partii rozegraną w meczu o szachowe mistrzostwo świata w roku 1972, gdzie Robert Fischer zmierzył się z Borisem Spasskim w rozgrywce szóstej. Partia z pewnością godna Waszej uwagi. Po tej partii Boris Spassky wstał i zakończył grę brawami dla swojego oponenta. Zapraszam do oglądania oraz komentowania !
Boris Giltburg performs Schumann - Carnaval op. 9 at the Arthur Rubinstein Piano Master Competition (May, 2011, Tel Aviv). Since its inception in 1974, the Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition is one of the foremost Piano Competitions in the world. Arthur Rubinstein, who gave his blessing to the competition, headed the jury of the first two competitions (1974 & 1977). The competition, is held every three years in Tel Aviv, Israel. Subscribe for more classical piano music videos: http://www.youtube.com/AthurRubinstein http://www.arims.org.il
The Is this Jerry Springer Show July 25, 2017 Hypnotist Boris Cherniak hypnotizes Robert's staff
Rozhlasová podoba scénáře slavných ruských spisovatelů. Bratři Strugačtí jsou jedni ze zakladatelů moderního žánru Sci-Fi. Jejich prvotní díla jsou znatelně ovlivněna tvorbou Stanisława Lema a Ivana Yefremova. Postupem času se však u nich vyvinul unikátní literární styl, který v době, kdy v ruské literatuře vládl sovětský racionalismus vynikal kritikou společnosti. Každý jejich nový román v tehdejší společnosti vyvolával silnou diskuzi a netrvalo dlouho, aby si jejich práce všimla i sovětská cenzura. Jejich nejznámější dílo Piknik u cesty, později vydávaný také jako Stalker se stal charakteristickým pro jejich životní tvorbu. Byl přeložen do mnoha světových jazyků. V roce 1979 podle něj vznikl stejnojmenný film pod režií Andreje Tarkovskije. Film se setkal s velkým úspěchem a i dnes je ...
1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution (Puskin Press) is a collection of literary responses to one of the most cataclysmic events in modern world history. These expose the immense conflictedness and doubt, conviction and hope, pessimism and optimism which political events provoked among contemporary writers - sometimes at the same time, even in the same person. This dazzling panorama of thought, language and form includes work by authors who are already well known to the English-speaking world (Bulgakov, Pasternak, Akhmatova, Mayakovsky), as well as others, less well known, whose work we have the pleasure of encountering here for the very first time in English.
Filmed at Central Hall Westminster on 19th November 2015. On November 19th Intelligence Squared hosted the ultimate clash of civilisations: Greece vs Rome. It was also the ultimate clash of intellectual titans. Boris Johnson, Mayor of London and ardent classicist, made the case for Greece; while Mary Beard, Professor of Classics at Cambridge and redoubtable media star, championed Rome. As Boris argued, the Greeks got there first: in literature, history, art and philosophy. The Iliad and the Odyssey are the earliest surviving epic poems, the foundations on which European literature was built. The Greek myths – the tales of Oedipus, Heracles and Persephone, to name but a few – contain the archetypal plot elements of hubris and nemesis on which even Hollywood films depend today. It was in ...
SRBIJA TIM, DOBRODOSLI!!! https://www.chess.com/club/srbija-tim Najsadrzajnije i najpoucnije partije iz riznice sampiona. Kraljev gambit
színes, magyarul beszélő, amerikai akciófilm, 95 perc, 1987 Rendező: Robert Boris Szereplők: Martin Kove, Joseph Campanella, Ronny Cox, Sarah Douglas, Sela Ward, Al Leong, Soon-Tek Oh, Peter Kwong, Bernie Casey, Jan Gan Boyd, Eric Lee, David Froman, Kimiko Hiroshige, Sheila Gale Kandlbinder, Robert Kim John Steele számára nem ért véget a háború. Már több, mint 10 éve, hogy visszatért Vietnamból, de még mindig nem tudott megbirkózni a múlttal. Egyre lejjebb csúszik, otthagyja állását és az italhoz menekül. Egyetlen barátja a vietnámi Lee Van Minth próbálja segíteni a talpraállásában. Lee a Long Beach-i rendőrségen teljesít szolgálatot, s egyre több zűrje van az agresszívan terjeszkedő vietnami maffiával. A bandafőnök - egy volt vietnami tábornok - megelégeli a rendőrségi akciókat, s megg...