Business divided on the state of ASEAN infrastructure improvements

Indonesian President Joko Widodo could make infrastructure the key to his re-election campaign.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo could make infrastructure the key to his re-election campaign. Pool/Getty Images Mark Schiefelbein
by Greg Earl

 When Australian businesses operating in south-east Asia were surveyed about the economic outlook earlier this year they came back with a paradoxical result on the region's infrastructure.

Surprisingly, given much talk about bottlenecks in many countries, the 2000 survey respondents nominated improvements in infrastructure as the third most favoured reason for expanding trade and investment. About 30 per cent of respondents felt this way.

But when it came to identifying challenges, infrastructure gaps turned up as the fourth-highest concern with about 25 per cent of respondents feeling this way. The mood varied across the countries with the most concern about Indonesia and the Philippines.

According to research by HSBC economists the six largest countries in the region need US$2.1 trillion in infrastructure spending by 2030 but the current spending trend will only cover US$910 billion.  "Poor infrastructure has restrained growth in recent years and puts the region at a disadvantage compared to its Asian siblings," they say.

But the paradox in the survey may be explained by the economists' other more positive view that the region may be reaching an inflexion point with several governments finally biting the bullet on reducing the disadvantage.

"Over the past year, governments have started to increase infrastructure spending, particularly in the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore; and the timing couldn't be better," they say in a recent study. "Greater infrastructure spending is helping to stabilise domestic demand and offset slowing global growth."

This view is shared by Institute of Southeast Asian Studies senior fellow Sanchita Basu Das who says: "Countries have realised that the availability of soft and hard infrastructure at the national level is a prerequisite if they are to benefit from regional economic integration."

But she says this has a downside for those wanting more progress on economic integration as part of the Association of South-east Asian Nations economic community (AEC) because "their priority has shifted from implementing AEC liberalisation measures to building national infrastructure."

AustCham Singapore president Guy Scott has another explanation pointing out that some businesses have found ways around tardy government renewal of infrastructure by increasingly building their own.

For example, he nominates how Interflour, a pan-ASEAN grain milling and trading business part owned by CBH Ltd, has established its own port and power access facilities in southern Vietnam. "Smart companies can find ways around these problems sometimes," he says.

HSBC economist Joseph Incalcaterra says Vietnam is the only major ASEAN country now meeting a rough rule of thumb that developing countries need to spend five per cent of GDP on infrastructure.

And he says the benefits of this are being shown in the way Vietnam has the region's fastest growth rates and is the only country gaining export market share in recent months.

But the Philippines is pushing towards that level next year with ambitions to hit the seven per cent mark under the new Duterte government. It is also very well placed to spend money because debt levels have been falling due to careful budget management under the last government.

At the same time the Joko Widodo government in Indonesia has increased its disbursement of funds in this area after a slow start dealing with land acquisition laws and getting a pipeline of projects to take to investors.

Indeed, Indonesian political analyst Eve Warburton told the Australian National University's recent Indonesia Update conference that Jokowi was positioning himself to make infrastructure construction his main campaign them for re-election in 2019.

Surprisingly, in the AustCham survey Singapore emerged as the country with the third-highest level of concern about its infrastructure although this seems to be being addressed with increased spending plans in recent budgets.

On the other hand Vietnam, which has had the stellar spending record, has pushed its fiscal situation to the limits and may now be forced to rein in spending unless it can make its projects more attractive to the private sector.

Filling the $900 billion gap in the estimated required spending over the next decade or so is the current big challenge for most countries.

And this raises questions about how much of this will be done by foreign private investors and how much by the new development institutions on the regional landscape led by China's One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative.

HSBC project finance head James Cameron says the supply of projects attractive to private investors has picked up this year due to a better regulatory, contract and coordination environment in many countries.

But the big new force is the OBOR plan to build new land and sea trade routes across the region, along with its associated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and a special development fund focused on ASEAN.

US ASEAN specialist Alice Ba told Sydney University's South-east Asia Centre conference last week that the strategic reach and financial power involved in OBOR had the potential to overwhelm existing infrastructure plans in ASEAN.

But Ba, professor of international relations at Delaware University, said OBOR was proving very attractive to ASEAN countries because of the way it emphasised a regional economy. She said this was a contrast to many traditional western-funded infrastructure development projects which were assessed on their own individual merits.

While there were questions about how much money China really had to spend and its ability to coordinate projects across the region, Ba says the OBOR appears to show a much greater flexibility by China to respond to different infrastructure needs and approaches across the region.

HSBC's study argues that there is more scope for cross-border investment within ASEAN to fill the infrastructure gaps and the new emphasis on regional interconnectivity in the ASEAN Economic Community.

Cameron identifies the public private partnership centre in the Philippines as a good way to get the diverse projects in a country into an orderly pipeline for investors.

But he warns there is no one-size-fits-all approach to infrastructure development in south-east Asia despite the emphasis on regional economic integration.