Fat Girls (2006)
Charles Baker (actor),
Geoffrey Betts (actor),
Joe L. Blevins (actor),
Alex Branton (actor),
Justin Bruening (actor),
Jonathan Caouette (actor),
Ash Christian (actor),
Steve M. Clark (actor),
Drew Cook (actor),
Richard D. Curtin (actor),
Richard D. Curtin (actor),
Richard D. Curtin (actor),
Robin de Jesus (actor),
Joe Flaten (actor),
Stacy Adams (actor),
Plot: Fat Girls is an original off-beat comedy feature. It focuses on Rodney Miller, not your typical Texas high school student...he is a theater lover and his ultimate dream is to be on Broadway. Awkward and shy, he doesn't have many people to talk to in his small Texas town that understand him. He ends up finding what he was looking for in his theater teacher, Mr. Cox.
Keywords: adoption, african-american, american-football, applying-makeup, autograph, backstage, balloon, bartender, beer, best-friend
Judy: I found your tape.::Rodney Miller: What tape?::Judy: The one with the two queers uh sodomizing and felating each other's assholes 10 ways 'til Tuesday.::Rodney Miller: Not my tape.::Judy: I think it is.::Rodney Miller: No, ma'am, it's not.::Judy: Oh, it is, too.::Rodney Miller: Never seen sodomizing to me my eyes no way.::Judy: I had all the girls over from Buddies and Bereavement and we were going to watch the Kirk Cameron film and that's what played instead.::Rodney Miller: Maybe it was Kirk Cameron.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)
Michael Constantine (actor),
John Corbett (actor),
Frank Falcone (actor),
Joey Fatone (actor),
Matthew Galliford (actor),
Peter Gogos (actor),
Ian Gomez (actor),
Bruce Gray (actor),
John Kalangis (actor),
Anthony Kandiotis (actor),
Scott Khouri (actor),
Nick Kutsukos (actor),
Louis Mandylor (actor),
Eugene Martel (actor),
Peter Chalkiopoulos (actor),
Plot: Toula Portokalos is 30, Greek, and works in her family's restaurant, Dancing Zorba's, in Chicago. All her father Gus wants is for her to get married to a nice Greek boy. But Toula is looking for more in life. Her mother convinces Gus to let her take some computer classes at college (making him think it's his idea). With those classes under her belt, she then takes over her aunt's travel agency (again making her father think it's his idea). She meets Ian Miller, a high school English teacher, WASP, and dreamboat she had made a fool of herself over at the restaurant; they date secretly for a while before her family finds out. Her father is livid over her dating a non-Greek. He has to learn to accept Ian; Ian has to learn to accept Toula's huge family, and Toula has to learn to accept herself.
Keywords: aunt-niece-relationship, baklava, baptism, blockbuster, bride, brother-sister-relationship, bundt-cake, camera, chicago-illinois, chick-flick
Taglines: Love is here to stay... so is her family.
Gus Portokalos: It is YOUR LUCKY DAY... to be baptized into the Greek Orthodox Church!
Gus Portokalos: You know, the root of the word Miller is a Greek word. Miller come from the Greek word "milo," which is mean "apple," so there you go. As many of you know, our name, Portokalos, is come from the Greek word "portokali," which mean "orange." So, okay? Here tonight, we have, ah, apple and orange. We all different, but in the end, we all fruit.
Toula Portokalos: When I was growing up, I knew I was different. The other girls were blonde and delicate, and I was a swarthy six-year-old with sideburns.
Toula Portokalos: I had to go to Greek school, where I learned valuable lessons such as, "If Nick has one goat and Maria has nine, how soon will they marry?"
Gus Portokalos: There are two kinds of people - Greeks, and everyone else who wish they was Greek.
Angelo: Hey Ian, we're gonna kill ya! Opa!
Toula Portokalos: [Pointing to Ian's bruised nose] What happened? Biker fight? nose job? What?::Ian Miller: Uh... yeah.::Toula Portokalos: No, really.::Ian Miller: You don't want to know.::Toula Portokalos: Oh I don't know. If I had survived an old lady ass-kicking I would want to brag about it.
Maria Portokalos: Nicko! Don't play with the food! When I was your age, we didn't have food!
Aunt Voula: What do you mean he don't eat no meat? [the entire room stops, in shock] Oh, that's okay. I make lamb.
Maria Portokalos: Toula, on my wedding night, my mother, she said to me, "Greek women, we may be lambs in the kitchen, but we are tigers in the bedroom."::Toula Portokalos: Eww. Please let that be the end of your speech.