- published: 03 Jun 2012
- views: 1334
A security protocol (cryptographic protocol or encryption protocol) is an abstract or concrete protocol that performs a security-related function and applies cryptographic methods, often as sequences of cryptographic primitives. A protocol describes how the algorithms should be used. A sufficiently detailed protocol includes details about data structures and representations, at which point it can be used to implement multiple, interoperable versions of a program.
Cryptographic protocols are widely used for secure application-level data transport. A cryptographic protocol usually incorporates at least some of these aspects:
For example, Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol that is used to secure web (HTTP/HTTPS) connections. It has an entity authentication mechanism, based on the X.509 system; a key setup phase, where a symmetric encryption key is formed by employing public-key cryptography; and an application-level data transport function. These three aspects have important interconnections. Standard TLS does not have non-repudiation support.
Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical procedures (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information. An alternate, more succinct definition of computer science is the study of automating algorithmic processes that scale. A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems.
Its fields can be divided into a variety of theoretical and practical disciplines. Some fields, such as computational complexity theory (which explores the fundamental properties of computational and intractable problems), are highly abstract, while fields such as computer graphics emphasize real-world visual applications. Still other fields focus on challenges in implementing computation. For example, programming language theory considers various approaches to the description of computation, while the study of computer programming itself investigates various aspects of the use of programming language and complex systems. Human–computer interaction considers the challenges in making computers and computations useful, usable, and universally accessible to humans.
Third party may refer to:
Protocol may refer to:
In telecommunications, a communications protocol is a system of rules that allow two or more entities of a communications system to transmit information via any kind of variation of a physical quantity. These are the rules or standard that defines the syntax, semantics and synchronization of communication and possible error recovery methods. Protocols may be implemented by hardware, software, or a combination of both.
Communicating systems use well-defined formats (protocol) for exchanging messages. Each message has an exact meaning intended to elicit a response from a range of possible responses pre-determined for that particular situation. The specified behavior is typically independent of how it is to be implemented. Communications protocols have to be agreed upon by the parties involved. To reach agreement, a protocol may be developed into a technical standard. A programming language describes the same for computations, so there is a close analogy between protocols and programming languages: protocols are to communications as programming languages are to computations.
This video is part of an online course, Applied Cryptography. Check out the course here: https://www.udacity.com/course/cs387.
Video 16 - "Cryptography Algorithms and Protocols" - This second nugget of the Cryptography domain lays out hashing concepts and algorithms like MD5 and SHA. Basic algorithms and encryption concepts are explored including: DES, 3DES, RSA, PGP, Elliptic curve (ECC), AES/AES256, One time pad, SSL/TLS, S/MIME, and PPTP/L2TP.
This video shows an entertaining way to introduce Computer Science to school students. For the next part, see http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=jJrICB_HvuI For the first part in the series, see http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=voqghyZbZxo The full show is available in one clip at http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=VpDDPWVn5-Q For more information, see http://csunplugged.org
Discussion of cryptography basics as applied in network protocols: concepts, symmetric key encryption. (V2)
How is your credit card information on Amazon protected? How can you convince someone that you have solved a Sudoku puzzle without showing them your solution? How can you toss a coin with a friend who lives in a different city on the telephone? How can you find out if you got a better grade than your friend on the final without revealing your grade or finding their grade? Answers to such intriguing and ostensibly unsolvable problems have been solved by mathematicians using clever protocols. In this talk some of these protocols and the mathematics behind them are discussed.
Modern day encryption is performed in two different ways. Check out http://YouTube.com/ITFreeTraining or http://itfreetraining.com for more of our always free training videos. Using the same key or using a pair of keys called the public and private keys. This video looks at how these systems work and how they can be used together to perform encryption. Download the PDF handout http://itfreetraining.com/Handouts/Ce... Encryption Types Encryption is the process of scrambling data so it cannot be read without a decryption key. Encryption prevents data being read by a 3rd party if it is intercepted by a 3rd party. The two encryption methods that are used today are symmetric and public key encryption. Symmetric Key Symmetric key encryption uses the same key to encrypt data as decrypt data. ...
Cryptographic protocol A security protocol (cryptographic protocol or encryption protocol) is an abstract or concrete protocol that performs a security-related function and applies cryptographic methods, often as sequences of cryptographic primitives.A protocol describes how the algorithms should be used. -Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuU1hzsUeUQ
The history behind public key cryptography & the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. We also have a video on RSA here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXB-V_Keiu8
Messages have been encrypted for millennia. Successfully hiding the plaintext has required increasingly sophisticated algorithms to defeat advances in crypto-analysis. Claude Shannon proved information theoretic security of the Vernam scheme, a.k.a. one-time pad. Since a one-time pad must be as long as the plaintext and can only be used once, the method is not widely used. Complexity theoretic security provides less strong but more practical security guarantees. Encryption provides confidentiality. In order to also ensure data authenticity, additional techniques are needed, such as Message Authentication Codes (MAC) or hashing. Alternatively, authenticated encryption combines confidentiality and data authenticity. Users of symmetric cryptography need to share a key between communicating pa...
This video lecture is produced by S. Saurabh. He is B.Tech from IIT and MS from USA. In this lecture you will learn about 1. Authentication Protocol 2. Man in Middle attack 3. None 4. Replay Attack To study interview questions on Linked List watch http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3D11462114F778D7&feature;=view_all To prepare for programming Interview Questions on Binary Trees http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3855D81E15BC990&feature;=view_all To study programming Interview questions on Stack, Queues, Arrays visit http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL65BCEDD6788C3F27&feature;=view_all To watch all Programming Interview Questions visit http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD629C50E1A85BF84&feature;=view_all To learn about Pointers in C visit http://www.youtube.com/playli...
From the CISR video library (http://www.cisr.us) Sylvan Pinsky introduces Cathy Meadows (NRL) Topic: Cryptographic Protocol Analysis February 9, 2004 The Protocol Exchange, at the Naval Postgraduate School (http://www.nps.edu)
How is your credit card information on Amazon protected? How can you convince someone that you have solved a Sudoku puzzle without showing them your solution? How can you toss a coin with a friend who lives in a different city on the telephone? How can you find out if you got a better grade than your friend on the final without revealing your grade or finding their grade? Answers to such intriguing and ostensibly unsolvable problems have been solved by mathematicians using clever protocols. In this talk some of these protocols and the mathematics behind them are discussed.
A recent Cornell Law Review article casts doubt on the notion that the assignment of judges to the three-judge panels in the federal courts of appeal is truly random. Using quantitative techniques, the article’s authors come to the surprising conclusion that “several of the circuit courts have panels that are non-random in ways that impact the ideological balance of panels.” Though a review of the study reveals a number of methodological flaws, we find the issue of randomness in the legal system worthy of further study. In this talk, we demonstrate that cryptographic protocols can yield effective methods for producing unbiased panel assignments, truly random tax audits, and verifiably random visa lottery results. We present the theory behind these protocols and sketch how the courts and ot...
Recorded: 02/29/2012 CERIAS Security Seminar at Purdue University Cryptographic protocols in the era of cloud computing Nishanth Chandran, Microsoft Research With the advent of cloud computing, our view of cryptographic protocols has changed dramatically. In this talk, I will give an overview of some of the newer challenges that we face in cloud cryptography and outline some of the techniques used to solve these problems. In particular, a few questions that I will address are:1) How can we store sensitive data in the cloud, in an encrypted manner, and yet allow controlled access to certain portions of this data?2) How can we ensure reliability of data across cloud servers that may be connected by only a low-degree communication network, even when some of the servers may become corrupted...
Talk by Ira Globus-Harris; Adam Groce; Palak Jain; Mark Schultz; Vassilis Zikas, presented at Crypto 2017 rump session.
Dr. Virgil Gligor, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon and Cylab, presents "On the Fragiliity of Adversary Definitions in Cryptographic Protocols" on November 6, 2008. Note: Original video was 320x240.
Video 16 - "Cryptography Algorithms and Protocols" - This second nugget of the Cryptography domain lays out hashing concepts and algorithms like MD5 and SHA. Basic algorithms and encryption concepts are explored including: DES, 3DES, RSA, PGP, Elliptic curve (ECC), AES/AES256, One time pad, SSL/TLS, S/MIME, and PPTP/L2TP.
From the CISR video library (http://www.cisr.us) Sylvan Pinsky introduces Cathy Meadows (NRL) Topic: Cryptographic Protocol Analysis February 9, 2004 The Protocol Exchange, at the Naval Postgraduate School (http://www.nps.edu)
Recorded: 02/29/2012 CERIAS Security Seminar at Purdue University Cryptographic protocols in the era of cloud computing Nishanth Chandran, Microsoft Research With the advent of cloud computing, our view of cryptographic protocols has changed dramatically. In this talk, I will give an overview of some of the newer challenges that we face in cloud cryptography and outline some of the techniques used to solve these problems. In particular, a few questions that I will address are:1) How can we store sensitive data in the cloud, in an encrypted manner, and yet allow controlled access to certain portions of this data?2) How can we ensure reliability of data across cloud servers that may be connected by only a low-degree communication network, even when some of the servers may become corrupted...
How is your credit card information on Amazon protected? How can you convince someone that you have solved a Sudoku puzzle without showing them your solution? How can you toss a coin with a friend who lives in a different city on the telephone? How can you find out if you got a better grade than your friend on the final without revealing your grade or finding their grade? Answers to such intriguing and ostensibly unsolvable problems have been solved by mathematicians using clever protocols. In this talk some of these protocols and the mathematics behind them are discussed.
Dr. Virgil Gligor, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon and Cylab, presents "On the Fragiliity of Adversary Definitions in Cryptographic Protocols" on November 6, 2008. Note: Original video was 320x240.
Saturday, July 22, 2006: 7:00 pm (Area "B"): This lecture will show how to construct advanced cryptographic protocols. Beginning with a set of requirements for a communications protocol that includes immunity from replay attacks, traffic analysis resistance, and resiliency against partial compromise, the audience will be shown how a naive protocol can be iteratively improved into a protocol satisfying those requirements. Hosted by J. Salvatore Testa II
There is no cloud — it's just someone else's computer. And you're storing all sorts of sensitive data on it, blindly trusting that this computer will only allow access to authorised users. What if it is compromised? End-to-end encryption avoids having to trust the servers. Although PGP/GPG encrypted email never went mainstream, secure messaging apps like WhatsApp, Signal and iMessage have shown that it is feasible for millions of people to use end-to-end encryption without being security experts. But how do these protocols actually work? In this talk, we will dig into the details of secure messaging protocols — to understand the threats against which they defend, and how cryptographic operations are combined to implement those defences in the protocol. If you have ever wondered what "for...
This talk will cover the TextSecure protocol for end-to-end encrypted messaging. We’ll discuss how it handles cryptographic challenges like forward secrecy, multi-party and multi-device cases, authentication, and others. We’ll also discuss what the future might hold, including emerging use cases and approaches to authentication, federation, and metadata hiding.
MIT 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2015 View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-046JS15 Instructor: Srinivas Devadas In this lecture, Professor Devadas covers the basics of cryptography, including desirable properties of cryptographic functions, and their applications to security. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
Messages have been encrypted for millennia. Successfully hiding the plaintext has required increasingly sophisticated algorithms to defeat advances in crypto-analysis. Claude Shannon proved information theoretic security of the Vernam scheme, a.k.a. one-time pad. Since a one-time pad must be as long as the plaintext and can only be used once, the method is not widely used. Complexity theoretic security provides less strong but more practical security guarantees. Encryption provides confidentiality. In order to also ensure data authenticity, additional techniques are needed, such as Message Authentication Codes (MAC) or hashing. Alternatively, authenticated encryption combines confidentiality and data authenticity. Users of symmetric cryptography need to share a key between communicating pa...
HOPE Number 6 took place on July 21-23, 2006 at Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. This lecture will show how to construct advanced cryptographic protocols. Beginning with a set of requirements for a communications protocol that includes immunity from replay attacks, traffic analysis resistance, and resiliency against partial compromise, the audience will be shown how a naive protocol can be iteratively improved into a protocol satisfying those requirements.
Authors: Tianhao Wang, Huangyi Ge, Omar Chowdhury, Hemanta K. Maij and Ninghui Li (Purdue University) presented at CCS 2016 - the 23rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (Hofburg Palace Vienna, Austria / October 24-28, 2016) - organized by SBA Research
Zero-knowledge proofs are effective cryptographic primitives which may provide additional properties and guarantees to security systems and communication protocols. However, they are still being underused in modern world. Unfortunately, even with today’s strong cryptography solutions and increased user security awareness information leaks still happen. As the data on the Web becomes more valuable, attackers develop more sophisticated attacks often involving more than just technical assets, but also other techniques like social engineering. The talk presents possible ways of using zero-knowledge proofs to improve authentication and phishing prevention on the Web taking novel implementation of well known technique (socialist millionaires’ protocol) as an example. Also a comparison of sociali...
A recent Cornell Law Review article casts doubt on the notion that the assignment of judges to the three-judge panels in the federal courts of appeal is truly random. Using quantitative techniques, the article’s authors come to the surprising conclusion that “several of the circuit courts have panels that are non-random in ways that impact the ideological balance of panels.” Though a review of the study reveals a number of methodological flaws, we find the issue of randomness in the legal system worthy of further study. In this talk, we demonstrate that cryptographic protocols can yield effective methods for producing unbiased panel assignments, truly random tax audits, and verifiably random visa lottery results. We present the theory behind these protocols and sketch how the courts and ot...
This HDCP 2.2 Webinar is an in-depth presentation of HDCP 2.2 authentication and encryption protocols for HDMI and DisplayPort. The webinar discusses modern cryptographic methods including AES, RSA, Hashing, Digital Certificates and Signatures
Invited tutorial, given by Véronique Cortier (CNRS research director at Loria, Nancy, France). Abstract: -------------- Cryptographic protocols aim at securing communications over insecure networks like the Internet. Over the past decades, numerous decision procedures and tools have been developed to automatically analyze security protocols. The field has now reached a good level of maturity with efficient techniques for protocols analyzed in isolation. However, protocols are typically built using several sub-protocols and tools do not scale well for complex protocols. In this tutorial, we will present formal models for security protocols and explore when it is possible to securely (and formally) compose protocols, in several scenarios, such as long-term key sharing, symmetric and asymmet...
Speakers: Sharon Goldberg, Microsoft Research & Boston University. A decade of research has been devoted to addressing vulnerabilities in BGP. The result is a plethora of BGP security proposals, each providing different types of security guarantees. To inform decisions about which of these protocols should be deployed in the Internet, we *quantify* and *compare* the ability of these protocols to blunt BGP "traffic attraction" attacks, namely, when an attacker manipulates BGP messages to blackhole traffic (e.g. prefix hijacks a la AS7007, Pakistan Telecom/YouTube), or intercept traffic (e.g. BGP man-in-the-middle attacks a la Pilosov & Kapela). We run simulations of traffic flow on maps of the Internet’s AS-level topology to determine and compare the impact of attacks on different BGP secu...
This will be the first of six cryptography primer sessions exploring the basics of modern cryptography. In this session, we’ll explore the basics of security protocols and how they can fail spectacularly. This will lay the groundwork for subsequent sessions which will delve more deeply into specifics. Subsequent sessions (on alternating Fridays) are expected to include the following topics. Depending on the interests of the participants, other topics may be included or substituted. • Symmetric functions including RC4, DES, AES, SHA1, and the SHA-2 family • Integer asymmetric functions including BigNums, Diffie-Hellman, RSA, and DSA • Non-integer asymmetric functions including elliptic curves and lattice-based systems • Protocol properties including forward secrecy, crypto agility, and ce...