Reveal date: Jan 26 2012 Partners: Hemispheric Institute

In October 2011, a group of activists decided to take the logic of anti-immigration activists to its logical extreme. They reasoned that if "anchor babies" are such a big issue, we should all look carefully to determine whether any one of our ancestors entered the country illegally, and if they did, we should self-deport to our illegal ancestor's country of origin.

Thus was born, a how-to guide for moral-minded American citizens who have realized that the moral standard they apply to today's undocumented immigrants should apply to those who came here long ago. The site helps answer questions like:

  • How can I know if ancestors of mine came here legally?
  • If I suspect that an ancestor should never have received citizenship, am I morally obliged to do something about it?
  • What support is available if I decide to self-deport?
  • If several of my ancestors came over illegally, how do I decide which country of origin to return to?

Then, on January 4, 2012, Republican candidate Mitt Romney used the absurd concept of "self-deportation" himself. The next day, the activists launched their site, which quickly became a social-media sensation. 

Selected press:

Active dates:
Oct 2011 to Jan 2012