- published: 13 May 2019
- views: 21287
Sim or Shim is a Korean surname. There are six Shim clans in Korea based in the regions ofCheongsong, Pungsan, Samcheok, Buyu, Uiryeong, and Jeonju. The biggest Sim clan is Cheongsong; they comprise about 85% of the all those with the surname Shim. Fourteen percent of all Korean Shims are members of the Pungsan and Samcheok clans. As of 2000, there were 252,255 people with this surname in South Korea, less than 1% of the population.
Sim is the third album by Brazilian singer-songwriter Vanessa da Mata, released on May 28, 2007 by Sony BMG. It was partially recorded at Kingston, Jamaica with musicians Sly & Robbie. It spawned the hit single "Boa Sorte/Good Luck", a duet with Ben Harper, which peaked at number one in both Brazil and Portugal, and was the most played song in Brazilian radio stations in the year of 2008. The second single, "Amado", also became a number-one hit in Brazil and the 15th most played song in the same year.
The game of Sim is played by two players on a board consisting of six dots ('vertices'). Each dot is connected to every other dot by a line ('edge').
Two players take turns coloring any uncolored lines. One player colors in one color, and the other colors in another color, with each player trying to avoid the creation of a triangle made solely of their color (only triangles with the dots as corners count; intersections of lines are not relevant); the player who completes such a triangle loses immediately.
Ramsey theory can also be used to show that no game of Sim can end in a tie. Specifically, since the Ramsey number R(3,3)=6, any two-coloring of the complete graph on 6 vertices (K6) must contain a monochromatic triangle, and therefore is not a tied position. This will also apply to any super-graph of K6. For another proof that there must eventually be a triangle of either color, see the Theorem on friends and strangers.
Computer search has verified that the second player can win Sim with perfect play, but finding a perfect strategy that humans can easily memorize is an open problem.
途中までです。 拾いもんです。
SiM cover 補完計畫 第四彈 由於原曲用了兩顆不同尺寸小鼓 我卻只有一種尺寸 於是用較靠鼓外圍的壓框技巧, 以發出較響亮且較多泛音的音色來代替另一顆小鼓 意外的效果蠻不錯的!! 另外我的小鼓壓框聲音有夠讚(欸 還有 我到底 在看甚麼東西? 嘴巴到底在念甚麼洨咒語?
ジェバンニは無理 他のと同じく全弦半音下げで五弦まで使って弾いてます 音源は一応PVからcubaseに録音して使用してますが問題があればまたCDが発売してからあげなおします バンドのチャンネル→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI8si9nZLHSOIcIOzYanOqA
ご視聴ありがとうございます! 【ギターを数本重ねていますのでHD,360p以上、イヤホンでの ご視聴を強くお勧めいます!!】 【twitter @ryusei92】 http://twitter.com/ryusei92 リクエスト、コメントお待ちしています!
シンプルに叩いてみました 真ん中のシンバル注目ですよ
American teachers will be provided with a simulation to help them protect children in the event of a gunman entering a school. Since 2000, nearly one-third of mass shootings involved a school according to the FBI. This simulation has been created by Homeland Security and the US Army to help save lives. It allows users to see through the eyes of a teacher, pupil, police officer or gunman. This technology has previously been used to prepare soldiers for a war situation. The simulation can analyse what factors effect outcomes such as automatic closing doors. Report by Adam Page.
Galera, fizemos esse reaction porque foi um pedido, mas o mesmo não se enquadra no esquema do canal, então daqui pra frente seremos mais seletivos sobre os pedidos que não estiverem vinculados ao K-POP ou J-POP. Não é porque não gostamos, pois eu gosto de J-Rock e Enka, mas o canal segue a linha pop e essa é a proposta do canal. Obrigado e desculpe pelo mesmo. (Geko)
Sim or Shim is a Korean surname. There are six Shim clans in Korea based in the regions ofCheongsong, Pungsan, Samcheok, Buyu, Uiryeong, and Jeonju. The biggest Sim clan is Cheongsong; they comprise about 85% of the all those with the surname Shim. Fourteen percent of all Korean Shims are members of the Pungsan and Samcheok clans. As of 2000, there were 252,255 people with this surname in South Korea, less than 1% of the population.