- published: 25 Aug 2016
- views: 174802
Egypt (i/ˈiːdʒɪpt/; Arabic: مِصر Miṣr, Egyptian Arabic: مَصر Maṣr, Coptic: Ⲭⲏⲙⲓ Khemi), officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a transcontinental country spanning the northeast corner of Africa and southwest corner of Asia, via a land bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula. It is the world's only contiguous Eurafrasian nation. Most of Egypt's territory of 1,010,408 square kilometres (390,000 sq mi) lies within the Nile Valley. Egypt is a Mediterranean country. It is bordered by the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, the Gulf of Aqaba to the east, the Red Sea to the east and south, Sudan to the south and Libya to the west.
Egypt has one of the longest histories of any modern country, arising in the tenth millennium BC as one of the world's first nation states. Considered a cradle of civilisation, Ancient Egypt experienced some of the earliest developments of writing, agriculture, urbanisation, organised religion and central government. Iconic monuments such as the Giza Necropolis and its Great Sphinx, as well the ruins of Memphis, Thebes, Karnak, and the Valley of the Kings, reflect this legacy and remain a significant focus of archaeological study and popular interest worldwide. Egypt's rich cultural heritage is an integral part of its national identity, having endured, and at times assimilated, various foreign influences, including Greek, Persian, Roman, Arab, Ottoman, and European. Although Christianised in the first century of the Common Era, it was subsequently Islamised due to the Islamic conquests of the seventh century.
Historia de Egipto 01 - Los orígenes de Egipto - Documental
Maravillas del Antiguo Egipto - Documental
SECRETOS OCULTOS de "LAS PIRAMIDES DE EGIPTO" | Documentales History Channel en Español
Documentales LOS MISTERIOS DE EGIPTO el codigo de las piramides
Las reinas perdidas del Antiguo Egipto - Documental
Pruebas de Tecnología Imposible en el Antiguo Egipto (1)
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Los orígenes del antiguo Egipto han permanecido envueltos en el misterio desde hace siglos. Recientemente, una nueva generación de arqueólogos ha recorrido el desierto examinando templos y tumbas, excavando ciudades perdidas e investigando con profundidad los restos de la civilación egipcia. En este doculmental retrocedemos miles de años para descubrir cómo emergió esta poderosa civilación. También analizamos el papel desempeñado por el faraón en el conflicto entre el orden divino y las fuerzas del caos. TAGS: Egipto Los Origenes (documentales) Los Orígenes de Egipto Español Egipto -Los Orígenes Documental
Este documental propone un recorrido por siete grandes hitos arquitectónicos de Egipto, a través de visitas a cada uno de estos lugares y de reconstrucciones virtuales que desvelan las claves de su construcción y muestran su aspecto original. De la mano de egiptólogos como el profesor Gaballa Ali Gaballa, de la Universidad de El Cairo, y Charles van Sicien III, del Centro Franco-Egipcio de Karnak, conoceremos las técnicas empleadas para realizar las portentosas tumbas del Valle de los Reyes, para levantar el inmenso santuario de Karnak o para construir los fabulosos templos de Abu Simbel, horadados en la roca Nubia.
SECRETOS OCULTOS de La pirámides perdida Egipto | Documentales DOCUMENTALES History Channel en Español. secretos de las pirámides de Egipto en español. Este es un canal con fines educativos que proyecta temas de educación, investigación y formación, como aporte al desarrollo del conocimiento en el área de la ciencia, la tecnología, historia, religión y la vida salvajes de los animales del África y otras zonas donde habitan estas especies. En este Canal utilizamos los materiales de History Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, NatGeo, Animal Planet y otras empresas cinematográficas con fines educativos y de formación. AVISO DE USO JUSTO – Este video puede contener material con derechos de autor la utilización haya siempre no ha sido específicamente autorizado por el propi...
Documental que menciona como se crearon las piramides y quien fue el que las invento tambien el DR hawass explora una nueva piramide encontrada
La profesora Joann Fletcher explora cómo era ser una mujer con poder en el Antiguo Egipto y, para ello, se pregunta dónde están esas mujeres, fijándose en cuatro precursoras, avanzadas de su época. Ellas son Hetepheres (2600 a.C.), como madre venerada del rey Keops, constructor de la gran piramide de Gizeh; Hatshepsut (1505 a.C.), como poderosa líder, mujer guerrera y constructora de monumentos como el templo de Dei El Bahari; Nefertari (1290 a.C.), como perfecta diplomática, reina consorte (mujer de Ramses II); y Arsinoe (316 a.C.), como reina-faraona de los Ptolemaicos, que sacó partido de las tres anteriores, que le precedieron.
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SUSCRÍBETE:http://goo.gl/0RdwAo En el antiguo Egipto, encontramos ooparts y otras pruebas de la utilización de tecnología imposible para aquella época. Este país es uno de los lugares con mayor registro arqueológico del mundo, lo que evidencia su importancia en el pasado. Una herencia que nos deja más dudas que respuestas y que nos hace darnos cuenta de la magia que rodea este lugar.
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Recientes misterios encontrados en lugares del antiguo Egipto.
This video is a great representation Egypt. Egypt has so many mysteries it will fascinate travelers and visitors wgo decide to travel to Egypt.
Travel video about destination Egypt. Egypt is a land of monumental temples, gigantic pyramids, the River Nile and the mysterious Sphinx: 5000 years of history.Founded by Alexander The Great in 332 B.C., the city of Alexandria is located in the Nile Delta and it was here that Caesar and Mark Anthony fell under Cleopatra’s spell. Cairo is Africa’s largest city and the heart of the Arab world, extreme poverty living next to opulent wealth, and modern, Western boutiques next to ancient souks. The Cairo Museum is home to the most extensive collection of Egyptian antiquities, including the golden mask and tomb of Tutankamun. Towering above almost any other human achievement are the impressive three pyramids of Gisa. The Cheops Pyramid, the world’s largest single construction, took four hundred ...
Egypt is the land of pharaos, pyramids, mummies and other archeological riddles. The Giza pyramid is the last remaining ancient Wonder of the World, that still stirs up people's imagination. Hatshepsut's temple built into a cliff, the Saqqara burial grounds, The Valley of the Kings, the monumental forest of pillars of the Karnak temple, the monuments of Theba, Memphis and Luxor enchant the visitors. The past and the present meet in the capital of the country, Cairo. The museums, mosques, parks of the huge metropolis offer many sights, as well as the bazaars, where we can admire the mastery of the craftsmen from close range. We can travel all the biblical sceneriess of the Sinai Peninsula, and as a rest, we can have a boat voyage along the world's longest river - the Nile, take a holiday in...
Egypt Travel. Egypt Travel Video. Top 10 Tourist attractions in Egypt. Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn Omega Tours Co., LTD Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam Website: http://Omegatours.vn Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library. Photos Credit: Updating....
Learn more about Alexandria: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/egypt/mediterranean-coast/alexandria
Travel video about destination Cairo in Egypt. Cairo is a cultural melting pot and with a population of sixteen million it is the largest metropolis on the African continent. The Egyptian people refer to their capital city as Um Al Dunya, ‘Mother of the World’. The history of the Sankt Sergius Church dates back to Abu Serga in the 5th century A.D. Legend has it that it was built on the site where the Holy Family once sought refuge. Thus, the richly decorated church is a popular Christian place of pilgrimage and is situated in Fustat in the middle of Koptic, the oldest district in Cairo. The spacious Mamelucks Necropolis is unique within the Islamic world. Here, instead of conventional graves, entire houses were built for the dead. Within the necropolis the mosques and mausoleums of the Mam...
Five of the best places to see in Egypt. "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", packed with practical travel info, is only $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info and to read reviews: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/ Lots more adventure travel at: http://gabrieltraveler.com Follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabrieltravel Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below. Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several oth...
Country #21 in 2015 was EGYPT! After being denied visas to enter Sudan with our overland vehicle- we spent a little extra time in Ethiopia before heading to Egypt where we got up to some crazy things before meeting back up with the truck at the Sudan/Egypt border. Egypt is a country of many wonders and with the recent travel advisories, the country is almost empty of tourists. While we found this lovely, it was hard to see the impact this has had on the locals and their way of life. Yet, the wonders of Egypt are still there waiting to be explored. Highly recommended destination. Explore our Egypt section on our travel blog http://www.divergenttravelers.com/destinations/egypt/
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Travel Guide Egypt http://bit.ly/ZgrORl Places to attract tourists in Egypt, Travel Guide, Egypt Vacation, Egypt Hotels Lindblad Egypt Cruise Video- Egypt Travel Videos, Egypt Vacation Videos, Egypt Hotel Videos, Cruise Videos, Video Tours
Follow the Nile
Deep too much deeper
The Pyramids sound lonely tonight
The sands run red
In lands of the Pharaohs
Their symmetry gets right inside me
I cannot stop to comfort them
I'm busy chasing up my demon
I cannot stop to comfort them
I'm busy chasing up my demon
Oh, I'm in love with Egypt
My Pussy Queen
Knows all my secrets
I'll never fall in love again
I drift with dunes
I whisper of the tombs
They offer me Egyptian delights
You've got me with that feline guise
Got me in those desert eyes
You've got me with that feline guise
Got me in those desert eyes
Oh, I'm in love, oh, I'm in love