- published: 21 Mar 2015
- views: 8335
Sacagawea (/ˌsækədʒəˈwiːə/ see below; May 1788 – December 20, 1812; see below for other theories about her death), also Sakakawea or Sacajawea, was a Lemhi Shoshone woman who helped the Lewis and Clark Expedition achieve each of its chartered mission objectives exploring the Louisiana Purchase. With the expedition, between 1804 and 1806, she traveled thousands of miles from North Dakota to the Pacific Ocean, established cultural contacts with Native American populations, and researched natural history.
Sacagawea is an important part of the Lewis and Clark legend in the American public imagination. The National American Woman Suffrage Association of the early twentieth century adopted her as a symbol of women's worth and independence, erecting several statues and plaques in her memory, and doing much to spread the story of her accomplishments.
Posthumously, in 1977, she was inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame, in Fort Worth, Texas.
In 2001, she was given the title of Honorary Sergeant, Regular Army, by then-president Bill Clinton.
Buy our music here : iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/native-tribes/id1029046996 Bandcamp : https://dbfiechter.bandcamp.com/album/native-tribes Amazon mp3 : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B013PV1G8K Listen to our music on Spotify: Spotify (Derek) : https://play.spotify.com/artist/01Er12nK5rrnHx8usFPJAs Spotify (Brandon) : https://play.spotify.com/artist/2XDOBQOobSTxtmFhWKdm6x *** Epic Native American Music about Sacagawea, a brave woman who was an interpreter and guide for the exciting and rather dangerous Lewis and Clark expedition. This music is called Sacagawea. We hope you enjoy it! *** Great picture is done by Edgar Samuel Paxton. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacagawea#/media/File:Detail_Lewis_%26_Clark_at_Three_Forks.jpg Great thumbnail was done by Mark Fredri...
Check out another neat 2016 ANA auction item in this Sacagawea Dollar error that was pulled from circulation at one point and sold for a boat load of money. Another fantastic and high end offering from Heritage auctions this year. Enjoy the vid! The best resource available for varieties is the Cherrypicker's Guide to Rare Die Varieties. I have both volumes that covers all the types of coins. I'm thankful to have found this book and have fun finding valuable varieties that I sell and make lots of money on. If you're interested in purchasing a copy of this book, they are available here at a discount! http://amzn.to/1ZJ8zfZ Beautiful Gold for Sale: http://amzn.to/1UM5eZd Silver Bullion for Sale: http://amzn.to/1ZJ9tsP Classic Coins for Sale: http://amzn.to/28vp0m1
From the Germantown Campus of Montgomery College, Chautauqua 2010. Sacagawea is the character.
During the Lewis & Clark expedition, Sacagawea saved their lives countless times. She allowed them to trade with the various Indian tribes and guided them across unknown territory.
I do not own any of the images, music or video clips used in this documentary made for educational purposes only.
For her 4th grade biography report, my baby girl decided on the "video" option. She wrote the script, set up all the scenes, and finally acted out the parts... BOTH parts. She interviewed herself. Then... daddy did the video editing work because, heck, how does a 4th grader know how to use video software? But I may have gone a little overboard... Couldn't help it. I had so much fun creating this!
Actress Mizuo Peck, who stars as Sacajawea in the new movie 'Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian,' discusses her career path as an actress and being cast in the 'Night at the Museum' films. www.backstage.com
't Is lange zo slim nie meer, nou en dan, dan komp 't weer
Dan denk ik opiens an joe en ik kan der schienbar niks an doen
Want ik kan joe dan zowat heuren praoten en a'k goed kiek kan ik joe zien
't Is lange zo slim nie meer, absoluut, misschien
't Is lange nie hoe ik ben, mar ik kun der nie umhen
't Is aordig lang duuster west, ok al deu ik wel mien best
Um de wolken weg te denken um de zunne weer 's te zien
't Giet misschien wel beter zo, absoluut, misschien
Absoluut 't giet wel over, misschien duurt 't langer dan'k had dacht
En dat ha'k niet dacht
't Is lange zo slim nie meer, daor komp 't wel op neer
T'weud ok wel neudig tied, 't Is mar goed da'k beter weer
Want achter 'n schip met zoete appels ku'j 't lucht zowat nie meer zien
Mar zolfs de zwartste wolken weijen weg, absoluut, misschien
Mar zolfs de zwartste wolken weijen weg, absoluut, misschien