3CR t-shirt

We have more t-shirts in stock! This is a special short run 3CR birthday t-shirt, created to celebrate 40 years of Radical Radio designed by Emily Floyd. For those people who missed out on our first run, there are a bunch more available from our online shop, or drop in to our 21 Smith Street, Fitzroy, studios and say hi and buy one during business hours. Get in quick!

3CR's Gardening Show Team: Gwen Elliot, Pam Vardy, AB, and Millie Ross

Hey there green thumbs the Gardening Show is back for 2016. Woo hoo! Tune in this Sunday, 7th Feb, 7:30am - 9:15am. Give us a call on 9419 0155 with all those questions you've been saving up over the summer break. We're ready!

3CR's Viv Malo, Robbie Thorpe and Uncle Larry Walsh

Congratulations to 3CR broadcasters Robbie Thorpe (Fire First and Black 'n Deadly),Viv Malo (The Black Block) and Gilla MGuinness (Precious Memories) for awesome live coverage of the Invasion Day Rally. Thanks to Nicky for anchoring the broadcast at the station and producing the podcast and to the 3CR production team who made the broadcast happen - Michael, Riah, Annie, Ronny, Steph and Molly. Listen here to this deadly day of protest.

3CR volunteers

Want to get more involved in your community radio station? Subscribers are encouarged to get involved in the running of the station. So come on! The Community Radio Federation (CRF) is the peak decision making body at 3CR. Subscribers, Station Workers or Affiliate Representatives are entitled to nominate to become a member of the CoM. Find out more about nominating and the election process here.

Vale David Bowie who was the subject of a sell-out exhibition that visited cities such as Berlin, London, Toronto, Chicago, and Sao Paulo. In 2015  'David Bowie is...." arrived in Melbourne with it's rare memorabilia, photos and video clips much to the delight of thousands of Australian music fans. 3CR music coordinator Paul Elliott visited the exhibition and was suitably impressed . A pair of Melbournites Cass Moore and Bruce Butler attended many more times, contributed memoribilia and gave talks at the ACME exhibition.

Stolen Wealth Games 2008, photo by Denis Evans

Tune in to 3CR's annual Invasion Day broadcast on 26 January and hear the truth about Australia's colonial past and present and the current campaigns to right these wrongs.  Join 3CR's indigenous broadcasters Gilla McGuinness (Precious Memories), Robbie Thorpe (Fire First), Viv Malo (The Black Block) and Johnny Mac (Koori Survival Show) for commentary, interviews, music, and updates from rallies and actions across the country on Tuesday 26 January from

These portraits were painted by Thomas Bock between 1831 and 1835 and published in James Fenton’s History of Tasmania Hobart, 1884

This year marks the 174th anniversary of the execution of the two Freedom Fighters: Tunnerminnerwait & Maulboyheenner. They were executed on 20 January 1842 on the corner of Bowen & Franklin Streets Melbourne. 3CR will again be broadcasting the commemoration LIVE on Wednesday 20 January from 12 - 1pm on 855AM, digital and streaming. There will be special guest speakers hosted by Joe Toscano from Anarchist World This Week, plus a short open mic session.

Bill Deller - A Journey as told by Billy and Maggie

A new illustrated book by Alina and Bruce MacDonald stars our beloved comrade Bill Deller as the protagonist in a journey that stems from Ballarat to Humpty Doo and features all the lefty issues that were dear to Bill's big heart. 3CR has a few precious copies of this beautiful book for sale at $20 pick up or $25 posted to you. All proceeds go to the Solidarity Breakfast program's Radiothon fund.

Did you miss out on listening to the incredible story of the Black Panther Party in a keynote speech given by Billy X Jennings at the Marxism Conference? Aired during the usual City Limits program time slot, the speech will be available on demand for the coming week until Wed 13 Jan, 10am. Listen here to this amazing speech. Go to our Summer Specials page more information about the programming grid.

3CR summer programming
Escape the cricket and tune in for a great selection of community radio treats and an eclectic range of Summer Specials on 3CR. Check out our Summer Specials page for a list of what's coming up and who is filling in for whom. Catch up with past favourite programmers as they return for the summer including our own Wayward Girl, Lotti Stein.

This is Chaz picking up his prize from 3CR today... Thanks to all our donors and to those who bought and sold tickets. We raised over $2000 a fabulous end to 2015. Congratulations to all our Summer Raffle Winners:1st Prize - Lucy Foley scored the $400 bike voucher from Reid Cycles