Defend free speech. Fight surveillance. Support innovation.

Act smalldefendencryption

Tell Congress: Defend Encryption

The FBI may have backed off its attempts to strong-arm Apple into building a backdoor to the iPhone, but the fight over crypto is far from over. The ENCRYPT Act and the Secure Data Act are federal bills that will safeguard encryption and reject backdoors. Tell your representatives in Congress to co-sponsor these vital bills.

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Act small tpp

Stop the TPP

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would lock the United States into its current broken copyright rules and empower foreign corporations to sue us if we reform them. Vital components of U.S. law such as fair use and net neutrality are missing or non-binding in the TPP.

The TPP is bad for users’ rights, both in the U.S. and abroad. Please call your representative and demand they commit to oppose the TPP.

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Tell Justin Trudeau: You can free Saeed Malekpour, Web developer and political prisoner.

Saeed Malekpour is a Canadian developer who was seized from the streets of Tehran by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard in 2008. His crime? He wrote open source code for Web image uploads that was later used without his knowledge by an Iranian pornography site. Tell Justin Trudeau to fight for his freedom.

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