- published: 21 Mar 2015
- views: 1146
Coordinates: 5°32′51.8″N 95°18′54.3″E / 5.547722°N 95.315083°E / 5.547722; 95.315083
The Aceh Tsunami Museum, located in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, is a museum designed as a symbolic reminder of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami disaster, as well as an educational center and an emergency disaster shelter in case the area is ever hit by a tsunami again.
The Aceh Tsunami Museum was designed by Indonesian architect Ridwan Kamil. The museum is a 2,500 m2 four-story structure; its long curving walls covered in geometric reliefs. Inside, visitors enter through a dark, narrow corridor between two high walls of water — meant to recreate the noise and panic of the tsunami itself. The museum walls are adorned with images of people performing the Saman dance, a symbolic gesture dedicated to the strength, discipline and religious beliefs of the Acehnese people. From above, the roof resembles a tidal wave. The ground floor is modelled on the kind of traditional raised Acehnese houses that were best equipped to survive the tsunami.
The Free Aceh Movement (Indonesian: Gerakan Aceh Merdeka or simply GAM, Acehnese: Geurakan Acèh Meurdèka, also known as the Acheh-Sumatra National Liberation Front (ASNLF), was a separatist group seeking independence for the Aceh region of Sumatra from Indonesia. GAM fought against Indonesian government forces in the Aceh Insurgency from 1976 to 2005, during which over 15,000 lives are believed to have been lost. The organisation surrendered its separatist intentions and dissolved its armed wing following 2005 peace agreement with the Indonesian Government, and subsequently changed its name into Aceh Transition Committee (KPA / Komite Peralihan Aceh). The Indonesian government called the group the Aceh Security Disturbance Movement.
The conflict in Aceh stems from several major factors including historical mistreatment, disagreements over Islamic law, discontent over the distribution of Aceh's natural resource wealth, and the increase in the numbers of Javanese people in Aceh.
Aceh (/ˈɑːtʃeɪ/; [ʔaˈtɕɛh]); (Jawi : اچيه); Atjeh (Dutch); or Acheh is a special region of Indonesia. The territory is located at the northern end of Sumatra. Its capital is Banda Aceh. It is close to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India and separated from them by the Andaman Sea.
There are 10 indigenous ethnic groups in this region, the largest being the Acehnese people, accounting for approximately 80 to 90% of the region's population.
Aceh is thought to have been the place where the spread of Islam in Indonesia began, and was a key factor of the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia. Islam reached Aceh (Kingdoms of Fansur and Lamuri) around 1250 AD. In the early seventeenth century the Sultanate of Aceh was the most wealthy, powerful and cultivated state in the Malacca Straits region. Aceh has a history of political independence and resistance to control by outsiders, including the former Dutch colonists and the Indonesian government.
Aceh has substantial natural resources, including oil and natural gas; some estimates put Aceh gas reserves as being the largest in the world. Relative to most of Indonesia, it is a religiously conservative area. It has the highest proportion of Muslims in Indonesia, who mostly live according to Sharia customs and laws.
Banda Aceh or Banda Acèh is the capital and largest city in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. It is located on the island of Sumatra and has an elevation of 35 meters. The city covers an area of 64 square kilometres and had a population of 219,070 people, according to the 2000 census. Banda Aceh is located on the northwestern tip of Indonesia at the mouth of the Aceh River.
The city was originally established as Bandar Aceh Darussalam Kandang and served as a capital and hub for the Sultanate of Aceh upon its foundation in the late 15th century. Later its name was changed to Bandar Aceh Darussalam, and then became popularly known as Banda Aceh. The first part of the name comes from the Persian bandar (بندر) meaning "port" or "haven." The city is also dubbed the "port to Mecca," or the "porch of Mecca" (Indonesian: Serambi Mekkah) in reference to the days when hajj pilgrims travelled by sea from Indonesia and would make a stop over in the city before continuing their journey to Mecca.
New Visit Aceh - Begitu Indahnya Wisata Aceh
It's Time To Visit Banda Aceh Eps 1
Beach tourism LOK MATA IE (Banda aceh)
Banda Aceh "World Islamic Tourism"
A decade on, Aceh's tsunami tourism rises
Tsunami tourism - Banda Aceh #Revisited
Kapal PLTD Apung, Tourism Tsunami in Banda Aceh
Kapal di Atas Rumah, Tourism Tsunami in Banda Aceh
Guerrilla Adventure Eco-Tourism in Aceh (Best Version)
Begitu Indahnya Wisata Aceh Untuk Dikunjungi "Come on holiday to Aceh" Aceh Tourism official promotional video Kenikmatan dan kesuksesan Perjalanan sebuah tour hanya dapat diperoleh jika anda mengaturnya dengan benar, sebuah perencanaan tour yang matang dan wisata yang indah untuk dikenang membutuhkan persiapan dan pengalaman dalam pengelolaannya. Percayakan wisata dan tour anda kepada kami, kami akan memberikan pelayanan yang baik. email : tripacehholiday@gmail.com https://acehholiday.wordpress.com/
Banda Aceh islamic tourism with natural beauty. It's time to visit Banda Aceh, feel the harmony discover the extraordinary. Explore the different through friendliness. Visit : http://bandaacehtourism.com
ie travel documentary lhok mata ie banda aceh
Banda Aceh "World Islamic Tourism" Kami terbuka untuk Dunia
► Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube: http://bit.ly/FTimeSubs On Boxing Day 2004 a tsunami devastated Indonesia's Aceh province, wiping out 140,000 homes and killing 170,000 people. Ten years on, the FT’s Ben Bland finds tourists returning to learn about its impact and how it ended a 30-year separatist conflict. Read the global perspective on world events http://www.ft.com/world Click here for more FT World videos http://video.ft.com/Ft-World For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube; http://goo.gl/vUQx5k Twitter https://twitter.com/ftvideo Facebook https://www.facebook.com/financialtimes
9 years on, 'tsunami tourism' has sprung up, with several sites around Banda Aceh preserved as memorials and open to visitors. The most striking among them is "PTLD Apung 1" - a huge electricity generator ship that was washed 5 kilometers inland by the force of the wave. The 2,600 ton vessel is still exactly where it landed that day, right in the middle of a village. The tsunami ship has attracted thousands of visitors since it opened as a tourist site in April 2013. Our reporters take you on a visit around. Read and watch more now: http://webdoc.france24.com/banda-aceh-revisited/
Katagori : Peringatan Tsunami Kabupaten/Kota : Kota Banda Aceh Alamat Lokasi : Gampong/Desa Punge Blang Cut. Kota Banda Aceh Cara Menuju Lokasi : Dikarenakan letaknya hanya 2 km dari pusat Kota, maka kendaraan umum seperti taxi atau becak motor dapat menuju kesana
Katagori : Peringatan Tsunami Kabupaten/ Kota : Kota Banda Aceh Alamat Lokasi : Gampong Lampulo, Kec. Kuta Alam. Kota Banda Aceh Cara Menuju Lokasi : Bisa menggunakan kendaraan umum seperti becak motor ataupun taxi
Eco Guerrilla Treks - A new chapter in Aceh's tourism Life after the Aceh peace agreement can be tough for many former GAM combatants who struggle to adjust to life after combat. But a unique eco tourism program named eco guerrilla treks/eko wisata gerilya by Aceh Explorer aims to provides a job opportunity for former GAM combattants that will make that transition easier. Since most of these former combattans have been living in the jungle for years under mostly extreme conditions, they would - in our mind - be the perfect jungle trek tour guides. They practically know every trail there is in the area where they were once active as combatants. Furthermore, they possess many of the qualities we are looking for in a prospect jungle trek guide, such as leadership, discipline, teamwork...
Aceh Auto Contest 2015 "Create Your Vehicle to Your Pride" at Pelataran Parkir Stadion H. Dimurthala, Banda Aceh, Aceh 28-29 November 2015
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kopgab motor beat se aceh BIRUEN 2016
Bodyguard Cristiano Ronaldo berkunjung Di Aceh Oleh Personil P1 Force-911 Indonesia. Lihat bagaimana cara kerja mereka (*Bodyguard-Red) dalam melakukan pengawalan publik figur seperti Cristiano Ronaldo.
Saya membuat video ini dengan Editor Video YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
Mata Najwa Menteri Susi, Dahlan Iskan Dari Aceh Pesan untuk Negeri - Upload 15 Februari 2015 Mata Najwa Menteri Susi, Dahlan Iskan Dari Aceh Pesan untuk Negeri - Upload 15 Februari 2015 Mata Najwa Menteri Susi, Dahlan Iskan Dari Aceh Pesan untuk Negeri - Upload 15 Februari 2015 Mata Najwa Menteri Susi, Dahlan Iskan Dari Aceh Pesan untuk Negeri - Upload 15 Februari 2015 Mata Najwa Menteri Susi, Dahlan Iskan Dari Aceh Pesan untuk Negeri - Upload 15 Februari 2015 breaking news, breaking news mgk lyrics, breaking news today, breaking news sound effect, breaking news intro, breaking news music, breaking news malayalam full movie, breaking news tvf, breaking news 2014, berita, berita terbaru hari ini, berita satu, berita terkini, berita kepada kawan, berita indonesia, berita jakarta, berita har...
Penampilan Kelompok Vokal Salsabil, Tarian, Puisi dll pada Pentas Seni dalam rangka Kegiatan Pendidikan dan Gerakan Budaya Anti-Maladministrasi dan Anti Korupsi di Halaman Pendapa Bupati Bireuen, 24 Oktober 2015.
Penampilan Kelompok Vokal Salsabil, Tarian, Puisi dll pada Pentas Seni dalam rangka Kegiatan Pendidikan dan Gerakan Budaya Anti-Maladministrasi dan Anti Korupsi di Halaman Pendapa Bupati Bireuen, 24 Oktober 2015.
Rap Aceh Conference (HNS) bekerja sama dengan UPTD Taman Seni dan Budaya Banda Aceh, menggelar event bertajuk Rapvolution Art Project 2015 pada tanggal 13 DES 2015 di outstage arena Taman Budaya. Event ini diikuti oleh beberapa komunitas hiphop yang ada di aceh. Rangkain acara meliputi : Rap Competition Rap Battle Showcase RAP,BBOY,BEATBOX,GRAFITY,DJ dan persembahan : In memorial untuk sahabat kami Alm Ade Rizal Rauf atau yang kerap kita panggil LiL-BOY Kami segenap panitia Rapvolution Art Project 2015 mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada semua pihak yang sudah mendukung dan berkontribusi kepada event ini sehingga berjalan dengan sukses. Dan semoga event ini terus berlangsung di tahun-tahun berikutnya. Follow twitter : @HipHopNanggroe @rapacehconference Follow IG : @rapvolutionartpr...
This dance illustrates the spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation performed cheerfully, dinamycally and attractively. It can be accompanied only by song, without any musical instrument by girls.
Alhamdulillah berkesempatan mengharumkan nama Aceh di kompetisi tingkat nasional, Cardinal Art and Culture 2015, dalam kategori Musik Kolaborasi Etnik Moderen pada 20 Januari 2016 silam. Mewakili Aceh, sanggar Rangkang Endatu (Radat) dalam kompetisi tersebut membawakan salah satu lagu tradisional Aceh "Tarek Pukat" yang telah diaransemen ulang.
http://bisnisananto.com Galeri Museum Asmaul Husna Madinah Memasuki ruangan galeri, pengunjung langsung disapa oleh sejumlah penerima tamu. Satu diantaranya sangat mahir berbahasa Indonesia. Melihat wajah jamaah Indonesia, dia langsung mempersilakan masuk. Namun isi galeri tersebut hanya berbahasa Inggris dan Arab. Sejumlah guide memandu jamaah haji saat memasuki Museum Asmaul Husna. Ruangan pertama galeri berisi replika matahari berukuran besar lengkap dengan planet-planet tata surya. Ukuran planet disesuaikan dengan skala yang sama. Jamaah haji sempat berfoto-foto di depan replika tersebut. Kemudian sepanjang kanan-kiri tembok terpampang Asmaul Husna. Di dalam kitab suci Alquran, Allah SWT disebut juga dengan nama-nama sebutan yang berjumlah 99 nama yang masing-masing memiliki arti d...
9 ans après le désastre le gouvernement d'Aceh a décidé de lancer un « Tourisme du Tsunami ». Des sites préservés depuis la catastrophe qui ont été aménagés sous forme de mémorial et ouverts au public, le plus impressionnant est sans doute le « PTLDAPUNG1 », un navire de 2600 tonnes qui fut emporté par la vague géante sur plus de 5 km dans les terres en détruisant tout sur son passage. Retrouvez l'intégralité du webdoc ici : http://webdoc.france24.com/billet-retour-banda-aceh/
BBC Documentaries 2016 - The Deadliest Tsunami in History ? - National Geographic Documentary 2016. BBC Documentaries 2016 - The Deadliest Tsunami in History ? - National Geographic Documentary 2016. In the Aceh Province of Indonesia on the 26th of .
This video is about the LSU Museum of Art and Tsunami sushi restaurant in Baton Rouge, LA. Please subscribe if you want to see more videos of my adventures!
Paket Tour Murah Aceh Pulau Weh Sabang | Hub 0812 1991 463 | BB 2AE442E0 Paket wisata murah Pulau Weh Sabang ini dapat kamu jadikan untuk referensi wisata Anda bersama teman-teman, terlebih lagi untuk kamu yang belum pernah melihat keindahan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman. Pemandangan Sunset di Pulau Rubiah yang menakjubkan ditambah lagi dengan wisata bawah lautnya dengan boat kaca dijamin kamu akan merasakan pengalaman wisata yang tidak akan pernah kamu lupakan. Jadi dapat dipastikan bahwa paket wisata Pulau Weh Sabang ini sebagai destinasi wisata yang wajib untuk kamu ikuti. Untuk lebih jelasnya, Kamu bisa menyimak penjelasan kami di bawah ini. Rincian Lengkap Paket Wisata Pulau Weh Sabang Untuk mengikuti paket trip Pulau Weh Sabang ini tidak harus merogoh kocek hingga puluhan juta rupiah k...
The Kapal PLTD Apung tourist guide explains about this very location.
#aceh #petani #alam
Peserta Lomba Shalat Berjamaah Kategori Tingkat SD/MI Se-kabupaten Pidie jaya yang mampu meraih juara I pada aneka lomba dalam rangka menyambut tahun baru islam 1438 H, Di Imami oleh M. Izzad Makmur Al-Qadri dari Gampong Meunasah Lhok Kec. Meureudu. Kab. pidie Jaya- Aceh.
#aceh #belanda #penjajahan
#adat #aceh #tradisional
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wawancara eksklusif di Kick Andy edisi Indonesia Gue Banget bersama Stefano Romano, warga negara Italia Jatuh Cinta pada perkampungan di Indonesia dan Berit Renser, wanita bule asal negara Estonia nekad naik truk dari Jawa ke Aceh.
Just let me great 2x
Don't be good my...
Be great
After that government cheese
We eating steak
After the projects
Now we on estates
I from the bottom
I know y'all can relate
... up the world 2x
[Verse 1: Jay-Z]
Me and destiny got a date
Martin had a dream
Hov gotta team
My chain already heavy
Don't let me get a ring
Parades down Flatbush
Confetti on my fur
Turn right on Red Hook
... heavy on the curve
See most of my... died early twenties or late teens
I'm just trying to come from under the thumb of this regime
1% of a billion is more then... even seen
Still they wanna act like it's an everyday thing
... up this world 2x
[Verse 2: Jay-Z]
High Yellow sky dweller and the rose gold
Legend of the summer in the Rose Bowl
Came thru Pasadena in the low low
Just to show respect to the...
Feel like a stranger in my own land
Got me feeling like Brody in Homeland
I just want my shot to show my genius
Standing on the top hold my...
America tried to emasculate the greats
Murder Malcolm
Gave Cassius the shakes
Wait, tell them rumble young man rumble
Try to dum your lights tell you be humble
You know I'm gon shine like a trillion watts
You know a... trill as Michael Jackson socks
Send a light to Compton and the hundred blocks
Basking on top
... up this world 2x
[Verse 3: Jay-Z]
Sipping D'USSE boy this ain't your daddy yak
He in a Cadillac
Me I'm in the Maybach
This ain't grey sweat suits and white tube socks
This is black leather pants and a pair of stance
Socks is my synopsis is clear
Got... feeling like Oxford
I swear, Teacher teacher
I trying to unteach ya
All the... they taught y'all
They got you all in the bleachers
When you front row at the Knicks game
Those the Spike Lees
You front row every where you in the H.O.V.s
Jordan 1s and dungarees
And that's just the half of my warpath
Make a million another million let my... make a million
Till we all check a billion
... it's just the way I'm feeling
We have yet to see a ceiling
We just top what we top
Cause the bars don't struggle
And the struggle don't stop