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St Kilda players inspect a wet pitch last summer. Picture: Steve Tanner.
media_cameraSt Kilda players inspect a wet pitch last summer. Picture: Steve Tanner.

Premier Cricket’s opening round postponed after rain lashes Melbourne

PREMIER Cricket’s opening round has been rescheduled until November after persistent rain forced the cancellation of Friday’s matches.

Cricket Victoria confirmed on Wednesday night all matches scheduled for the Grand Final public holiday had been called off.

The First and Second XI fixtures have been rescheduled for Sunday, November 6, and will be played after the completion of Round 6 matches.

The first matches for the season will now take place on Saturday, October 8.

More than 15mm of rain has fallen in Melbourne over the past three days, with more scheduled for Thursday and Friday.

“Despite the best efforts of curators, ground managers and clubs, the weather has emerged the only winner for the proposed start to the season on Friday,” a statement released on Wednesday read.

Round 1 of the 2015-16 season, which was also played on the Grand Final public holiday, went ahead as scheduled.