- published: 11 Oct 2016
- views: 2647
Super Mario (Japanese: スーパーマリオ, Hepburn: Sūpā Mario) is a series of platform video games created by Nintendo featuring their mascot, Mario. Alternatively called the Super Mario Bros. (スーパーマリオブラザーズ, Sūpā Mario Burazāzu) series or simply the Mario (マリオ) series, it is the central series of the greater Mario franchise. At least one Super Mario game has been released for every major Nintendo video game console and handheld.
The Super Mario games follow Mario's adventures in the fictional Mushroom Kingdom, usually with Mario as the player character. He is usually joined by his brother, Luigi, and occasionally by other members of the Mario cast. As in platform video games, the player runs and jumps across platforms and atop enemies in themed levels. The games have simple plots, typically with Mario rescuing the kidnapped Princess Peach from the primary antagonist, Bowser. The first title in the series, Super Mario Bros., released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1985, established gameplay concepts and elements prevalent in nearly every Super Mario game since. These include a multitude of power-ups and items that give Mario special magic powers such as fireball-throwing and size-changing into giant and miniature sizes.
Mario (Japanese: マリオ, Hepburn: Mario, [ma.ɽi.o]) (English /ˈmɑːrioʊ/; Italian: [ˈmaːrjo]) is a fictional character in the Mario video game franchise, created by Nintendo's Japanese video game designer, Shigeru Miyamoto. Serving as the company's mascot and the eponymous protagonist of the series, Mario has appeared in over 200 video games since his creation. Depicted as a short, pudgy, Italian plumber who resides in the Mushroom Kingdom, his adventures generally center upon rescuing Princess Peach from the Koopa villain Bowser. His younger brother is Luigi.
The Mario franchise is the best-selling video game franchise of all time. Over 210 million units of the overall Mario series of games have been sold. Outside of the Super Mario platform series, other Mario genres include the Mario Kart racing series, sports games such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series, role-playing games such as Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario, and educational games such as Mario Is Missing! and Mario's Time Machine. The franchise has branched into several mediums, including television shows, film, comics and licensed merchandise. Since 1995, Mario has been voiced by Charles Martinet.
Mario Party Star Rush - Toad Scramble - World 0-3
Mario Party Star Rush - All Free-for-All Minigames
Mario Party 9 - All Mini-Games
New Super Mario Bros 2 - World 6 Final Castle
New Super Mario Bros DS - All Bosses with Mega Mushrooms
Mario Maker - 100 Mario Challenge - Expert (15)
Gelar Konferensi Pers, Mario Teguh Akui Kiswinar Anaknya? - WasWas 11 Oktober 2016
PAPER MARIO: COLOR SPLASH Part 9: Schnick Schnack Schnuck gone wrong
Mario Maker - Spaghetti Soup (and World Record!) | Blind Kaizo Race #19
Mario Party 9 - Party Mode - Bowser Station (2 Players)
World 0-3 from the Toad Scramble mode of Mario Party Star Rush for the 3DS. -My Twitter https://twitter.com/Typhlosion4Pres -My 3ds FC 1263-7978-2745
Every single free-for-all minigame in Mario Party Star Rush for the 3DS. 00:00 Acornucopia 1:09 Corkscrew Climb 2:09 Piece of Cake 4:20 Lava Labrynth 5:32 Pirahna Plantemonium 6:26 Greedy Eats 7:56 Jump to Conclusion 8:57 Rolls for Moles 9:53 Wheelin' and Wigglin' 10:45 Blowboat Battle 10:36 Fruit or Foe 14:35 Bumper Bugs 15:16 Top It Off 16:27 Splat-a-Stamp 17:40 Parkour War 18:59 Fruit Parade 20:00 Haunted Hallways 21:50 Roller Revenge 22:53 Jewel Janitors 23:51 Dodge Fuzzy, Get Dizzy 24:41 Pop Quiz 26:02 Shooting Stars 26:51 Conkor de Force 28:21 Bridgesaw Puzzle 29:40 Block Busters 30:35 Goomba Guess -My Twitter https://twitter.com/Typhlosion4Pres -My 3ds FC 1263-7978-2745
Mario Party 9 - All Mini-Games All mini-games from Mario Party 9! Do you like this video? Please subscribe to our channel and leave a comment below! You can also find timestamps below! 0:00:00 - Free For All Mini-Games 0:45:28 - 1 VS Rivals Mini-Games 0:54:25 - Bowser Jr. Mini-Games 1:01:33 - Boss Battle Mini-Games List of Mini-Games: Free For All (0:00:00): 1. Buddy Bounce 2. Logger Heads 3. Pinball Fall 4. Launch Break 5. Speeding Bullets 6. Pinata Pool 7. Chain Event 8. Skyjinks 9. Skipping Class 10. Mecha Castle 11. Jigsaw Jumble 12. Growing Up 13. Upward Mobility 14. Ring Leader 15. Goomba Village 16. Smash Compactors 17. Peak Precision 18. 10 to win 19. Tuber Tug 20. Card Smarts 21. Toad and Go Seek 22. Polar Extreme 23. Goomba Bowling 24. Tumble Temple 25. Twist Ending 26. Manor...
The final castle and boss in New Super Mario Bros 2 for the 3DS (excluding the one from World Star) as well as the ending and credits. -My Twitter https://twitter.com/Typhlosion4Pres -My 3ds FC 1263-7978-2745
Every single boss and miniboss in New Super Mario Bros DS beaten with a mega mushroom. 00:00 Bowser Jr. #1 00:22 Bowser 00:59 Bowser Jr. #2 1:26 Mummipokey 2:14 Bowser Jr. #3 2:45 Cheepskipper 3:12 Bowser Jr. #4 3:40 Mega Goomba 4:12 Bowser Jr. #5 4:35 Peter Pirahna 5:16 Bowser Jr. #6 5:42 Bowser Jr. #7 6:07 Monty Tank 6:34 Bowser Jr. #8 6:58 Lakithunder 7:35 Bowser Jr. #9 8:00 Dry Bowser 8:34 Bowser Jr. #10 9:06 Bowser and Bowser Jr. (final boss, ending, and credits) -My Twitter https://twitter.com/Typhlosion4Pres -My 3ds FC 1263-7978-2745
Welcome to the 100 Mario challenge in Super Mario Maker. This this video I complete as many levels as I can. More information on the game - http://supermariomaker.nintendo.com Twitter - @stampylongnose Facebook - www.facebook.com/stampylongnose UK Shop - http://stampy.spreadshirt.co.uk US Shop - http://shop.maker.tv/collections/stampy
Mau tahu gosip terpanas seputar selebriti tanah air lainnya? Langsung aja klik http://www.cumicumi.com/ --- http://www.cumicumi.com/videos/read/97935/gelar-konferensi-pers-mario-teguh-akui-kiswinar-anaknya-13 --- web: http://www.cumicumi.com/ facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CumiCumiDotCom twitter: https://twitter.com/CumiTweet Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/107561674912304174647
Likechallenge ist heute am Start! Part 11 kommt um 18:30 wenn ihr es wollt (2000 Likes auf das Video) PAPER MARIO: COLOR SPLASH [Deutsch ♦ Blind ♦ 100% ♦ 1440p@60FPS] Part 9: Schnick Schnack Schnuck gone wrong ► Meinen Kanal abonnieren: http://goo.gl/440Rdg ⇒ Wii U MARIO KART 8 + SPLATOON BUNDLE KAUFEN*: http://amzn.to/1Mbh3tW ⇒ PAPER MARIO: COLOR SPLASH KAUFEN*: http://amzn.to/2chGWO4 ► MEIN MERCH: http://www.domtendo-shop.de/ ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/Domtendo ► Facebook Fanpage: http://goo.gl/7P3atL ► ALLE Projekte: http://goo.gl/CKAgty ► Instagram: http://goo.gl/6elst3 ► Uploadplan: http://goo.gl/esnTaC ► Playlist PAPER MARIO: COLOR SPLASH http://goo.gl/jaQi0z *= Affiliate Link. Ich bekomme für die Verlinkung von Amazon bei einem Kauf eine kleine Provision. Für euch entstehen ...
World Record 15:36 NSMB speedrun levels may be my favorite type of level in Mario Maker. Also, my excuse for this video is that I edited it at like 2am xD Each week on Saturday at 9pm US Eastern time, we gather several dozen mario maker players and race a level together. "Blind" means the levels were uploaded for this race, and nobody had seen the levels prior. Join the races! Discord channel: https://discord.gg/0jC3rcHJVWxkRU3x Saturday Soup Speedrun: https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/1F11-0000-02A0-9FEE ❤ Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/carlsagan42 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Carl_Sagan42
The Bowser Station board from the party mode of Mario Party 9 for the Wii, completed with two players. -My Twitter https://twitter.com/Typhlosion4Pres -My 3ds FC 1263-7978-2745
Heute beim Mario Maker: Mario geht nach Hause, DOCH!... dann passieren Dinge. Ihr merkt, wir werden in dieser Folge sehr "interessante" Level zu Gesicht bekommen... ► Super Mario Maker kaufen: http://amzn.to/1MJmSsC * ▬▬▬▬▬ ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/darkzone_yt ► Livestream: http://www.hitbox.tv/DarkZoneLive ▬▬▬▬▬ ► Vorherige Folge: https://goo.gl/QaAGC9 ► Playlist: https://goo.gl/mZlGs0 ► Erste Folge: https://goo.gl/NQhtt6 ▬▬▬▬▬ *Ich möchte eine transparente Kanalpolitik betreiben, deshalb erwähne ich ausdrücklich, dass es sich bei dem obigen Link um eine Verlinkung im Rahmen des amazon-Partnerprogrammes handelt. Dieser dient der Orientierung eines potentiellen Käufers und verweist explizit auf ein bestimmtes Produkt. Sollten Sie/Solltet ihr über diesen Link einen Kauf tätigen, wird ...
To add a level type: !add xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (x being your level code). The queue usually opens up about 15 minutes before the stream starts. Hurry the levels fill up REALLY fast!! JOIN THE DGR DISCORD AND CHAT WITH ME: https://discord.gg/pvyn4Bm DGR STREAM SCHEDULE: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1f31fXUaICptBspnHIkWp_I9t4EmA9j8vXhcTGX9kBUA/edit?usp=sharing Check DGR out on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DGR_Dave Check out DGR on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dangoodrepairs/?fref=ts Its the best way to see what's going on with the DGR channel! CHAT RULES: DGR aims to keep the chat as family friendly as possible, so please try to follow these rules :) 1. No malicious behavior. This includes; swearing at each other, hurtful speech such as racism or bullying. And no sexual...
久しぶりにテクニック面をやってみました。 開幕で少し苦戦しましたがお手軽で楽しいコースでした。 コース:Technical Mario 作者:あるすたさん ID:A7E7-0000-00E1-7327 https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/A7E7-0000-00E1-7327
Hier nun endlich das letzte Level des Yoshi Wettbewerbes, aus welchen ich einen Speedrun gemacht habe. Viel Spaß :) ----------------------------------------------------- Folgt mir auf Twitter für News und so: https://twitter.com/BlueX2_ Verpasst keine Folge mehr: https://www.youtube.com/user/0BlueX2?sub_confirmation=1 Meine Level: https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/profile/777Blue?type=posted ------------------------------------------------------ Laufende Super Mario Maker Projekte: ★ Playlist Userlevel ►https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCa5lVAYn1E8vHOuO2ZylQxJvXYlFrH9D ★ Playlist Mixedlevel ►https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCa5lVAYn1E_yakQ4_36qy-Lh21mta87p ★ Playlist Speedruns ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCa5lVAYn1E93p7beTXR7g_oS3-u5dwvD Abgeschlossen...
Der dritte Abschnitt des schweren Unterwasserlevels steht nun bevor und wartet mit einer weiteren Aufgabe, die im letzten Part schon leicht angeschnitten wurde. Doch wie soll es möglich sein, sich durch so viele Knochenfische zu schmuggeln? Zur Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3kQbjkHzcaW7QoGedubiPV9zs1LGikWw In meinem Let's Play zu Super Mario Maker werde ich euch vor allem diverse Levels aus aller Welt zeigen und diese auch bewerten. Gemeinsam werden wir schwierige, lustige und kreative Levels zocken und natürlich könnt auch ihr mir Levels erstellen, die ich dann gerne spielen werde. Später werde ich dann auch eigene Levels erstellen und euch diese zeigen ;) Und nun viel Spaß -Cpt. Jonny
Let´s Play Super Mario Maker [Deutsch-1440p-60FPS] Part 12: Wahnsinnig toller Schrott! ►Mein Kanal:http://www.youtube.com/user/Gamelefant. ►Twitter:https://twitter.com/Gamelefant ►Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/gamelefant/ ►Playlist:https:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiA6lww_5BLTAPKF4RwyFzbO05PqU93Zt ►Alle LP´s:https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fspreadsheets%2Fd%2F1MQkEB5qFqy8ehH1X41pGPKVVQ06P2xkhM9F6NnNxDDo%2Fedit%3Fusp%3Dsharing%26pageId%3D111741582845116171607&redir;_token=1UST9tC52vL_hpJTXiSTGpPQWrJ8MTQzMDUwNDc0NUAxNDMwNDE4MzQ1 ►Ihr seid gefragt: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ihr wollt nichts mehr verpassen? Dann unterstützt mich mit einem Daumen hoch, oder vielleicht ja s...
- Super Mario Maker - Aktion, Jump and Run, Bau-Game von Nintendo (2015). Spiel Verfügbar für: Wii U - Let's Play Super Mario Maker - Kommentiertes Gameplay von Kimmig (2016). Gespielt auf: Wii U ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Über uns: - Schweinepriester.info - Schweinepriester.info startete in erster Linie als ein TF2-Server- und Mapentwicklungs-Projekt, ins Leben gerufen von ein paar Freunden aus Deutschland. http://schweinepriester.info/ - Schweinepriester Let's Play - Schweinepriester Let's Play ist mittlerweile ein Hauptbestandteil unserer Community, dass wir im Januar 2013 gestartet haben. http://schweinepriester.info/lp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
This is another playthrough of the 100 Mario Challenge on Expert Difficulty. NOTE: I cut out all deaths from this video to keep it from being excessive in length. Below is a link to my series playlist. Super Mario Maker Series Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYpDU5ElRBfko-L8AB9wYVm97gxrWubvU
A look at 10 creative Super Mario Maker levels. You should play these levels and give them stars! *Sorry that the audio of my voice is so low and that I left comments on for most of the recording. Level Bookmarks: * Pipestacking - https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/7099-0000-0112-BC24 * Donut Drop Dungeon - https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/4A0D-0000-0157-6A58 * On the moon any level is hard - https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/466C-0000-0189-73B5 * POW Palace - https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/926F-0000-018C-4C9E * King Mole's Doomsday Dungeon - https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/BC89-0000-0187-8E71 * Castle in the Sky v4 - https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/BF82-0000-0106-EE6...
Thank yall for tuning in everyday! http://www.twitter.com/dashiexp http://dashiexp.fanfiber.com/
In this video I build a level for Stacy Plays and play the level she made for me. Stacy's video - https://youtu.be/p57i9lttd84 Level ID - 0E20-0000-0168-B76F More information on the game - http://supermariomaker.nintendo.com Twitter - @stampylongnose Facebook - www.facebook.com/stampylongnose UK Shop - http://stampy.spreadshirt.co.uk US Shop - http://shop.maker.tv/collections/stampy
#SuperZeroMaker Poll - https://goo.gl/forms/C9v9tUpqhgbaIS3u2 fast or slow path rage - https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/025A-0000-0289-8AB0 Inside Yoshi - https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/FCB4-0000-005D-81CB Pow blocks in the boo's castle - https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/744F-0000-0274-0FF7 ======== Social Networks ======== My book of Faces - https://www.facebook.com/ChannelAbsoluteZero Tweet Tweet! - https://twitter.com/ChannelAZ My Livestreaming Channel! - http://www.twitch.tv/ChannelAbsoluteZero ======== Playlists ======== http://bit.ly/29dEst2 - Zero Plays Undertale [Genocide] http://bit.ly/1WgsRNO - Zero Plays Pony Island http://bit.ly/1QzA74U - Zero Plays Super Mario Maker http://bit.ly/1SDSvdJ - Zero Plays Undertale [T...
Are you excited? Time to dive into the Mario Maker 100 Challenges! If we can get to 2500 Likes that would be absolutely awesome :-) Leave a like and subscribe ! 📦 Check Out LEGO Marvel Superheroes LIVE pt. 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISCy_6xZNFA 📦 Check Out LEGO Marvel Superheroes LIVE pt. 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvGB3w7DTN8 📦 Check Out LEGO Marvel Superheroes LIVE pt. 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbnvv9i5YO4 Thank you for Watching, hope you enjoyed! Hope you guys enjoy our dive into the wonderful world of Super Mario Maker I am looking forward to seeing what adventure lies ahead. ===Awesome Sauce=== ►Subscribe to this channel to stay up to date here: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Blitzwinger ►Follow...
This video shows several of roi Mathis' insane glitch levels. These glitches vary from TELEPORTING to WALKING ON LAVA. He's current the #3 most starred person online in the "weekly" category. Here's a link to last week's episode, in which we covered various courses from Usasa (うささ): https://youtu.be/O8i09c3Kwmc SMM Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtA3RKX1_Yx39Tk8QPwoLKb8aRmLuSK1N Sunny Crappy on Twitter: twitter.com/sunnycrappys
Vlogs + Extras: http://www.youtube.com/inthelittlewoods Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/inthelittlewood Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/inthelittlewoods Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/inthelittlewood Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/inthelittlewood Twitch Replays: http://www.youtube.com/inthelittlewoodlive ► Official InTheLittleWood Merch: http://smarturl.it/yogsMartyn ◄ Website: http://www.yogscast.com Yogscast Games Store: http://games.yogscast.com Our iOS App: http://yogsca.st/t1i Mailbox: The Yogscast, PO Box 3125 Bristol BS2 2DG Business enquiries: contact@yogscast.com BYEEE!!!!! ^_^ x
[verse 1]
Hey, Kuppa, kimi tte sa shitsukosugiru ze
piichi no koto wa mou akiramenayo
Oainiku-sama sou wa ikanee tte koto sa
ore-sama koso kanojo no destiny
Futari-tomo ne oyame ni natte
kagami wo yoku goran nasai
Sore wa iwanee tte hanashi da ze
datte otoko wa haato de shoubu
[verse 2]
My sweetes peach girl, ai shiteru n da ze
wakaranakerya mata rachi*kankin
inochi kakete ubaikaesu kedo
kimi no kokoro wa ubaenai no
Futari tomo ii kagen ni shite
dare ni kuchi wo kiiteru no?
tsundere na toko mo miryoku-teki
sou otoko wa haato de shoubu
[musical pause]
suki sa suki sa suki sa
suki sa daisuki da
Chotto matte ohitori owasure janai desu ka?
ruiji sanjou omatase
e nani nani nani gomen gomen gomen
KY!KY! naa kuuki yome koruaa
Choushi dzuiteru to maji fumitsubusu zo
kinoko yaro wa hotori de kekkou
baataa no kuse ni namaiki ne
rukkusu dake wa chuu no ke dakedo
ne otoko wa haato de shoubu
-otoko wa haato de shoubu
otoko wa kao de shoubu~
aa, yatto owatta
-tsukkaremashita ne
dou yo kore kara ippai iku ka
a, suimasen, kyou chotto
are ga kore de kou nande
a, sakan de nee, kondo shoukai shite yo