
Moses Znaimer Introduced by Paul Soles and Adrienne Clarkson on CBC's Take 30 (1967)
In this archival video clip, Moses Znaimer is introduced on the iconic CBC show, Take 30. ...
published: 24 Jun 2011
author: mosesznaimer
Moses Znaimer Introduced by Paul Soles and Adrienne Clarkson on CBC's Take 30 (1967)
Moses Znaimer Introduced by Paul Soles and Adrienne Clarkson on CBC's Take 30 (1967)
In this archival video clip, Moses Znaimer is introduced on the iconic CBC show, Take 30. Hosted by Adrienne Clarkson and Paul Soles, the program aired from ...- published: 24 Jun 2011
- views: 1861
- author: mosesznaimer

Moses Znaimer
Canadian Media Legend, Moses Znaimer, speaks with Mike and Fiona about Zoomer Media and th...
published: 15 Nov 2012
author: TheRush OnShawTV
Moses Znaimer
Moses Znaimer
Canadian Media Legend, Moses Znaimer, speaks with Mike and Fiona about Zoomer Media and the under serviced 45 plus demographic in Canada. Moses Znaimer is al...- published: 15 Nov 2012
- views: 154
- author: TheRush OnShawTV

Moses Znaimer Interviews Actor Dustin Hoffman for CBC's Take 30 (1968)
As the host of CBC TV's "Take 30" in 1968, Moses Znaimer interviewed the young breakout ac...
published: 27 Jun 2011
author: mosesznaimer
Moses Znaimer Interviews Actor Dustin Hoffman for CBC's Take 30 (1968)
Moses Znaimer Interviews Actor Dustin Hoffman for CBC's Take 30 (1968)
As the host of CBC TV's "Take 30" in 1968, Moses Znaimer interviewed the young breakout actor Dustin Hoffman discussing everything from sex to politics to Ho...- published: 27 Jun 2011
- views: 2587
- author: mosesznaimer

Moses Znaimer's TVTV (1995) - Television Revolution
The famous opening scene from Moses' 3-hour epic manifesto "TVTV: The Television Revolutio...
published: 31 Mar 2011
author: mosesznaimer
Moses Znaimer's TVTV (1995) - Television Revolution
Moses Znaimer's TVTV (1995) - Television Revolution
The famous opening scene from Moses' 3-hour epic manifesto "TVTV: The Television Revolution" which was broadcast on CBCTV on Sunday, April 9, 1995. For more ...- published: 31 Mar 2011
- views: 443
- author: mosesznaimer

The Ten Commandments of Television According to Moses Znaimer
Prescribing his vision for the future of television, Moses Znaimer presents The Ten Comman...
published: 23 Mar 2011
author: mosesznaimer
The Ten Commandments of Television According to Moses Znaimer
The Ten Commandments of Television According to Moses Znaimer
Prescribing his vision for the future of television, Moses Znaimer presents The Ten Commandments of Television. Originally broadcast in 1995 as part of "TVTV...- published: 23 Mar 2011
- views: 403
- author: mosesznaimer

Tribute to Moses Znaimer - Canadian Music Week, 2004
For more information, please visit: http://www.mosesznaimer.com....
published: 31 Mar 2011
author: mosesznaimer
Tribute to Moses Znaimer - Canadian Music Week, 2004
Tribute to Moses Znaimer - Canadian Music Week, 2004
For more information, please visit: http://www.mosesznaimer.com.- published: 31 Mar 2011
- views: 351
- author: mosesznaimer

A Snapshot of Citytv (1995) - Moses Znaimer
"We've seen the future of television and we're totally unnerved." -- CBS Network Executive...
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: mosesznaimer
A Snapshot of Citytv (1995) - Moses Znaimer
A Snapshot of Citytv (1995) - Moses Znaimer
"We've seen the future of television and we're totally unnerved." -- CBS Network Executives From MovieTelevision to FashionTelevision to the legendary Speake...- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 722
- author: mosesznaimer

Launch of "Moses Znaimer Way" on Queen Street
On Friday December 11, 2008, photographer Walter Psotka was asked to follow Moses Znaimer ...
published: 06 May 2011
author: mosesznaimer
Launch of "Moses Znaimer Way" on Queen Street
Launch of "Moses Znaimer Way" on Queen Street
On Friday December 11, 2008, photographer Walter Psotka was asked to follow Moses Znaimer on what was to be one of the best days of his life. Moses was honou...- published: 06 May 2011
- views: 363
- author: mosesznaimer

Haley Borden and Moses Znaimer idea city conference- Pilatecize
Haley borden and Moses Zmaimer doing Pilatecize at the idea city conference....
published: 05 Jun 2013
author: haley borden
Haley Borden and Moses Znaimer idea city conference- Pilatecize
Haley Borden and Moses Znaimer idea city conference- Pilatecize
Haley borden and Moses Zmaimer doing Pilatecize at the idea city conference.- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 55
- author: haley borden

Moses Znaimer: "The Story is Always Us"
For more information, please visit: http://www.mosesznaimer.com....
published: 31 Mar 2011
author: mosesznaimer
Moses Znaimer: "The Story is Always Us"
Moses Znaimer: "The Story is Always Us"
For more information, please visit: http://www.mosesznaimer.com.- published: 31 Mar 2011
- views: 421
- author: mosesznaimer

Irving Layton Centenary - Moses Znaimer
Moses Znaimer, CEO of Zoomer Media, paying homage to the Canadian poet Irving Layton (1912...
published: 22 Jun 2012
author: Endre Farkas
Irving Layton Centenary - Moses Znaimer
Irving Layton Centenary - Moses Znaimer
Moses Znaimer, CEO of Zoomer Media, paying homage to the Canadian poet Irving Layton (1912-2006) upon his Centenary. Moses Znaimer, an internationally renown...- published: 22 Jun 2012
- views: 168
- author: Endre Farkas

History of Citytv - Studioless and Streetfront (1995) - Moses Znaimer
"The problem is not too much television, but too much of the same television." -- Moses. A...
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: mosesznaimer
History of Citytv - Studioless and Streetfront (1995) - Moses Znaimer
History of Citytv - Studioless and Streetfront (1995) - Moses Znaimer
"The problem is not too much television, but too much of the same television." -- Moses. At 299 Queen Street West, large windows opening to the street, allow...- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 332
- author: mosesznaimer

Moses Znaimer interviewed by Anna Maria Tremonti on CBC Radio's The Current
In advance of the coming election, CBC Radio's Anna Maria Tremonti interviews Moses Znaime...
published: 15 Apr 2011
author: mosesznaimer
Moses Znaimer interviewed by Anna Maria Tremonti on CBC Radio's The Current
Moses Znaimer interviewed by Anna Maria Tremonti on CBC Radio's The Current
In advance of the coming election, CBC Radio's Anna Maria Tremonti interviews Moses Znaimer on The Current, April 13th 2011, as part of a special three-part ...- published: 15 Apr 2011
- views: 580
- author: mosesznaimer

Moses Launches Bravo! (1995) - Moses Znaimer
Moses launches new specialty channel called Bravo! -- Canada's NewsStyleArtsChannel and it...
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: mosesznaimer
Moses Launches Bravo! (1995) - Moses Znaimer
Moses Launches Bravo! (1995) - Moses Znaimer
Moses launches new specialty channel called Bravo! -- Canada's NewsStyleArtsChannel and its groundbreaking live performance hall at 299 Queen Street West, To...- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 267
- author: mosesznaimer
Youtube results:

Moses Znaimer with Fanny Kiefer Part 1 of 2
Canadian Media Legend, Moses Znaimer, speaks with Fanny Kiefer about his career in Canadia...
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: Fanny Kiefer
Moses Znaimer with Fanny Kiefer Part 1 of 2
Moses Znaimer with Fanny Kiefer Part 1 of 2
Canadian Media Legend, Moses Znaimer, speaks with Fanny Kiefer about his career in Canadian Broadcast, his new Zoomer Media and his role as President of CARP...- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 153
- author: Fanny Kiefer

TVTV - Moses Znaimer's 3-hour history of television - 1992
The awesome original opening sequence of Moses Znaimer's epic history of television. From ...
published: 08 Feb 2009
author: John Sobol
TVTV - Moses Znaimer's 3-hour history of television - 1992
TVTV - Moses Znaimer's 3-hour history of television - 1992
The awesome original opening sequence of Moses Znaimer's epic history of television. From 1992. Yes that's me riffing and blowing my horn. It's amazing TV. T...- published: 08 Feb 2009
- views: 968
- author: John Sobol

Moses Znaimer 1 of 3
published: 27 Jan 2013
author: Harpreet Singh Show
Moses Znaimer 1 of 3

JoytvNews - Moses Znaimer Vancouver 2012
CARP president Moses Znaimer has an exciting new message, and a new vision of aging for Ca...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: ZoomerMedia
JoytvNews - Moses Znaimer Vancouver 2012
JoytvNews - Moses Znaimer Vancouver 2012
CARP president Moses Znaimer has an exciting new message, and a new vision of aging for Canada. JoytvNEWS caught up with him on his media and community talks...- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 76
- author: ZoomerMedia